From a basic and simple ancestor titled "Updated List of Cyprinodontidae species", a printed booklet of 48 pages published in 1983, the concept of Killi-Data emerges as a documentation of everything publicly known upon Cyprinodonts {then only oviparous Cyprinodontiformes} as a tool of evidence based science by author, editor and researcher Jean H. Huber in connection with Paris MNHN ; its first concrete representation is Killi-Data 1994 (2 editions), a printed book of 366 pages in 3 languages, already with the whole concept applied, including the idea that profits derived from whatever sale are to be totally redistributed to researchers and collectors -not to the author or editor- in order to boost knowledge on killifish, with following contents : species and genera available names and their validity status, plus the alternatives (coded by #), aquarium populations, distribution by country, plus collecting localities in tropical areas, key success factors for collecting&, breeding requirements for each valid species, crossing experiments, an indexed bibliography, suprageneric systematics, short diagnoses of genera, key data per species, list of describers, overall statistics on killies, addresses of the Killi clubs in the world and a glossary ; next published printed book of 420 pages is issued in 1996 with all updates followed by a first attempt of its electronic translation within MNHN online databases ; next published printed book 538 pages is issued in 2000 with all updates and a fourth language (Spanish) ; first electronic implementation first as an Intranet service in 2001, then as an Internet service in 2002, in 2 parts, a public part for guests (with e-mail access) and a members' part (for registered users following contributions to database or modest fee) with incremental pages and services added during 2003-2005 ; next published printed book is a special extract of database named Killi-Data Catalogue issued in 2006 with not less than 1080 pages ; next published standard printed book, split into 5 books, each for a language, of 410 pages, is issued in 2007 with all updates and a fifth language (Portuguese) ; next milestone is the yearly publication of a new scientific journal named Killi-Data Series since 2011 ; next milestone is the move of huge data contents into a SQL relational database in 2010 with many additional on-request lists, along the creation, in 2012, of Killi-Data International, a legal not-for-profit association, to hold all financial revenues and decided grants in an official format, up to end of 2017 when association is dissolved and remaining cash returned to members or donated to Institutions (with no money involved any more in the project and access to knowledgebase fully free) ; next and last-to-date milestone, in 2019, is the huge extension of Killi-Data to extant viviparous groups, enlarging the focus to all cyprinodontiform fishes ; as addendum, the detailed financial accounts (2001-2017) when access to database is obtained through a modest fee are given as well as the grants and donations distributed with net cash derived from fees (4624 €), while today access to database is free and no grant or donations are concerned any more.
(this section is made of short announcements as basic information for quick reading, followed by all details within pink frames, excerpted from previous electronic newsletters and web pages today deleted)
Concept and principles of Killi-Data stem in 1979 along the project of CLOFFA, co-edited by Prof. Jacques Daget (†), then ichthyological director of the Paris MNHN, with two other European INSTITUTIONS, London BMNH and Tervuren MRAC. CLOFFA, the CheckList Of Fresh Water Fishes of Africa, has been a major publication, that featured each valid freshwater fish taxon of Africa with its type locality, type series, synonyms and used names, linked with bibliographic references. The Cyprinodonts, included in volume III published in 1983, was co-authored by Rudolph H. Wildekamp (Gemert, Holland), Raymond Romand (Clermond-Ferrand, France) and Joergen J. Scheel (Copenhagen, Danmark and Saint Paul de Vence, France), and the present author was requested to act as an advisor to MNHN.
The ancestor of Killi-Data is the "Updated List of Cyprinodontidae species", a booklet of 48 pages published in 1983, at the same time as CLOFFA III, by Jean H. Huber, the present author, Lothar Seegers (Dinslaken, Germany) and Rudolph H. Wildekamp. The ULC contained two basic lists of names: a "valid list" of those names felt valid, with aquarium populations, breeding characteristics and maximum size; a "general list" with all names and their validity status. These two basic lists, together with a foreword in three languages (French, English and German) explaining the systematic choices, were felt to cover the minimum required for a day-to-day reference. All African information were duplicated from CLOFFA, except some recent taxonomic changes in lampeyes {then as Aplocheilichthyins}. A second edition (in 1986) and a third edition (in 1989) have been circulated to incorporate corrections, updating and minor improvements.
The main constraint with the "ULC" was purely technical: complicated and rigid programs have had to be written to build the two simple lists. Only, the emergence of new technologies (PC's and spreadsheets as Lotus123, then Excel, with their simple macro-instructions) have allowed to rethink the project to develop Killi-Data. Unfortunately, the two other co-authors, the former deeply involved in his huge project "A World of Killies" and the latter working at his Doctorate thesis on "Lake Rukwa Fishes", declined to participate.
