legendBeware, the automatic translator changes contents and it reverses scientific names : please use the English version to save this list.

Please note that printed reprints are today no longer available. Notably, no reprint is left for recent publications, due to overall restrictions by publishers. Full list, up to January 2025, with C.V., as PDF, whereas detailed list with abstracts and links, continuously updated, is hereafter.

Please colleague researchers, to ask for a reprint availability or a PDF, if not herein, please copy the full bibliographic reference into a message to Dr Jean H. Huber, using mailbox at the end of this page.

Our objective is to offer an online file of most papers in English (original print or translation) and possibly in the original language if not English (mostly French, rarely German). But please, be aware that original illustrations (figures, maps, tables) are usually not included in the attached html files (they are if a PDF is available) because it would overweight too much them and also because many of these papers, if recent, are still available on sale by their publishers.

The currently available files are noticed at the end of each concerned article with the available language in italics: FRENCH / ENGLISH / ENGLISH-US / GERMAN and the number of Kbytes "KO" (if html-php online files) or as PDF with FR or EN or DE, if in French, English, or German.
Purely aquaristic works (mainly to promote killifish to aquarists) are not available herein.
All articles from Killi-Data Series (2011 - ) are freely available to members as PDFs.



* Glass, T. & J.H. Huber. 1973. Les Killies. La Pisciculture Française, 32 (1972): 49-61, figs.

* Huber, J.H. 1974a. Aphyosemion celiae Scheel. Pisciculture Française, (Suppl.), (36): 2 pp., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1974b. Notes sur la Validité du Genre Roloffia. Killi Revue (Killi Club de France), 6 (4): 38-42. FRENCH-7KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1974c. Aphyosemion sjoestedti, un Killi semi-annuel. Aquarama, 8 (28): 9-12. fig.

* Huber, J.H. 1975a. Cynolebias alexandri Castello & Lopez. Supp. Rev. fr. Aquariol.,(Suppl.), 2 (1): 2 pp., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1975b. Aphyosemion marmoratum Radda. Rev. fr. Aquariol.,(Suppl.), 2 (2): 2 pp., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. & F. Wright. 1975. Une revue de l'espèce polytypique Aphyosemion gardneri Boul. Rev. fr. Aquariol, 2 (1): 2-7, 13 figs., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1976. Un nouveau Killi du Gabon nord-oriental Aphyosemion abacinum nov. spec. (Athériniforme, Cyprinodontidé, Rivuliné). Rev. fr. Aquariol., 3 (3): 79-82, 4 figs., 3 tabs. ENGLISH-US11KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Radda, A.C. & J.H. Huber. 1976. Cyprinodontiden-Studien in Gabun I. Algemeines Nord-Westgabun. Aquaria, 23: 179-189. GERMAN-27KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Chauche, M. & J.H. Huber. 1977. Aphyosemion coeleste Huber & Radda. Rev. fr. Aquariol. (Suppl.), 4 (4), 151: 2 pp., fig., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1977a. Liste nominale annotée de Aphyosemion Myers, avec Description de Raddaella et Kathetys deux Sous-genres nouveaux à la Biologie originale. Killi Revue (Killi Club de France), (Suppl.), 4 (4): 16 pp., 2 figs., 2 tabs., photo. FRENCH-17KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1977b. Une Chaine de deux Aphyosemion sympatriques dans les Monts de Cristal, Gabon, avec Description d'une Espèce nouvelle: A. mimbon n.sp. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 4 (1): 3-10, 13 photos, tab., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1977c. Aphyosemion australe Rachow. Rev. fr. Aquariol. (Suppl.), 4 (1), 133: 2 pp., fig., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. & A.C. Radda. 1977. Cyprinodontiden Studien in Gabun. IV. Das Du Chaillu-Massiv. Aquaria, 24: 89-110, 10 figs., 5 tabs.GERMAN-42KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Huber, J.H. & L. Seegers. 1977. Vorläufige Beschreibung von Diapteron, nov. subgen. Deutsche Killifisch Gemein. J., 9 (9): 146-148, map., or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Radda, A.C. & J.H. Huber. 1977a. Cyprinodontiden-Studien in Gabun. III. Zentral-und Südostgabun. Aquaria, 24: 59-69. GERMAN-46KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Radda, A.C. & J.H. Huber. 1977b. Cyprinodontiden-Studien in Gabun. V. Das Tiefland West-Gabuns und die Mayumbe-Berge. Aquaria, 24: 137-150, 8 figs., 4 tabs. GERMAN-55KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-DE, translated in 1978, as Cyprinodontidae studies in Gabon. V. The Lowlands of West Gabon & the Mayumbe Hills. British Killifish Assn. Pub. (Separatum March): 13 pp., 7 figs., 4 tabs.

