The following list contains all alerts since the beginning of the service (with its new format) in December 2011.
Each alert contains a quick synthesis of the major results of each publication (or event), the magazine of the publication, and a weblink to the publication with full reference, its abstract and further details agreed upon by the publisher (sometimes the full article !), hence fully and ethically respecting copyrights.
Note : weblinks may be modified (even if it is rare) by the publisher and become broken… should you disclose such a broken link, please inform the editor (see mailbox at page end) so that everybody benefits of your finding.
- 819- Fast et al. describe Fundulus caddo and cryptocatenatus, 2 molecular sp. in catenatus group, along highlands vicariance hypothesis [14-March-2025] : Zootaxa
- 818- Rudershausen+ODonnell detail LHT parameters and overwinter survival of Fundulus heteroclitus in a North Carolina salt marsh creek [14-March-2025] : J.F.B.
- 817- Bellstedt et al. describe Nothobranchius sylvaticus with 2 oblique bars, in a distinct lineage, relict in a Kenya forest refugium [6-March-2025] : Zootaxa
- 816- Loayza et a. show feeding overlap with mainly amphipods for sympatric killifish of lago Titicaca, Orestias agassii, lutea, mulleri [16-February-2025] : E.B.F.
- 815- The Doadrio team discloses full genome of Aphanius iberus {K-D maintained in Apricaphanius} vs. 4 American Cyprinodontiformes [14-February-2025] : B.M.C.G.
- 814- Esmaeili et al. disclose dimorphic microscopy traits of scales and fin rays of Aphaniops sirhani, with contact organs in male [2-February-2025] : J.J.N.H.
- 813- Beltran et al. disclose 1 un-named molecular species in widely distributed and highly dimorphic Xenotoca variata in Mexican plateau [2-February-2025] : J.S.E.
- 812- Velazquez details osteological characters of the 4 Tlaloc sp. (labialis, candalarius, portillorum, hildebrandi) from Central Amer. [23-January-2025] : R.B.T.
- 811- Castillo et al. experiment on modelized pattern on behavior of Girardinus metallicus with no preference by female and by predator [23-January-2025] : Eth.
- 810- Watters+Nagy review subgenus Aphyobranchius (of genus Nothobranchius), with only 5 components, willerti being closer to Adiniops [20-January-2025] : Zootaxa
- 809- Altavilla et al. experiment on breeding behavior of Aphanius fasciatus at various salinity between 5 and 45 pss, as opportunistic [19-January-2025] : E.C.S.S.
- 808- Huber describes Fluviphylax rubens, a miniature lampeye from Colombia with exceptionally few Dorsal rays and reddish fins in male [5-January-2025] : Cybium
- 807- The Reichenbacher team reviews fossils related to Valencia with description of 2 genera, one dedicated to Brasilian Wilson Costa [26-December-2024] : J.S.P.
- 806- The Doadrio team molecularly studies all 18 remaining pops of Apricaphanius iberus into 9 ESUs, for conservation purposes in Spain [16-December-2024] : C.G.
- 805- Zambrano et al. report LHT data of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus in a polluted freshwater system, with growth altered along sites [11-December-2024] : J.F.B.
- 804- Motamedi et al. present gill morphology of 2 extremely euryhaline Aphaniops, furcatus and hormuzensis, with additional structures [11-December-2024] : A.Z.
- 803- Wilson et al., by genetically comparing fresh and saline waters pops of Limia perugiae, reveal differentiating molecular mechanisms [8-December-2024] : Plos
- 802- The Matamoros team recognizes 6 bioregions in phylogenetic clustering for all Poeciliidae, from coastal N.Amer. to La Plata S.Amer. [7-December-2024] : J.B.
- 801- Esmaeili et al. details egg development of Esmaeilius shirini {K.D. moved from Aphanius} from 2.5 to 131 hours post fertilization [28-November-2024] : A.Z.
- 800- Dinesen reports on his new collecting trip in Sierra Leone, district Kenema, with major findings on Scriptaphyosemion, Epiplatys [18-November-2024] : DKG-J.