Killi-Data 1994 is the first book to be published, authored by Jean H. Huber, in 3 languages : French, English, German and it holds 366 pages (ISBN 2-9507 330-2-6) : first edition: January 31. 1994, second edition: November 30. 1994
Details of printed book Killi-Data 1994 : Paris, July 31. 1994 Dear Colleague, Dear Aquarist, Dear Publisher ! We are pleased to introduce you to our new book, Killi-Data 1994, or the "Bible" as some early readers nickname it ; it is published in 3 languages : French, English, German and it holds 366 pages. Obviously, this work is very special, since this is not encompassing the results of our own research, but the overviews of others. Our task has been to be as much unbiased as we can (we had to decide on debated cases), to gather, analyse and consolidate the data, to ask for the complicated computer programs and to write some chapters, mainly designed as an educational tool for hobbyists. This book is the latest outcome of past noteworthy efforts by us, together with Wildekamp & Seegers (1983, 1986, 1989), by Lazara (1984), by Wildekamp, Romand & Scheel in CLOFFA (1986), not to mention the standard yearly Zoological Record. It brings even more information : species and genera available names and their validity status, plus the alternatives (coded by #) ; aquarium populations ; distribution by country, plus collecting localities in tropical areas; key success factors for collecting ; breeding requirements for each valid species; crossing experiments ; an indexed bibliography ; suprageneric systematics ; short diagnoses of genera ; key data per species ; list of describers ; overall statistics on killies, addresses of the Killi clubs in the world and a glossary. The objective is to publish an updated version, each year or so, all the more because some chapters are in progress, new items may be added and because we have powerful computers at our disposal. The publisher is Société Française d'Ichtyologie, a well known scientific association, linked with the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle ; it produces a quarterly magazine on fishes, Cybium, and edited in 1992 our review of the genus Rivulus (586pp.). No printing plans with printer with Killi-Data : we will issue only the necessary copies by photocopying, then switching to a new edition with new updating ; however, the next substantially different edition is not scheduled before March 1996. The project is sponsored by a non-profit organization (the Aquarium and the University of Nancy, France) and therefore, profits will not be given to the author, but directly to S.F.I., UNICEF and Institutions and indirectly to Killi Clubs to which it will be sold at cost. Because of cost, please understand that there is no complementary copy ; should you wish to obtain a copy, please fill in the order form or contact your Killi Club, for which addresses are available also (we manage orders for the publisher : S.F.I.). Direct individual purchases are though discouraged (180 French Francs per copy {today around 17€}) and bulk orders are offered at cost to Killi Clubs (620 French Francs for 10 copies excluding postage {today around 94€}). |
Killi-Data 1996 is the second book to be published, still authored by Jean H. Huber and in 3 languages and it holds 420 pages, with additional topics to 1994 edition, such as results of crossing experiments, major morphomeristic characters of each valid species, suprageneric systematics, a proposed code of ethics for aquarists, a glossary (ISBN 2-9507 330-3-4) : first edition : February 29. 1996, second edition : August 30. 1996, third edition : October 20. 1996.
Details of Killi-Data 1996 : Paris, March 26, 1996. Dear Colleague, dear Aquarist ! We are very pleased to announce the publication of Killi-Data 1996, which takes place and improves greatly Killi-Data 1994. Killi-Data 1996. Updated Checklist of Taxonomic Names, Collecting Localities and Bibliographic References of Oviparous Cyprinodont Fishes (Atherinomorpha, Pisces). Publisher : Société française d'Ichtyologie, same address as the author. Date of Publication: February 29. 1996. Public Price: 196 French Francs {today around 29€} (by Credit Card). Author: Jean H. Huber, Laboratoire d'Ichtyologie, Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, 43 rue Cuvier, 75231 PARIS cedex 05, France, fax: (33) 1 40 79 37 71; e-mail: {today inactive} KILLI-DATA 1996, or the "Bible" as some readers nickname it, encompasses everything of what has been published on oviparous Cyprinodonts since Linnaeus in an unquestionable manner; it is published in 3 languages: French, English, German and holds 400 pages, with a smaller police size, plus 20 pages of maps of distribution. It is updated until December 31. 1995. The book complements the standard yearly Zoological Record; it brings even more information: - species-level available names in various listings (in alphabetical order, in pyramidal building, according to describers names, according to their validity, according to their country of distribution), with their correct labelling; the alternative status of validity and the alternative names by various authors are also given, coded by #. - species-level valid names are detailed with the aquarium populations, the distribution by country, the maximum size and the type of breeding. - genus-level available and valid names, with alternatives to their status. - all recorded collecting localities in tropical areas are listed precisely with their geographical coordinates in addition and are plotted on maps (key success factors for collecting are described). - the results of the crossing experiments are reported. - the major morphomeristic characters of each valid species are tabled, with mean values for genera, subgenera and superspecies groups if unnamed. - a short diagnosis of each valid genus is also given comprising data of distribution, sympatric groups, ecology, behaviour, morphology, osteology and specificities, with drawings of the type species of subgenera. - various chapters describing the State of the Art of the taxonomy and systematics at the genus and species level, of the suprageneric systematics, a proposed code of ethics for aquarists, plus a glossary and the addresses of the Killi Clubs in each country. - an alphabetic bibliography from 1766 to 1995, with the content of each article given in a coded form for each species covered in depth. - a list of all taxa with all attached publications for each of them. - overall statistics on Killies, derived from all the listings. Here are some statistical highlights of Killi-Data 1996 (with the same data from Killi-Data 1994, as a comparison) : number of taxa (species and subspecies) 1047 (1023), number of valid species and subspecies 676 (670), number of taxa (genus and subgenus) 119, number of valid genera 54 (51), number of available aquarium populations 1771 (1421), number of articles in bibliography 3672 (3002), number of codes for indexed bibliography 10017 (4412), number of locality x species in tropical countries 3478 (2182). No additional printing plans with Killi-Data 1996 : we will issue only the necessary further copies by photocopying, then switching to a new edition with new updating; the objective is to publish an updated version regularly, however, the next substantially different edition is not scheduled before March 1998. The project has been partly sponsored by a non-profit organization (Dr D. Terver, on behalf of the University of Nancy and of the Tropical Aquarium) and therefore, profits will not be given to the author, but directly to S.F.I. (for MNHN), UNICEF and Institutions and indirectly to Killi Clubs to which it is being sold at cost. The author himself is a specialist of oviparous cyprinodontiformes fishes : as of 1996, he described 49 taxa at the species level and 6 taxa at the genus level, since his thesis published in 1978. |
Internet book-derived Killi-Data 1997 (in part based from 1996 edition) is presented for the first time in late 1997, with similar lists and some preliminary services (alerts and news), available in English, French and German, and hosted in Paris MNHN Web site databases.