* Radda A.C., J.H. Huber, & E. Pürzl. 1977. Neue Prachtkärpflinge aus Gabun I. Das Aquarium, 11 (101): 464-466, 3 photos.

* Huber, J.H. 1978. Contribution à la Connaissance des Cyprinodontidés de l'Afrique Occidentale: Caractères taxonomiques et Tentative de Groupement des Espèces du genre Aphyosemion (Cyprinodontidés). Rev. fr. Aquariol., 5 (1): 1-29, 9 figs., 30 photos, 6 maps, or download the long publication (be patient : 45 Mbytes !) PDF-FR (published part of Doctorate thesis).

* Huber, J.H. & L. Seegers. 1978. Diapteron, nouveau sous-genre de Aphyosemion Myers. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 5 (4): 115-116, 2 figs., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Radda, A.C. & J.H. Huber. 1978. Die Rivulinae des südlichen Kongo (Brazzaville) 1. Beschreibung von vier neuen Arten der Gattung Aphyosemion Myers. Aquaria, 25: 173-183, 11 figs., or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Radda A.C., J.H. Huber, & E. Pürzl. 1978. Neue Prachtkärpflinge aus Gabun II. Das Aquarium, 12 (104): 59-61, 4 photos.

* Huber, J.H. 1979a. A propos de quatre nouvelles Collections de Rivulus des Guyanes, avec Description de Rivulus xiphidius n. sp. et Rivulus amphoreus n. sp. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 6 (3): 65-72, 11 figs., 2 maps, tab (translated in Killi News B.K.A., N°206, 1-12, 1982). ENGLISH32KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1979b. Cyprinodontidés de la Cuvette Congolaise, Adamas formosus n. gen., n. sp. et nouvelle Description de Aphyosemion splendidum. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 6 (1): 5-10, 6 figs., 2 tabs. ENGLISH94KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1979c. Epiplatys annulatus (Boul.) I & II. Rev. fr. Aquariol. (Suppl.), 6 (2): 4 pp., 2 figs., 3 photos, or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. & A.C. Radda. 1979. Die Rivulinae des südlichen Kongo (Brazzaville). 2. Der Aphyosemion lujae-Komplex. Aquaria, 26: 175-185, 12 figs., 3 tabs., or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Huber, J.H. 1980a. Die Aphyosemion Arten des Ivindo Beckens im Kongo mit der Beschreibung von Aphyosemion (Diapteron) seegersi nov. spec. Deutsche Killifisch Gemein. J., s12 (1): 1-10, figs., or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Huber, J.H. 1980b. Contribution à l'étude de la Morphoespèce Epiplatys multifasciatus. Ebauche systématique et Description de Epiplatys mesogramma n. sp. et Ep. phoeniceps n. sp. Killi Revue (Killi Club de France) (Suppl.): 7 (2): 16 pp, 2 figs., tab., map., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1980c. Rapport sur la deuxième Expédition au Gabon (Août 79). Etude des Cyprinodontidés récoltés. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 7 (2): 37-42, figs., 8 photos, tab., map., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Chauche, M., J.H. Huber & A. Lambert. 1981a,b. Trois fantastiques Aphyosemion du Gabon septentrional I & II. Aquarama, 15 (58): 14-17, 49, figs.; (59): 14-17, 70, figs.