- 799- The Matamoros team discloses range extension of Profundulus chimalapensis and possible intergeneric hybridization with Tlaloc [7-November-2024] : Zootaxa
- 798- Nagy molecularly discloses strong infestation by parasites over all-threatened Nothobranchius spp. with lesions in the wild from Zaïre [2-November-2024] : AJAS
- 797- The Matamoros team, after 5 genes molecular study of 130 Central-American killies, shows congruence with historical biogeography [28-October-2024] : Z.J.L.S.
- 796- Costa (J.H.A.) et al. rediscover Leptopanchax itanhaensis, near type locality, previously nearly extinct in Atlantic forest, Brasil [23-October-2024] : B.N.
- 795- Iranmanesh+Askari-Hesni show otoliths differences in 2 pops of Hormuz and Makran basins for widely distributed Aphaniops stoliczkanus [18-October-2024] : A.Z.
- 794- The Orti team molecularly compares old world and new world annual and non-annual Cyprinodontiformes lineages with mixed subbranches [8-October-2024] : M.P.E.
- 793- Leow+Piller show similarities in DEG genes across life-histories in non-annuals and semi-annuals, distinct from annuals, African sp. [13-September-2024] : Plos
- 792- The Reichenbacher team discloses otolith and morph gaps among regional congeners dispar, ginaonis, hormuzensis, kruppi, stoliczkanus [12-September-2024] : A.Z.
- 791- Popoola+Zee show exact type locality of Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi in lower Cross river basin (described from aquarium import) [10-September-2024] : Zootaxa
- 790- Dominguez+Valdez study embryos of Garmanella pulchra in Yucatan peninsula with survival out of water and asynchronous hatching [3-September-2024] : D.D.
- 789- Volcan et al. describe Melanorivulus terena {K-D maintained in Rivulus} endemic to rio Paraguay basin, with orangish red margins [30-August-2024] : J.N.H.
- 788- Langdon et al. disclose that genome evolution is predictable after initial independently formed hybridization in Xyphophorus sp. [23-August-2024] : Plos
- 787- Nielsen+Ohara describe Melanorivulus melanopterus {K-D maintained in Rivulus} with a black-tailed male, from Rio Madeira basin [20-August-2024] : Zootaxa
- 786- The Meyer-Schartl team discloses phylogeny of 26 Xiphophorus sp. and 3 un-named sp. with hybridization then speciation in 3 groups [7-August-2024] : N.Comm.
- 785- Volcan et al. describe Atlantirivulus enigmaticus {K-D maintained in Rivulus} not from coastal plain (ca. 700 km of previous taxa) [4-August-2024] : Z.A.
- 784- Lopez et al. report on 6 new collecting localities of endangered viviparous Girardinichthys viviparus in Valley of Mexico city [4-August-2024] : N.B.C.
- 783- Dominguez shows in agonistic experiment on 3 color phases of male Millerichthys robustus that orange correlates with many wins [25-July-2024] : A.Eth.
- 782- Gonzalez compares cryptic Poecilia butleri and nelsoni and only finds morpho differences in canonical variant analyses (+ range) [29-June-2024] : TesisLic
- 781- Walsh+Roden show, for Anablepsoides hartii {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, hatching plasticity of eggs reared terrestrially vs. in water [29-June-2024] : PRSB
- 780- The Arezo team discloses on Garcialebias charrua 7 hundred gene transcripts differentially expressed upon induction of diapause I [22-June-2024] : E.B.L.
- 779- Morales et al. detail 3 Orestias sp. full genome, find, on 12 markers only for over 100 killifish, Orestias related to Fluviphylax [20-June-2024] : BMC G
- 778- The Ritchie team molecularly studies radiation in 4 Goodeinae sp. (including Ataeniobius toweri, single without trophotaenia) [14-June-2024] : Heredity
- 777- Drawert+Ergueta redescribe Austrolebias accorsii and describe a new congener, ayoreode, from upper rio Paraguay basin, in Bolivia [10-June-2024] : N.I.
- 776- The Tobler team compares female urogenital aperture and male gonopodium of standard pop of Poecilia mexicana vs. its cave counterpart [2-June-2024] : BJLS
- 775- Aguilar+Vega differentiate by morphology and diet 7 sympatric Cyprinodon endangered congeners from Lake Chichankanab, Yucatan, Mexico [2-June-2024] : I.R.