Details of Killi-Data Web : Paris, November 20., 1997. Dear Colleague, dear Aquarist ! We are very pleased to let you know in priority that book Killi-Data 1996 (updated: December 31. 1995) is now available in English, French and German, on the Internet, with assistance of Information Systems ichthyological department at Paris MNHN. The direct address of the Paris Museum Web site is : (today deleted) In addition to the book (for which the next issue is being prepared), a short list, dedicated to the electronic version only, has been designed to inform of the newest described taxa in Cyprinodonts with their attached bibliographic reference : this will be updated frequently ; then if you are creating a new taxon, please inform us as soon as it is published ! Of course you may download all files and even publish them, with or without a personal added value ; hopefully, you will prepare your own lists, analysis and statistics ; no need for a prior permission, but, please, to promote Killi-Data so that it survives through future issues, you must quote your source {note : actually data are then copied everywhere on the wild wide web with non scientific changes and deviations and no updates so that prior permission is compulsory today, besides knowing that the Internet has changed along time substantially in spirit and culture into a mercantile universe}. Killi-Data is a non profit (and even still now a money loosing) venture ; please, do not hesitate to widespread the event of Killi-Data on the Internet ; do not hesitate also to send us your feedback and suggestions, so that it can be improved in the future (e-mails: currently invalid) {MNHN official e-mail address is deleted in October 1998 due to unexpected constraints and other priorities, the author being less and less capable to visit the offices and answer in proper time to electronic messages within the proprietary platform, thus not being in line with the "netiquette", even if still positive and enthusiastic for Internet !}. |
Killi-Data 2000 is the third book to be published, still authored by Jean H. Huber and in 4 languages (Spanish is added) and it holds 538 pages, plus figures, with a single additional topic to 1996 edition, i.e. priority regions and countries to collect (a global edition with four languages, ISBN 2-9507330-6-9, a French version, alone (also available on a CD-rom of the French edition, via K.C.F., in VRX format), ISBN 2-9507330-7-7, an English version, alone, ISBN 2-9507330-8-5, a German version, alone, ISBN 2-9507330-9-3, a Spanish version, alone, ISBN 2-9514628-0-8, first {and single} edition: printed on January 15. 2000.
Details of Killi-Data 2000 : Paris, December 23., 1999 Dear Colleague, dear Aquarist ! We are very pleased to let you know in priority that Killi-Data 2000 (updated : November 30. 1999) is to be published on January 1. (for the Millennium !) ; it takes over Killi-Data 1994 and 1996, now sold out. Killi-Data 2000 is basically identical by its structure to these previous editions, even if it holds 30% more information. There are, though, two differences in its structure : a fourth additional language, Spanish, has been added to English, French and German (thanks to a valorous Spanish Killi-team); and a brand new chapter has been written which promotes field collections and targets priority regions and countries for the discovery of new species, or, the rediscovery of older ones that are unknown live or since long disappeared from aquariums. Therefore, buyers of previous editions may consider not to acquire Killi-Data 2000 and, for them to correct their edition, the list of new names (since 1996) at the level of the genus or species is given in appendix 1. However, Killi-Data 2000 is extremely different from Killi-Data 1996 in terms of the actual valid names. This comes from three factors: 1- The outcome of new modern techniques, such as DNA analysis, processed by computer specific softwares (such as PAUP) or older techniques (osteology, morphology), similarly computerized. This has led lately to the single newest revision of the Cyprinodontiformes by Costa (published late December 1998), nearly 20 years after Parenti's (1981) and to a detailed revision of given groups by Costa (1998, 1999: South American annuals), by Hrbek & Larson (1999: Rivulins), by Murphy et al. (1999 published and in print: Rivulins, Fundulopanchax, ex-Roloffia), by Villwock (1999 published and in print : Aphanius, Orestias), by Wildekamp (1999 in print: Nothobranchius), by Ghedotti (1999 in print: lampeyes), and by ourselves (1998, 1999: tropical Cyprinodonts, Epiplatys, African lampeyes, Rivulus and its allied). 2- The fantastic waves of new collections in Central America (Etzel), South America (Costa and the Faflodul team) and East Africa (Watters, Wildekamp, Sainthouse, Coopers, Rosenstock and others) and Gabon (Eberl, Tirbak, Romer, Krummenacker and others), with new and better knowledge, as a consequence. 3- The rejection of the previously accepted concept of forgotten names, also with (few, but important) name changes as a consequence. In total, more than one third of species names change of genus, subgenus or superspecies assignment, or are new to science ; as a good example, it is worth to mention that the Brazilian Costa has described 74 taxa (species or genus) between 1988 and 1999 and is now the co-leader by far, with the German Ahl (75 taxa in 17 years) ; several hundreds of new collecting localities are also reported (mainly in South America) ; this is incomparable ; some changes will no doubt hurt the aquarists' habits (and not only them) ; the present tendency in systematics is clearly splitting, i.e. many genera each encompassing few species or superspecies (for example, only one big genus, Rivulus, is still un-split in Killi-Data 2000, but I anticipate that the subgenus Laimosemion, that I described lately, will soon be erected as a full genus) ; this is not our philosophy (although this is not a "life-threatening" issue !) and a reversal of the balance may take place in the future ; however, Killi-Data is not the reflect of our philosophy, but the mirror of published evidence and all this is based on hard data ; therefore, Killi-Data 2000 follows precisely the publications of all authors ; two exceptions must be mentioned : first, the division of the Cyprinodontiformes in two suborders and of the Aplocheilidae in two distinct families, the Aplocheilidae and the Rivulidae ; this is due to the necessity of timely coherence with Fishbase and the Catalog of Fishes (1998) which are accepted by most international Institutions (including MNHN) ; second, the synonymization of Aphanius into Lebias by Lazara (1995), because this shift has been challenged by Kottelat (1997) and Wildekamp et al. (1999) and a petition to the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (I.C.Z.N.) is running (personally I must remain neutral). Killi-Data 2000 may well be also available on the Internet like within MNHN databases (no warrant is given though), but this will be different from Killi-Data 1996 : it will be payable (and the profits refunded to Institutions and Associations) and the selected files will not be downloadable, to protect the sales of the Killifish Associations ; Killi-Data 1994 has been a tremendous success since about a hundred of copies has been distributed within a few weeks, with the 1996 version, its coverage has been strengthened to become the reference data base and Killi-Data has been made available on the Internet, in face of year 2000, let's wish to Killi-Data 2000 an equal success ! |
Killi-Data Intranet 2001 is announced as the next development of a growing international project, while web version is being prepared ; beginning 2001, the web version of the database and the first pages of Killi-Data online are made available to an Intranet network for testing and improvements ; during 2001 most of the color photos of male and female of each species are gathered from renown photographers.