* Huber, J.H. 1981a. A new but well known Aphyosemion species from the Southern Congolese Plateau, Aphyosemion zygaima n. sp. Trop. Fish Hobbyist, 29 (8) April: 23-30. ENGLISH-US29KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 1981b. Cynolebias heloplites n. sp., un Cyprinodontidé nouveau, mais bien connu du Sertao Brésilien. Killi Revue (Killi Club de France) (Suppl.), 5 (Octobre): 15 pp., 2 photos, figs., tab., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1981c. Die Überart Aphyosemion ogoense. Eine systematische Übersicht, sowie die Darstellung von hypothetischen Artbildungsmodellen. Deutsche Killifisch Gem. J., 13 (9): 133-148, 16 figs., 3 maps (transl. French Killi Revue KCF, English Killi News BKA). ENGLISH36KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Huber, J.H. 1981d. Aphyosemion walkeri (Boul.) I & II. Rev. fr. Aquariol. (Suppl.), 8 (1) 205-206: 4 pp., fig., map., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1981e. Aphyosemion lamberti Radda & Huber. Rev. fr. Aquariol. (Suppl.), 8 (2), 212: 2pp., fig., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1981f. A Review of the Cyprinodont Fauna of the coastal Plain in Rio Muni, Gabon, Congo, Cabinda, & Zaire with taxonomic shifts in Aphyosemion, Epiplatys, & west African Procatopodins. British Killifish Assn. Pub. (Separatum November), 46 pp., 27 figs., 16 photos. ENGLISH101KO (without the critical maps), or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. & J.J. Scheel. 1981. Revue systématique de la superespèce Aphyosemion elegans. Descriptions de A. chauchei et A. schioetzi n. sp. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 8 (2): 33-42, 18 figs., 3 tabs., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Seegers, L. & J.H. Huber. 1981. Rivulus cryptocallus n. sp. von der Insel Martinique (Pisces: Atheriniformes: Cyprinodontidae). Senckenbergiana Biol., 61 (3/4) (1980): 169-177, 6 figs., or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* ZZZHuber, J.H. 1982a. Rapport de Synthèse sur l'Expédition au Congo (1978). Cyprinodontidés récoltés et Micropanchax silvestris synonyme de stictopleuron. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 9 (1): 1-12, 9 photos, tab., 5 maps., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1982b. Cyprinodontidés récoltés en Côte d'Ivoire (1974-1978). Cybium, 6 (2): 49-74, 15 figs., 3 plates, maps., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1982c. Epiplatys singa (Boul.). Rev. fr. Aquariol. (Suppl.), 9 (4) 224: 2 pp., fig., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. & D. Poliak. 1982a,b,c,d. Des Drapeaux multicolores pour nos Chromaphyosemion. Aquarama, 16 (67): 14-17, figs.; (68): 30-32, figs; (69): 22-25, 11 figs., 2 tabs.; (70): 18-21, 51, figs.

* Huber J.H., L. Seegers & R.H. Wildekamp. 1983. Liste actualisée des Espèces de Cyprinodontidés. Updated List of Cyprinodontid species. Aktuelle Liste der Cyprinodontiden Arten (Atheriniformes; Pisces). Paris, priv. publ.: 48 pp., figs., or download the long publication (be patient : 21 Mbytes !) PDF-FR-EN-DE

* Huber, J.H. 1984. Cyprinodontids collected in the Ivory Coast. British Killifish Assn. Pub. (Separatum February), 26 pp., 13 figs., 2 maps. ENGLISH120KO

* Chauche, M. & J.H. Huber. 1985. Aphyosemion schwoiseri Scheel & Radda. Rev. fr. Aquariol. (Suppl.), 12 (1) (Suppl.) 286: 2 pp., fig., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Fels, J.F. & J.H. Huber. 1985. Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Rivulus du Pérou, R. derhami n.sp. & nouvelle description de R. beniensis Myers, 1927. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 12 (2): 33-38, 7 figs., 2 tabs., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1985a. Pachypanchax omalonotus (Duméril). Rev. fr. Aquariol., 12(1), (Suppl.): 2 pp., fig., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1985b. Adamas formosus Huber. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 12(1),(Suppl.): 2pp., fig., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1985c. Voyage à la Source: à la Pêche des Killies des Etats américains de New York et du New Jersey. Aquarama, 19 (85): 26-29, 66-67, fig.