- 774- Sudasinghe et al. present a molecular phylogeny and investigate the 3 species of Aplocheilus in Sri Lanka, parvus, dayi, werneri [28-May-2024] : J.F.B.
- 773- Dominguez-Castanedo et al. present complete genome of Millerichthys robustus, an annual with functional sequential hermaphroditism [14-May-2024] : B.G.
- 772- Kapakos et al. report LHT of globally threatened Peloponnese Valencia robertae with 5.4 mm SL when newborn and 11 mm SL at day 25 [13-May-2024] : E.B.F.
- 771- Huber+Meinema disclose an intra-lacustrine speciation in Lake Turkana, describe genus Eremodon, 2 new sp. and Aliteranodon effusorium [30-April-2024] : KDS
- 770- Zee studies photographs of syntypes of Epiplatys longiventralis and discloses 3 species, one as true longiventralis, the others not [30-April-2024] : KDS
- 769- Huber reviews genus Epiplatys with 2 new subgenera, downgrades Pseudepiplatys + Aphyoplatys, upgrades all subspecies to full species [30-April-2024] : KDS
- 768- Carr et al. describe already extinct Malagodon honahona from southeastern marshes in Madagascar, distinct from madagascariensis [25-April-2024] : A.M.N.
- 767- Pappalardo et al. exemplify differences of NDI, CytB, COI genes for 6 pops of Aphanius fasciatus, 3 Italian, 2 Albanian, 1 Greek [28-March-2024] : Biol.
- 766- Domínguez et al. first disclose moleculars of Millerichthys robustus, not related to neotropical annuals but to Rivulus from Cuba [25-March-2024] : BJLS
- 765- Mandeng et al. present species diversity and distribution patterns of African rivulines in rainforest streams of Cameroun (Aphyos.) [25-March-2024] : A.Z.
- 764- Zak+Suhajova show that in clear or turbid water, female of Nothobranchius furzeri consumes 3 times more food than male (vs. weight) [15-March-2024] : E.F.
- 763- Fast et al. disclose full mitochondrial genome of Fundulus dispar with 16,564 bp supporting relationship with notatus and olivaceus [14-March-2024] : MitDNA
- 762- Alonso et al. describe Argolebias adrianae with dark grey anterior third Dorsal and no iridescent spots on basal Pectoral in male [4-March-2024] : C.J.Z.
- 761- Ernst et al. find no differences in female Poeciliopsis gracilis, previously housed alone or with a coercive male, for 2 tests [2-March-2024] : J.F.B.
- 760- Powell+Schlupp show no geographical differences in male mate choice in 8 populations of Limia perugiae {K-D maintained in Poecilia} [28-February-2024] : B.E.
- 759- Olivera et al. evidence variation in daily rhythm of locomotor (light or not) and reproductive activity of Garcialebias reicherti [24-February-2024] : N.I.
- 758- Rössel et al. report LHT of Ataeniobius toweri during Summers, more abundant with underwater vegetation, less deep and near shores [15-February-2024] : EBF
- 757- Pacher et al. show thermal tolerance is not affected by hypoxia in extremophile Poecilia sulphuraria and Gambusia eurystoma of Mexico [8-February-2024] : B.O.
- 756- Gomes+Mejia disclose 5 new collecting localities of Rivulus rnejiai extending its range in Colombia, only known from type locality [5-February-2024] : JAKA
- 755- Sungur et al. demonstrate sexual dimorphism of scales and Anal fin rays in genera Anatolichthys and Paraphanius [4-February-2024] : A.Z.
- 754- Elkins et al. monitor abundance of re-introduced Cyprinodon eximius, after 5 years, in detailed subniches, with positive effects [29-January-2024] : A.C.
- 753- Alila et al. show in Nothobranchius melanospilus populations that sympatry with congener eggersi is a driver of morpho-separation [28-January-2024] : Evol.