Details of Killi-Data online : Paris, December 29. 2001. Dear Colleague, dear Aquarist ! Killi-Data online has been finished since about a year and has been evaluated by peers on Intranet and CD's : it promises to be the ultimate standard of published knowledge on killifish, both for scientists and aquarists ; several people enquire about why it is still unpublished on the web, while it has been announced to be near completion since long ; the answer is simple : first, the website itself (not the contents) is not safe (security keys, protected access, etc.) and professionals are working actively on the issue ; second, because I knew some delay was probable, I have initiated a substantial improvement consisting in trying to obtain a top quality color photo of the male and the female of each valid species (above 700) ; I am pleased to inform you that the objective is already 90% fulfilled, owing to the kind cooperation of some of the best worldwide photographers, whom I would like all to thank and honor here already : E. Pürzl, M. Chauche, J. Kadlec, W. Stenglein, R. Wildekamp (each 5, with more than 100 35 mm slides !), O. Buisson, A.D. Castro, H. de Bruyn, J. Brill, J.F. Fels, J.L. Amiet, J.-P. Vandersmissen, J.W. Hoetmer, G. Rosch, W. Staeck (plus F. Vermeulen, S. Hellner, R. de Boer, who had donated slides for the illustrations of my Rivulus book, back in 1992) ; therefore, if you have a beautiful color slide (preferably of 35 mm standard) of any of yet uncovered species, do not hesitate to send a duplicate to me urgently (or an original, if you have several slides of a similar quality) : as a reward, (1) you will get free entry to Killi-Data online (as any contributor) for a period that depends on the level of your contribution, (2) higher revenues may be anticipated (if you decide so), from publishers (who will have free access to the database), when they directly request a photo from you for publication, (3) you keep your freedom while retaining your copyrights (I shall never publish or give your photos for publication ; they will be used only in Killi-Data online, with a low density to avoid the risk of pirate copies) ; finally, a few people enquired about why the website should be payable ; Yes and for three reasons, mainly : I need to reimburse the ongoing costs (budget: about 300 US Dollars or Euros to duplicate slides, plus the cash to pay each year to the Internet hosting provider), if I cannot find a financial sponsor (and I must admit it is going to be difficult, since all contacted pet fish companies have failed to accept, up to now), I aim to reward the contributing photographers and, as usual, to stimulate research by grants to young researchers, and probably, most important, I want to build with Killi-Data online a community of cooperation gathering most scientists (many of them already agreed to be part of the advisory committee) and of course interested aquarists (who will get free entry against various cooperation)and obviously, as always no money for me ! The availability of Killi-Data online is to be announced soon with 100 million bytes of data and over 1500 photos, make sure you'll be among the first to surf ! |
Killi-Data online 2002 is presented as a new electronic huge platform ; the URL as for Killi-Data online is secured from ICAN on February 7. 2002 and the complete website is uploaded and available to contributors on July 17. 2002 and widely publicized on August 19. 2002.
Details of Killi-Data online : Paris, August 14., 2002. Dear Colleague, dear Aquarist ! Very pleased to inform you in priority of the official availability of the Killi-Data web site ! Its URL is: ; this is the constantly updated and expanded version of the book Killi-Data (2000 is the current edition) ; next edition, not before end 2003 or 2004). However, it is extremely different, since (1) the book is structured in many various lists and 4 languages, French, English, German and Spanish, (2) the web site is structured in individual files (one per taxon, either species or genus, i.e. over 1200 in total), with English as the sole international language ; those differences are set not to jeopardize the sales of the book by killifish associations, to be more user friendly for Internet visitors and to benefit of opportunities offered by the web and its electronic framework, such as color photos, expanded more qualitative information, and in the future, maps ; further, the website is designed as a non profit venture to build a community of interest among cooperating members, either scientists or aquarists, and, as usual, by redistributing fees, to stimulate killifish research by young and new researchers and (new!) by young collector aquarists ; the web site is organized into two separate series of services. 1- Free services (mainly for the majority of aquarists, but not only them, as guests with their e-mail address for entry). * Two lists for practical use, only: a list of names of valid species and aquarium populations, as a golden standard of current knowledge and spelling, and a list comparing valid names Killi-Data online with those in the three basic books, Killi-Data 2000, Wildekamp's World of Killies and Seegers's pictorial Aqualog {today deleted}. * News, as a major item, with a Newsletter "Infoweb" {today replaced by Killi-Data Wassup, a PDF document}, an alert system and a listing of all new species and generic names described since Killi-Data 1994. * An important communication center with a question page, answered by a board of advisors gathering most of the renown current researchers on Killifishes {today deleted}, a cooperation page stimulating exchanges between aquarists and scientists {today deleted}, and many other items to discover. * Various other services, completely new, as detailed links, a list of institutions, a list of journals, or services derived from the book… and quizzes! 2- Payable services (for enthusiastic aquarists and scientists to build up a community of interest and cooperation), with a modest fee for registration of 15 Euros or US Dollars for 2 full years of surfing the data base. Note that the benefits will obviously be redistributed to Institutions for funding Killifish research (40%) or (new!) to aquarists for their first collecting trip as young members of Killifish Associations. Mind you : this is a non profit venture and there are several ways to escape from the fee or to be granted free extra-time, e.g. (1) by contributing to the data base fullness (data on collections, on aquarium maintenance, missing photos, etc.), or (2) by cooperating with Institutions, or (3) by buying or having bought the book Killi-Data 2000 (ask the seller in your association for a confirmation), or (4) by being a researcher, or (5) by being a petfish company director or a petfish magazine publisher (but, then, you will be offered to sponsor an ad in the website!). This is a huge data base, with, for each taxon, ideally a color photo of the male and female, all known data over time in terms of nomenclature, etymology, systematics, type series, type locality, discoverer, distribution, diagnosis, morphology, osteology, genetics, behavior, ecology, detailed aquarium requirements, bibliography and collecting localities (a work always in progress, as you would imagine, that needs your contribution and a work available to all with any incremental addition of knowledge or improvement that will be never lost). As an example, the data base for one species, Aphyosemion chauchei, is shown in the free part of the website (click on SAMPLE). After a full first year, a very positive taste : I am especially happy and pleased to announce that the Killi-Data website is a large success, in terms of: - the total number of unique visitors: 1200 since launch, i.e. about 25% of the estimated total number of Killies aquarists and scientists, worldwide (and all of them are not connected to the Internet) - the number of new unique guests visitors, with about 100 brand new visitors each month for the last trimester - the high number of regular visitors, with one third of the visitors visiting it at least once a month (and some aficionados, several times per week!) - the number of registered members, with about 150 members at this time - the developed cooperation between aquarists and scientists, a strong culture that has been initiated by us, with many examples in many different fields - the contributions to the online database from all (who then get free connection periods) : there are now nearly 1700 color photos in the data base of 725 valid species, which means that very few species are not illustrated. Indeed the brightest side of the project is the effective building of a cooperative community between researchers (see the final table here) and between aquarists and researchers (many examples, with the "carrot" of getting free connection time to the data base) and between aquarists (to exchange data and co-participate to collecting trips). However, it should not be hidden that the financial side is disappointing and that the breakeven point of expenses will not be reached soon. The reasons are : - either people escape from the fee by forwarding contributions (excellent !) : with each contribution being gratified of 3 additional months of free access to the data base, it is easy to imagine that some members have gathered already more than 3 years' bonus. - or alternatively people are firmly thinking that all Internet stuff must be free (then easily accept to share the benefits but not the costs !). |
Killi-Data online developments 2003 onwards are implemented all along 2003 to 2006, such as a board of advisors for scientific problem-solving decisions, beginning 2003 (soon discontinued because inoperative after a first action), a yearly Pocket Killi-Data for Killifish Associations (subsequently as a PDF only), Google automatic translation into 5 languages of public (guests) pages, electronic maps of distributions according to superspecies or species-groups, a new service named Killiflash with major abstracts online, immediately upon notice, a new list is added with "used names" (in the past, notably in aquarium literature) in comparison to "present names".
