Important note : this page is only designed for members to renew their membership to database and intranet platform (i.e., the member's section)… if you have lost your ID and-or PW, please follow the ID-PW RENEWAL process ; if you have not lost them and cannot any more access the member's section, the reason is probably that you have not accessed the member's section since a year and more or that you changed your e-mail address without notifying Killi-Data and your account has been frozen for security sake.


RENEWAL of active membership to Killi-Data is then an easy process… send an e-mail with, in the subject box, renewal to Killi-Data and your full name…
in the message box, just state as many information supplied in your initial registration form (e.g. full name, home full postal address, birth date, ID and PW and-or the short unique-to-you statement) and add the following statement : Dear Dr Huber, I confirm I wish to continue to freely access the knowledge base of Killi-Data and benefit of all its free services, and obviously I shall visit regularly and I shall keep to conform to the 9 ethical commitments I signed along my initial registration with Killi-Data. Here is my full home postal address : xxxxxx. I sign and date: yyyyyyy, 2021-06-15.
Within a week (maybe more during holiday periods), your will receive an answer that your account has been re-activated (in the future… please do not sleep on it !)