- 752- The Matamoros team discloses 21 new collecting sites of Tlaloc portillorum in rios Patuca and Choluteca, Honduras, with eco-data [22-January-2024] : Zootaxa
- 751- Güclü+Celik report on LHT and conservation of few remaining pops of Turkish Anatolichthys maeandricus {K-D maintained in Aphanius} [9-January-2024] : PZIRAS
- 750- Abrantes et al. describe Hypsolebias gongobira and bonita {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys, heloplites group}, from N.E. Brasil [23-December-2023] : Zootaxa
- 749- Styga et al. show in Kryptolebias marmoratus that clones from clutches with 7 or fewer eggs produce longer average jumps as adults [22-December-2023] : BJLS
- 748- Zhang et al. disclose full genome of blackstripe livebearer, Poeciliopsis prolifica, at 27,227 bp, separated from Guppy ca. 19 MYA [21-December-2023] : GBE
- 747- Valdesalici describes Bolivian Moema beltramonorum {K-D in subgenus Aphyolebias} with irregular vertical rows of red dots in male [19-December-2023] : Zootaxa
- 746- Johnson et al. study changing LHT of female lecithotrophic Priapichthys annectens during wet season (fewer but larger offspring) [12-December-2023] : BJLS
- 745- Rodriguez-Machado et al. recover 4 major supra-clades within Poeciliidae using concatenated and coalescent phylogenomic inferences [7-December-2023] : M.P.E.
- 744- Dominguez et al. study male territorial behavior of sympatric Garmanella pulchra and Cyprinodon artifrons, with asymmetric densities [5-December-2023] : A.E.
- 743- Bragança et al. review osteology of Congopanchax and its 2 components, myersi and brichardi, plus an undefined pop from N.W. Congo [2-December-2023] : Spx
- 742- Piller et al. show micro-ranges and gene flow do not match for populations of Tlaloc hildebrandi, an highland endemic to Mexico [10-November-2023] : BJLS
- 741- Dominguez et al. do not statistically show relationship between male morpho-anatomy and placentrophy in 3 species of Poeciliopsis [9-November-2023] : E.E.
- 740- Borisov et al. show less intense versions of DII and DIII in Fundulopanchax gardneri compared to true annual Austrofundulus limnaeus [7-November-2023] : D.D.
- 739- Dominguez and Schlupp compare ecology and interactive ethology of sympatric Poecilia velifera and mexicana in Yucatan mangroves [6-November-2023] : Beh
- 738- Loureiro et al. show genetic variation and gene flow of Austrolebias arachan {K-D in Garcialebias}, from 17 localities over range [4-November-2023] : Z.S.
- 737- Valdesalici+Malumbres ICZN-validly publish new Aphyosemion lorai from EcuGui and new Caeruleamsemion (subgenus of Aphyosemion) [31-October-2023] : Zootaxa
- 736- Bragança et al. show that hitherto named Procatopus sp. from Lake Baringo is introduced, conspecific with Lacustricola maculatus [30-October-2023] : PAFFA
- 735- Weber et al. show fecundity of Austrolebias cyaneus {K-D in Matilebias} and Cynopoecilus nigrovittatus in situ throughout hydroperiod [30-October-2023] : W.L.
- 734- Ramos et al. describe lulai, new species of genus Hypsolebias {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys} from Trairi basin, Northeast Brasil [25-October-2023] : N.I.
- 733- Dominguez-Cisneros et al. register presence of coronoid cartilage and intestinal valve in Tlaloc hildebrandi, from southern Mexico [12-October-2023] : R.B.T.
- 732- Wisenden et al. show predator recognition via epidermal alarm cues but not via dietary alarm in Cyprinodon shoshone and amargosae [21-September-2023] : RSOS
- 731- Trujillo et al. disclose LHT of viviparous Ilyodon whitei as sex-ratio (1:1.2), 7% larger females, 18 eggs by batch (min 9-max 42) [15-September-2023] : H.R.
- 730- Rodriguez et al. disclose in Limia vittata {K-D maintained in Poecilia} 3 groups of populations in Cuba and high haplotype diversity [29-August-2023] : BJLS
- 729- Safian et al. show that ovoviviparous Cyprinodontiformes have independently evolved 2 different kinds of placentas multiple times [26-August-2023] : S.A.