Details of Killi-Data online : new incremental operational improvements are implemented on Killi-Data website with (1, February 21., 2003) a board of advisors for scientific problem-solving decisions in case of systematic or nomenclatural ambiguity, as a modern consensus way of tackling problems, case by case and the first example of decision by the board of advisors of Killi-Data online concerns the possible revalidation of Fundulus kansae, which had been considered as a junior synonym of F. zebrinus and which had been molecularly shown to be distinctive and by several external (scale counts) and internal (length of intestine) characters, then the anomnymous vote of the 16 advisors were split between revalidation and status quo, kansae as valid: yes, 8 votes, no, 3 votes, neutral, 3 votes), then that vote is followed in Killi-Data {however the democratic decision was not the taste of all and the board of advisors ceased to be operational another -second- time, with (2, November 15. 2003) a new side product named Pocket Killi-Data 2004, a booklet that will be published each year for our friends aquarists to support their efforts (yearly available with 2004 edition in 6 languages, about 36 pages and small format (for the pocket), containing a list of currently valid names, with aquarium populations and countries of distribution, plus synonyms and invalid names, only distributed through Killifish Associations who will decide by themselves to sell it as individual copies or to distribute it to their membership as a service free of charge, with (3, March 9., 2004) for non-English speaking "guests", the Google automatic translation into 5 languages (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) is now active and continuous from start page into the entire Guest section. My warmest thanks to Juan Carlos Rubio, a noted aquarist and I.T. expert, who produced the web code, so that it works smoothly (from your e-mail courteous visit card) ; the Google automatic translation is not perfect (notably scientific names are unexpectedly reversed), but actually it will change lives of many aquarists around the world and we all 3 spent dozens of hours of adjustments, only for them, with (4, November 14. 2003) electronic maps of distributions according to superspecies or species-groups, based on GPS data of thousands of collecting localities, with (5, February 27. 2004) Google automatic translator set up for the whole "Guest" (public) section, with (6, April 1. 2005) a new service named Killiflash with major abstracts online, immediately upon notice, with (7, November 30. 2005) a new list is added with "used names" (in the past, notably in aquarium literature) in comparison to "present names", with (8, December 31. 2006) an encyclopedia of killifish consisting of small files of minimum solid information on names of each specific and generic Killifish taxon (as a limited public excerpt of database). |
Killi-Data Catalogue 2006 is published as an automatic excerpt of the web database with 1028 pages in full colors, by Killi-Data Editions, Paris, (December 10. 2006), ISBN 2-9527283-0-5, only in English version ; apart from introductory chapters on systematics and nomenclature (family-group names and non-available names) the book is organized in a list of all taxa in alphabetical order with for valid names color photos of live fish and maps.
Details of Killi-Data Catalogue 2006 : End 2006, Killi-Data Catalogue 2006 is published as an automatic excerpt of the web database with all details HERE, and a sample page HERE). |
Killi-Data 2007 is the fourth book to be published, also authored by Jean H. Huber and in 5 languages (Portuguese is added) and it holds 410 pages, plus figures, each language this time being independent, with "Version française" ISBN 978-2-9527283-1-7 EAN 9782952728317, "English version" ISBN 978-2-9527283-2-4 EAN 9782952728324, "Deutsche Fassung" ISBN 978-2-9527283-3-1 EAN 9782952728331, "Version Español" ISBN 978-2-9527283-4-8 EAN 9782952728348, "Versão Português" ISBN 978-2-9527283-5-5 EAN 9782952728355, first {and single} edition for each language : printed on February 27. 2007 ; the format is identical to 2000 edition of book.
Details of Killi-Data 2007 : beginning 2007, a new Killi-Data book was published, identical to the 2000 edition in its structure (with Portuguese as an additional language and more than a thousand new collecting localities), each language being independent (each with 410 pages) ; in this edition, some 28 unavailable names (nomina nuda) are withdrawn from lists because they are fully accepted as without value by all authors (all other nomina nuda that have been discussed at some point in time are still maintained with the hope that in the future they also will be deleted after consensus) ; this new edition is characterized with a single difference : each language is produced separately and independently ; apart from the excluded names, there are 1300 names in total (1192 in 2000) : 114 generic names valid out of a total of 139 (106 valid out of a total of 130 in 2000), 813 species names valid out of a total of 1161 (680 valid out of a total of 1062 in 2000), hence 133 new valid species has been described (by 333 authors, vs. 267 only in 2000) ; there are now 247 annual or semi-annual species, 105 species from Brasil and 9 species are definitely extinct ; 2883 aquarium populations in total (vs. 2301 in 2000) ; there are now 4449 articles in bibliography (vs. 3971 in 2000), with Aphanius fasciatus most studied ; there are now 7774 collecting localities x species (vs. 5291 in 2000), a major improvement ! |
Killi-Data online 2010 as a SQL base is implemented with all possible relational queries as an Intranet tool on February 27. 2010.