* Huber, J.H. & J.F. Fels. 1985. Un nouveau Rivulus de Colombie, Rivulus boehlkei n.sp. (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae). Cybium, 9 (3): 315-319, 1 fig., 1 tab., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1986. A Short Note on a Recent Collection of Rivulus species (Cyprinodontidae; Pisces) from the Brazilian Coastal Plain. J. Amer. Killifish Assoc., 19 (1): 81-86, 2 figs. ENGLISH-US11KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 1987a,b. Procatopus terveri Huber (I & II). Rev. fr. Aquariol. (Suppl.), 13 (4): 4 pp., 1 tab.., 1 fig., 2 photos., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1987c,d. Découvrir les Killies. Aquarama, 21 (93): 38-41, 12 figs.; (94): 34-37, 16 figs.

* Huber, J.H. 1990. Description de Rivulus bahianus n.sp. de la plaine côtière du Brésil (Cyprinodontidae, Rivulinae). Rev. fr. Aquariol., (17) 1: 15-16, 1 fig., 1 tab., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1991. Revue des espèces de Rivulus de Guyane française, avec descriptions de R. cladophorus n. sp. et de R. igneus n. sp. Rev. fr. Aquariol., (18) 3: 65-74, 8 figs, 2 tabs., or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1992. Review of Rivulus. Ecobiogeography - Relationships. Cybium Suppl., Soc. fr. Ichtyologie Publ.: 586 pp., 40 pls., 85 figs, 8 tabs, 13 maps (hard cover, definitely out of stock, possibly on sale only second hand, CONTENTS, fully available for free reading in at least 20 international libraries worldwide).

* Huber, J.H. 1994a. Aphyosemion passaroi, espèce inédite du Gabon Sud-oriental, au patron de coloration unique et Description complémentaire de Aphyosemion decorsei Pellegrin. Revue fr. Aquariol., 20 (1993): 77-79, 1 fig. (Transl. in Brit. Kill. Ass. 1995). ENGLISH19KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1994b. Killi-Data 1994. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities & bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Cyprinodontoidei);in French, English, & German. Cybium, Soc. fr. Ichtyologie Ed., Paris: 366 pp., figs.

* Huber, J.H. 1995a. Nouvelles Collections de Cyprinodontes paraguayens, avec Description de 4 Espèces Rivulines inédites et Redécouverte d'une Espèce à la Localité typique jusqu'alors indéterminée. Killi Contact (Ass. Kill. Franc. Belg.), Aug. 23 (2): 24pp., figs.  ENGLISH-US130KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-FR

* Huber, J.H. 1995b. Synthetic Description of four new annual Rivulin Cyprinodonts from Paraguay. Freshwater & Marine Aquarium (FAMA), 18 (11) November: 104-124, figs., or download the corrected printed publication in black and white, PDF-EN-B&W, or the printed uncorrected publication in colors, PDF-EN-COLORS

* Huber, J.H. 1996. Killi-Data 1996. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities & bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Atherinomorpha); in French, English, & German. Cybium, Soc. fr. Ichtyologie Ed., Paris: 420 pp, figs., 20 maps.