Details of Killi-Data SQL base : Killi-Data online is moved into a SQL base within a major I.T. development project allowing the database to be queried in order to produce many new listings (e.g. {today}, a list of valid names with page links, a pyramidal list, a genera and subgenera menu, a list according to conservation status, a list of valid species by countries, list of localities by country, a list of taxa by describers, a list of valid species by morphomeristics, a list of valid species by genetics, a list of valid species by systematic evaluations, a list of all species by origin of type specimens, a list of valid species by ethological characters, a list of valid species by landscape characteristics, a list of valid species by genetics, a list of valid species by systematic evaluations, a list of all species by origin of type specimens, a list of valid species by ethological characters, a list of valid species by landscape characteristics, a list by ecological data, a list of valid species by aquariology data, a list of valid species by aquarium populations, a list of valid species by photos for a superspecies or species group. |
Killi-Data Series 2011 is published (ISBN 978-2-9527283-6-2), printed on December 21. 2011, as a new yearly scientific journal formatted as a printed booklet and as an electronic PDF document to feature original research articles based on Killi-Data focus of systematics and nomenclature and a permanent ISSN number 2267-8840 for the printed version and since 2018 a permanent ISSN 2646-0459 for its electronic publication.
Details of Killi-Data Series 2011 : For information, hereafter is reproduced the first editorial that describes the project, published with Killi-Data Series 2011 (updated and expanded with the editorial of Killi-Data Series 2013, on December 27. 2013, plus with added focus on viviparous groups since 2019). Killi-Data Series is a new by-product of Killi-Data which is scheduled to be published once or twice a year, maybe not each year depending on available material, at no scheduled date. Killi-Data Series is published along with :
In focus, Killi-Data Series is restricted to taxonomy (nomenclature and systematics) of oviparous and viviparous Cyprinodontiformes, and nothing else (besides there may be additional features if there is at least one taxonomic issue addressed, discussed and-or solved). In substance, Killi-Data Series publishes original articles within :
Killi-Data Series welcomes all authors : for the first 2 editions (2011, 2012), the single author is the editor, with further editions, several other authors have joined. . |
Killi-Data Extension to viviparous Cyprinodontiformes is implemented based on a major publication by the author printed on August 31. 2019 (HERE), along the 25th anniversary of Killi-Data, since the first book is published in 1994 ; with nearly 600 additional taxa (specific and generic), 2700 additional bibliographic references and 1700 additional collecting localities added to the knowledgebase, the grand total number on November 26. 2019 includes with all livebearers and egg-layers 2177 total taxa, 129 presently valid genera, 1434 presently valid (sub)species, 7640 bibliographic references, 3038 Killiflash, 3248 fish photos, 10237 collecting localities, 257 maps, 6 wassups, and 497 linked alerts.
Details of Killi-Data Extension to livebearers : The project Killi-Data celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary in 2019, since the first book is published in 1994 (with 2 editions, one in January, the other in November), then in 1996, 2000 and 2007 (and from 2001 moved into a database online, today a huge inter-operative relational knowledge-base). Along this anniversary, the Killi-Data project and the database are strongly extended in order to include livebearing Cyprinodontiformes (i.e., 585 taxa) to reach 2174 taxa in total. This extension is phylogenetic since Parenti’s published thesis (1981) but the scientific correspondance of the common name killi (plural killies) is strongly varying along time, before and after that work : in the past, killifish is artificially equal to some North American species, including for example oviparous Fundulus sp. and the dwarf livebearer Heterandria formosa or ‘least Killifish’, then it is extended to all oviparous Cyprinodontiformes, excluding livebearers (e.g. by aquarists, sometimes adding ricefishes today in Atheriniformes), or, like today, and herein, to all Cyprinodontiformes whatever is their mode of breeding (e.g., in major American database for systematics of upper levels, Integrated Taxonomic Information System, or I.T.I.S., cyprinodonts, cyprinodontiforms, cyprinodontes, or killifishes bear the same meaning). |
(this section relates to financial accounts and legal reports, excerpted from official documents of the association that can be obtained freely and in full as a PDF after a direct request to editor with mailbox at the end of this page)
Killi-Data International 2012 is a legal not-for-profit association officially created on July 14. 2012, to hold all financial revenues and decided grants in an official format, up to end of 2017 when association is dissolved and remaining cash returned to members or donated to Institutions (with no money involved any more in the project and access to knowledgebase fully free).