* Huber, J.H. 1998a. Miscellaneous Notes on some Systematic Difficulties Regarding old World Cyprinodonts. J. Amer. Killifish Assoc., 31 (1): 3-17, 28-32. ENGLISH-US50KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 1998b. A new Cyprinodont species with a uniquely-colored female, Aphyosemion hera n. sp. (Cyprinodontiformes, Pisces), from northwestern Gabon. Rev. Suisse Zool., 105 (2): 331-338, 3 figs. ENGLISH21KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 1998c. Aphyosemion alpha n.sp., eine neue Art der Untergattung Chromaphyosemion mit einem ausgeprägten Färbungsmuster und einer besonders südlichen Verbreitung. Das Aquarium (Bornheim), 350 (August): 15-23, 6 figs, 2 maps. ENGLISH30KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-DE

* Huber, J.H. 1998d. A Comparison of Old World and New World Tropical Cyprinodonts. A parallel Outlook of similar and distinctive Characteristics regarding Distribution, Evolution, Ecology, Behavior, Morphomeristics. Soc. fr. Ichtyologie Ed., Paris (Oct. 10): 109 pp., 17 figs. (read the introduction-abstract: ENGLISH29KO or download the very long publication (be patient : 128 Mbytes !) PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 1999a. Updates on the Phylogeny and Systematics of the neotropical Cyprinodont Genus Rivulus and its allied (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulinae). Cybium, 23 (1): 29-52, 1 fig., 3 tabs. ENGLISH75KO (+430KO:figs) or directly at Cybium ARCHIVES [a minor page inversion with twin article 1999b]

* Huber, J.H. 1999b. Updates on the Phylogeny and Systematics of the African Lampeye schooling Cyprinodonts (Aplocheilichthyinae, Cyprinodontiformes). Cybium, 23 (1): 53-77, 1 fig., 3 tabs. ENGLISH82KO (+551KO: figs) or directly at Cybium ARCHIVES [a minor page inversion with twin article 1999a]

* Huber, J.H. 1999c. A new Species of Cyprinodont Fish, Aphyosemion tirbaki n. sp. (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheilidae) from Gabon, with further Evidence of the Frontier Species Concept. Freshwater & Marine Aquarium (FAMA), 22 (4), April: 104-118, 5 figs., 1 tab. ENGLISH-US64KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 1999d. The estuarian Cyprinodont Angel, Poropanchax scheeli (Roman, 1970) (Aplocheilichthyinae, Cyprinodontiformes): its first Discovery from Gabon, with further Insights on African Lampeyes Systematics and on specialized Cyprinodonts in brackish Waters. Freshwater & Marine Aquarium (FAMA), 22 (8), August: 52-78, 5 figs., 1 map. ENGLISH-US48KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2000a. Killi-Data 2000. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Cyprinodontiformes); in French, English, German and Spanish. Cybium, Soc. fr. Ichtyologie Ed., Paris.: 538 pp., figs.

* Huber, J.H. 2000b. On nomina oblita among Cyprinodont Species. J. Amer. Killifish Assoc., 33 (2): 43-51. ENGLISH-US28KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2000c. On the possible Identity and Status of Haplochylus lacazei Rochebrune 1885. British Killifish Assn. Pub. (Separatum April), 11 pp., 7 figs. ENGLISH24KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2001 - 2002. Killi-Data online <>. A global Website dedicated to Oviparous Cyprinodontiformes or Killifish, with a Data Base on all known Taxa and Information Services. [status on Intranet researchers availability date January 1. 2001 and on Internet public availability date, July 17. 2002): 1318 html files, including 1452 photos].

* Huber, J.H. 2003. A New Species of annual killifish from southeastern Peru, with a uniquely barred Color Pattern, Moema quiii n.sp. Freshwater & Marine Aquarium (FAMA), 26 (12), (November 15.): 10-19, 9 figs., 1 tab. ENGLISH47KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2004a. Description of a new Aphyosemion species from Congo, A. plagitaenium n.sp., exhibiting a probable intra-generic color convergence with oblique bars. Freshwater & Marine Aquarium (FAMA), 27 (12), (November 15.): 70-74, 5 figs., 1 tab., or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2004b,c,d. What are todays biggest challenges for a better knowledge of Killifish (oviparous Cyprinodontiformes)? Part I, II and III. Brit. Killifish Ass., Killi News, 469: 104-108; 470: 118-126; 471: 131-138. ENGLISH69KO, or download the printed publications, PDF-EN-I, PDF-EN-II, PDF-EN-III

* Huber, J.H. 2005a,b. Identifikation einer kleinen Sammlung von Aphyosemion aus Zaire im Münchener Museum (Z.S.M.), mit weiteren Kommentaren über die Validität der elegans-Superspezies. Teil I und II. Deutsche Killifisch Gemein. J., 37 (1): 8-21, 2 figs; (2): 37-45, 4 figs., or download the printed publication, part I PDF-DE-I, part II PDF-DE-II [English text in : BKA Killi-News, 480 (September, 2005) : 105-115 (part I), 481 (October, 2005) : 117-126 (part II), or download the printed publication, part I PDF-EN-I, part II PDF-EN-II].

* Huber, J.H. 2005c. A Review of Family-group names for oviparous Cyprinodontiformes (Pisces; Teleostei). British Killifish Ass. Publ., Separatum, (October): 16 pp., 1 tab. ENGLISH166KO, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2006a. The Case of fallax-gularis-deltaensis-schwoiseri-kribianus reviewed, after two visits at the Natural History Museum (London). Brit. Killifish Ass., Killi News, Special Edition, 489 (June): 65-80, 3 figs., 1 tab., or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2006b. Killi-Data Catalogue 2006. Killi-Data Editions, Paris, (December 10.): 1028 pp., figs, maps.

* Zee, J.R. van der & J.H. Huber. 2006. Zur Identität von Aphyosemion christyi (Boulenger, 1915), Aphyosemion schoutedeni (Boulenger, 1920) und Aphyosemion castaneum Myers, 1924 (Pisces, Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheilidae). D.K.G. (Deutsche Killifisch Gem.) J., 38 (5): 131-142, 7 figs., 1 tab., or download the printed publication, PDF-DE (translated BKA Killi-News, n°494, PDF-EN)

* Huber, J.H. 2007a. Killi-Data 2007. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities & bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodontiformes Fishes (ATHERINOMORPHA, PISCES). In French, English, German, Portuguese and Spanish. Killi-Data Editions, Paris.: 410 pp. (each language), figs.

* Huber, J.H. 2007b. Non-availability of a name electronically published: the case of Adamas Huber, 1979 (Pisces, Cyprinodontiformes, Nothobranchiidae), invalidly replaced on the Internet. Zoosystema, 29 (1): 209-214, or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2007c. Procatopus websteri: A New Species of Lampeye Killifish from Akaka camp, western Gabon (Teleostei: Poeciliidae: Aplocheilichthyinae), exhibiting similarities of pattern and morphology with another sympatric Lampeye species, Aplocheilichthys spilauchen.Trop. Fish Hob., 55 (1): 110-114, 4 figs. [TFH Magazine has freely placed the article online], or download the printed publication, PDF-EN