Details of Killi-Data Creation of K-D-I association : Paris, May 24., 2012. Dear Colleague, dear Aquarist ! We are very pleased to let you know in priority that Killi-Data International, a non-profit organisation, has been officially established and registered today. Killi-Data International is an association to nest all projects derived from Killi-Data, and primarily to gather all members of this website. The official objectives are : to improve the scientific knowledge of a group of Fish commonly named Killies (singular, Killi) by aggregating, exchanging, publishing and mediate information (-data). Killi-Data International is a non profit venture for which all benefits are redistributed. Killi-Data International gathers members from all around the world who have accepted to share these objectives, to build up a community of cooperation and knowledge, and to pay a permanent entrance fee and yearly active membership fees to the association depending on their involvement and willing to access to the Internet database. In comparison to the way Killi-Data was handled in the past :
What has changed in the contents of the website compared to the previous version, before K-D-I ?In general terms, very little, but in practice, quite a lot :
What has changed in the handling of the website compared to the previous version, before K-D-I ? Before K-D-I has been founded in 2012, the principles of redistribution of fees were already present, but there were 2 types of members (with access to the database), either paying members with an annual fee much higher than presently, or contributing members with no fee (i.e., researchers who had to inform of their works and aquarists who offered photos as 35mm slides or data of their collecting trips, etc.). Overtime that system of dual membership proved to be not manageable because (for example) some researchers did a lot while others did nothing or because the evaluation of each contribution was difficult to assess objectively and fairly :
What happens to members of the previous version of the website, before K-D-I ? Just before K-D-I has been founded in 2012, the situation of each previous member has been monitored (paying or contributing) and only 1 member had still access credits so that when the announcement of the new association has been widespread to all previous members, all recipients were invited to register from scratch (with no negative impact to anybody… except for that single member who kindly declined the offer by Jean Huber to pay himself the fee in his place) :
notes : as a fact of life of internet in general, the revamped version of the website is fully open for the guests section (without e-mail to entry), but only payable for the members' section (without free granting whatsoever)… knowing that still all the moneys are redistributed ; a PDF of the legal reports by the association is available upon request to author-editor with mailbox at the end of this page. |
Killi-Data 2001 to 2017 global accounts since the availability of Killi-Data online in 2001 and up to 2017 end (dissolution of K-D-I association), account for 7 grants funding 6 young researchers and 1 aquarist-biologist for his first collecting trip and 5 donations funding 5 scientific Institutions (Total: 4624 €, i.e. today more than 5335 US Dollars based on exchange rate of October 2018, … see below for details of funded persons and the published outcomes to-date).
With the dissolution of K-D-I association and the net positive cash accounts of 3320.26 Euro available, members were offered either to be reimbursed of their fees, OR to donate their fees to scientific Institutions with their names, OR to donate their fees anonymously to scientific Institutions. Upon 172 members in total (since inception in 2012 to today) and the total cash account of 3320.26 Euro (about 3550 US$), reimbursement (advised to members by legal terms) was chosen by 69 members for a total amount of 1596.45 Euro, donation to institutions was explicitly required by 40 members for a total amount of 856.41 Euro, the rest of members either sent an acknowledgement of mail receipt (9 members for 127.17 Euro) thus implying donation or did not answer at all (54 members for 740.23 Euro) after 2 repeated personal mails and 3 general calls during 6 weeks and both types are considered as anonymous donors. The names of 40 non-anonymous donors are, in alphabetical order with their geographical residence : Akervinda, Patrik [Angelholm, Sweden], Azevedo, José [Barreiro, Portugal], Bolonov, Sergey [Dyatlovka, Moscow region, Russia], Brandao, Joao [Lisbon, Portugal], Cellerino, Alessandro [Calci, Italia], Chirio, Laurent [Riyad, Saudi Arabia], Cubillo, Pedro [Fuentenovilla, Guadalajara, Spain], Diego Martin, Nelida [Ferrol, Coruna, Spain], Dominguez Castanedo, Omar [Mexico city, Mexico], Echelle, Anthony A. [Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA], Eek, Gustav [Umea, Sweden], Fujimura, Takehiro [Chiba, Japan], Genade, Tyrone [Orange City, Iowa, USA], Gonzalez Simon, Jose Luis [Erandio, Vizcaya, Spain], Grimsby, Lars Kare [Oslo, Norway], Hand, Keith Roger [Perth, Australia], Hanslin, Hans M. [Sandnes, Norway], Hernandez, Joaquin [Guadalajara, Spain], Hieronimus, Harro [Solingen, Germany], Huber, Jean H. [Paris, France], Ichikawa, Yukinobu [Kita-Ku, Nagoya-Shi, Japan], Koepp, Christian [Berlin, Germany], Laan, Richard van der [Almere, Nederland], Meeus, Herman [Wommelgem, Belgium], Morcillo, Felipe [Madrid, Espana], Moriya, Keiichi [Tokyo, Japan], Murphy, Paul [Milton, PA, USA], O'Sullivan, John [Tralee, Kerry, Ireland], Pagni, Marco [Lausanne, Switzerland], Persson, Alf [Annelov, Sweden], Rham, Patrick Henri de [Verbier, Switzerland], Rizzo, Renato [Moers, Deutschland], Rohde, Fritz [USA], Schaapman, Mark [Almere, Nederland], Schlueter, Michael [Hamburg, Deutschland], Sowersby, Will [Stockholm, Sweden], Su, Yu-Cheng [San Francisco, California, USA], Taphorn, Donald C. [Belleville, Illinois, USA], Toller, Andrea [Italy], Trumbull, George R. IV [New York, NY, USA]. Hence, a total of 1723.81 Euro is to be distributed to accepting institutions during 2018… see below for details of funded Institutions to-date). Note (2018) : a PDF of the legal reports by the association is available upon request to author-editor with mailbox at the end of this page.
Following table shows details of financial situation of Killi-Data online when access to database is payable (2001-2017) : including a total of nearly 4700 € distributed as donations and grants between 2001 and 2018 (1 Euro (€) equals approximately 1.15 US Dollar (US$) in October 2018).
Financial details to date, net account [2001-2017] (€) | 3320.26 |
TOTAL INTERNIC & HOSTING COSTS [2001-2017] (€) | 585.90 |
TOTAL PHOTOS DUPLICATES [2001-2011] (€) | 861.78 |
TOTAL POSTAGE [2001-2017] (€) | 102.41 |
TOTAL LEGAL AND BOARD PROJECTS [2012-2017] (€) | 265.85 |
TOTAL GENERAL COSTS [2001-2017] (€) (internic, hosting, photo duplicates, postage, other) | 1815.94 |
TOTAL SUBSCRIPTIONS [2001-2017] (€) | 7148.22 |
Membership fees (2017) (172 total members) | 272.79 |
Membership fees (2016) (160 total members) | 1015.07 |
Membership fees (2015) (127 total members) | 691.56 |
Membership fees (2014) (109 total members) | 936.73 |
Membership fees (2013) (69 total members) | 658.62 |
Membership fees (2012) (32 total members) | 463.65 |
Membership fees (2001-2011) (308 total members) | 3109.80 |
TOTAL DONATIONS [2001-2017] (€) | 524.60 |
TOTAL KD SALES [2004-2017] (€) | 463.64 |
TOTAL GENERAL REVENUES [2001-2017] (€) | 8236.20 |
TOTAL REVENUES MINUS CHARGES [2001-2017] (€) | 6420.26 |
TOTAL ALLOCATED GRANTS [2001-2017] (€) | 3100.00 |
GRANT10- | |
GRANT9- | |
GRANT8-Randall Brummett (collecting new Yaoundé Epiplatys) | 400.00 |
GRANT7-Tyrone Genade (Ph.D. research) | 500.00 |
GRANT6-Paul Loiselle (collecting Madagascar) [discontinued, reimbursed by Huber] | 200.00 |
GRANT5-Graciela Garcia (DNA Austrolebias) | 300.00 |
GRANT4-Ondrej Sedlacek (behavioral observations in Cameroun) | 600.00 |
GRANT3-Tom Van Dooren (DNA Austrolebias) | 500.00 |
GRANT2-Graciela Garcia (DNA Austrolebias) | 300.00 |
GRANT1-Simona Santini (DNA Nothos) | 300.00 |
TOTAL NET ACCOUNT [2001-2017] (€) | 3320.26 |
Outcome situation on grants and donations (2001-2017), today all distributed.