* Huber, J.H. 2011a. Description of Aapticheilichthys, nov. gen., a new monotypic fish genus of Lampeyes (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) from western Africa. Killi-Data Series 2011, 4-9. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2011b. Comments on the Identification of Poll's type of Aphyosemion maeseni by Sonnenberg & Busch, 2009. Killi-Data Series 2011, 10-12. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2011c. Comments on the Name Correction of Callopanchax sidibei into C. sidibeorum, by Sonnenberg & Busch, 2010. Killi-Data Series 2011, 13-15. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2012a. Proposal of a replacement family-group name for pre-occupied Epiplateinae Huber. Killi-Data Series 2012, 4-8. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2012b. Reappraisal of the Phylogeny of Rivulus and its Allied focused on External Characters. Killi-Data Series 2012, 9-25, 3 figs., 2 tabs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2012c. Description of Yssolebias, nov. gen., a new monotypic fish genus for an old and phantom species of Colombia. Killi-Data Series 2012, 26-31. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2013. Reappraisal of the Phylogeny of the African genus Aphyosemion (Cyprinodontiformes) focused on External Characters, in line with Molecular Data, with new and redefined Subgenera. Killi-Data Series 2013, 4-20, 2 figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2014. Nomenclatural changes regarding some taxa names created by DeKay, McClelland, Myers, Steindachner, Valenciennes, following the new availability of old publications as electronic archives on the Internet. Killi-Data Series 2014, 24-35, 3 figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2015a. A morphological Rediagnosis of Yssolebias within cyprinodontoids (Cyprinodontiformes) following the detailed osteological Analysis by Costa based on a new Radiograph of the single Type of Cyprinodon martae Steindachner. Killi-Data Series 2015, 4-16, 3 figs., 2 tabs.  ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2015b. Comments on the Description of Aphanius marassantensis by Pfleiderer, Geiger & Herder, 2014, with proposed Synonymization. Killi-Data Series 2015, 31-35, 1 fig. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2017a. Reanalysis of single Type of Rivulus ocellatus Hensel, 1880 in Berlin Museum pending its putative molecular Analysis, with the Proposal of Revalidation of Rivulus caudomarginatus. Killi-Data Series 2016-2017, 4-12, 5 figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2017b. Miscellaneous Comments on Haplochilus marnoi and bifasciatus Steindachner, 1881, with Lectotype Designations, on the Identity of Rivulus rachovii Ahl, 1925 with suggested Revalidation, and on the ICZN Availability or not of two synonymized Taxa. Killi-Data Series 2016-2017, 13-23, 9 figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2019. A nomenclatural and systematic Analysis of livebearing Cyprinodontiformes (Acanthopterygii: Anablepsinae, Goodeinae, Poeciliidae). Killi-Data Series 2019, 4-155, 3 tabs., 8 figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2020. A new but since long known lampeye species, Lacustricola bragancai, from central Angola (Cyprinodontiformes, Procatopodidae). Killi-Data Series 2020, 4-10, 1 fig. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. 2021. A new but since long misidentified species, Rivulus collieri n. sp., from Peruvian Amazon (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae). Killi-Data Series 2021, 4-11, figs. ABSTRACT

* Dominguez, O.C., S.C. Valdez, T.M.C. Muñoz, J.H. Huber & M. Reichard. 2022. Protogynous functional Hermaphroditism in the North American annual killifish, Millerichthys robustus. Nature Scientific Reports, 14 pp. FREE PDF

* Meinema, E. & J.H. Huber, 2023. Review of Pantanodontidae (Cyprinodontiformes) and its fossil and extant genera Pantanodon Myers, 1955 and †Paralebias Gaudant, 2013 with descriptions of two new recent genera and five new species. Killi-Data Series 2023, 21-73, figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H, D.A.V. Mejía & F.B.M. Vermeulen. 2023. Two new Rivulus sp. from north-western Colombia, after a redescription of Riv. pacificus (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae). Killi-Data Series 2023, 74-99, figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H., 2024. Taxonomic Reappraisal and Rearrangement of genus Epiplatys and Its generic and specific Components, with 2 new subgenera. Killi-Data Series 2024, 4-60, figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H. & E. Meinema, 2024. Exceptional intra-lacustrine speciation in brackish inland Lake Turkana, with description of Eremodon nov.gen. and two new species, in comparison to coastal Aliteranodon effusorium n. sp. (Pantanodontidae; Cyprinodontiformes).Killi-Data Series 2024, 71-99, figs. ABSTRACT

* Huber, J.H., 2025. Short description of Fluviphylax rubens n. sp., a new so-called lampeye Cyprinodontiformes from Colombia with exceptionally few dorsal-fin rays. Cybium, 48 (4) (2024): 327-331, figs. ABSTRACT



This author has financially supported Paris MNHN directly to the institution and through Société Française d'Ichtyologie legend

plus various scientific INSTITUTIONS and also killifish ASSOCIATIONS through free services and contributions.