Following the foundation of Killi-Data International, the non-profit association that nested the assets of Killi-Data, on May 24. 2012, up to year end 2017, the outcome of the grants has been searched to report to the authorities about the money spent by the association (a PDF of the legal reports by the association is available upon request to author-editor with mailbox at the end of this page) ; the following report shows the list of grants recipients, their projects and their publication related to the grant.
The guiding principles for the grants are double :
In the hereafter table the allocated grants and donations are listed the name of the funded person, the theme of the grant or donation, the amount of money involved, the year of the outcome (or if no report yet, the year of allocation), and the published reference of the report for grants.
DONATION5 - MCNG, Asomuseo, Guanare, the BioCentro, Venezuela (for management, identification, cataloguing of killifish collections) | 524.00 | 2018 | No report needed, more info : Santos Miguel Niño |
DONATION4 - Federal University of Amazonas (Brasil) (for exploratory collections in S.W. Amazon Basin) | 500.00 | 2018 | No report needed, more info : Marcelo Rodrigues dos Anjos |
DONATION3 - ZFMK, Bonn, Deutschland (Germany) (for young researchers' work on fish with ZFMK) | 200.00 | 2018 | No report needed, more info : Fabian Herder |
DONATION2 - Pronatura Noreste, Monterrey. Nuevo Leon, Mexico (for conservation work on endangered killifish) | 300.00 | 2018 | No report needed, more info : María de Lourdes Lozano Vilano and Mauricio de la Maza-Benignos |
DONATION1 - MRAC, Tervuren, Belgium (for research work on killifish in MRAC collections) | 200.00 | 2018 | No report needed, more info : Emmanuel Vreven |
GRANT7 - Randall Brummett (collecting new Yaoundé Epiplatys) | 400.00 | 2008 | No report yet |
GRANT6 - Tyrone Genade (Ph.D. research) | 500.00 | 2011 | Genade, T. & D.M. Lang. 2011. Antibody Markers for Studying Neurodegeneration in the Nothobranchius. J. Cytol. Histol., 2 (3): 120, 1-9, 10 figs., 1 tab. [also, in his Ph.D; thesis, A Study of Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection in Nothobranchius guentheri, January 2012] |
GRANT5 - Graciela Garcia (DNA Austrolebias) | 300.00 | 2012 | Garcia G., V. Gutierrez, J. Vergara, P. Calvino, A. Duarte & M. Loureiro. 2012. Patterns of Population Differentiation in annual killifishes from the Parana–Uruguay–La Plata Basin: the Role of Vicariance and Dispersal. Journ. Biogeography, 39: 1707-1719, 6 figs., 2 tabs. |
GRANT4 - Ondrej Sedlacek (behavioral observations in Cameroun) | 600.00 | 2014 | Sedlacek, O., B. Baciakova & L. Kratochvil. 2014. Evolution of body colouration in killifishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheilidae, Nothobranchiidae, Rivulidae): Is male ornamentation constrained by intersexual genetic correlation? Zool. Anz., 253 (3) (February): 207–215. |
GRANT3 - Tom Van Dooren (DNA study) | 500.00 | 2014 ? | study still in progress (finalization stage, manuscript submitted, |
GRANT2 - Graciela Garcia (DNA Austrolebias) | 300.00 | 2009 | Garcia, G., M. Loureiro, N. Berois, M.J. Arezo, G. Casanova, G. Clivio & A. Olivera. 2009. Pattern of Differentiation in the annual killifish genus Austrolebias (Cyprinodontiformes; Rivulidae) from a Biosphere Reserve Site in South America: a multidisciplinary Approach. Biol. Journal Linnean Society, 98: 620-635. |
GRANT1 - Simona Santini (DNA Nothos, with Stefano Valdesalici) | 300.00 | 2014 | Valdesalici, S. Nothobranchius bellemansi and Nothobranchius occultus (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae) two new annual killifish from Sudan. Killi-Data Series 2014, 4-19, 10 figs., 3 tabs. |
Killi-Data total accounts to-date are synthetized in the following table.
2021-To-date Revenues K-D-S | 23.57 | 2021-Expenses webhosting+URL | 43.20 | -58.54 |
2020 Revenues K-D-S+Google-Ads (final) | 39.58 | 2020-Expenses webhosting+URL | 43.20 | -38.91 |
2019 Google-Ads year end | 18.70 | 2019-Expenses webhosting+URL | 43.20 | -35.29 |
2018 Google-Ads year end | 32.41 | 2018-Expenses webhosting+URL | 43.20 | -10.79 |
2001-2017-Closing K-D-I (details supra) | 0.00 | 2001-2017-Other Expenses (details supra) (refundings-to-members) | 1723.81 | 0.00 |
2001-2017-Other Revenues (details supra) | 1087.98 | 2001-2017-Other Expenses (details supra) (mainly webhosting +copies 35 mm pics for MNHN) | 1815.94 | 1723.81 |
2001-2017-Global Subscriptions (details supra) | 7148.22 | 2001-2017-Grants-Donations (details supra) | 4696.45 | 2451.77 |