- 728- Caballero et al. describe new fossil viviparous Goodeidae genus-species Paleocharacodon guzmanae, maybe related to extant Characodon [20-August-2023] : P.E.
- 727- Polacik et al. study in details embryology of 4 Austrolebias in a large sense and compare them with Nothobranchius and Millerichthys [15-August-2023] : F.B.
- 726- Guedes et al. disclose 3 new pops of endangered Notholebias minimus in coastal plains of Rio de Janeiro state with first LHT data [15-August-2023] : N.I.
- 725- Oliveira et al. disclose high polygenism in ovoviviparous widely distributed Phalloceros harpagos with 7-9 phylogenetic groups [15-August-2023] ; EFF
- 724- Segovia et al. detail, in behavioral units, male displays (lateral vs sigmoid) and female quiescence of Argolebias nigripinnis [26-July-2023] : A.E.
- 723- Godoy et al. test temperature levels and changes on 2 high vs. low altitude annual eggs, Garcialebias nubium and Matilebias cyaneus [21-July-2023] : EFW
- 722- Pacheco et al. separate niche of 2 sympatric annuals, in Rachovia (insect, plankton) and Austrofundulus (generalist) as valid genera [20-July-2023] : E.A.
- 721- Masoumi et al. disclose ontogenetic variations in otolith morphology of Aphaniops kruppi with differences between larva and adult [19-July-2023] : A.Z.
- 720- Alonso et al. upgrade Austrolebias subgen. to genera, describe Amatolebias, Garcialebias, Matilebias, Titanolebias, Arg. guarani [11-July-2023] : Z.J.L.S.
- 719- Fitschen+Morris experiment that female with sneaker genotype and slower growth rate prefers in mating faster growing courter male [3-July-2023] : PlosOne
- 718- Jennings et al. show no genetic hybridization caps in sympatric Phalloceros anisophallos and leptokeras, with distinct gonopodia [30-June-2023] : Z.J.L.S.
- 717- Calixto et al. review Profundulus with 2 new taxa (rei dedicated to a cat and emilioi) and synonymization of recently named adani [27-June-2023] : M.P.E.
- 716- Berbel-Filho et al. publish full genome of Kryptolebias brasiliensis, gracilis and caudomarginatus, i.e., ocellatus sensu Costa 2011 [9-June-2023] : B.G.
- 715- Loayza et al. compare detailed whole-body nutrient composition of Orestias sp. to understand differences in their feeding ecology [7-June-2023] : JAPAN
- 714- Souta-Santos et al. describe Phalloceros maldonadoi from drainages of Santa Catarina in Brasil with a hood-like structure in female [11-May-2023] : JFB
- 713- Palacios et al. molecularly review Mollienesia components with 11 taxa, all valid plus putatively 4 undescribed sp., in 50 locations [3-May-2023] : N.I.
- 712- Vermeulen describes miniature Rivulus (subgenus Owiyeye) as sladkowskii, from rio Vaupés, eastern Colombia and reviews romeri group [25-April-2023] : KDS
- 711- Huber, Mejia and Vermeulen redescribe Rivulus pacificus, describe cryptic gomesi and paradiseus, from pacific or caribbean Colombia [25-April-2023] : KDS
- 710- Meinema+Huber review Pantanodon, describe propinquus, Malagodon and Aliteranodon, with 4 new sp. ndoano, bucinus, filimbi, rostratus [25-April-2023] : KDS
- 709- Gomes reviews killifish fauna of rio Magdalena, Colombia, confirms synonymization of milesi into magdalenae and precises azurescens [25-April-2023] : KDS
- 708- Sogawa et al. show in lab exp. that individual recognition is done by faces rather than body coloration in Poecilia reticulata male [17-April-2023] : Z.S.
- 707- Suarez et al. show after wild re-introduction that Zoogoneticus tequila abundance is greater when sharing mesocosms with native sp. [17-April-2023] : F.B.
- 706- Guedes et al. study breeding of annual Leptopanchax opalescens and compare egg size (smaller in annuals vs. non-annuals Rivulidae) [17-April-2023] : Wet.
- 705- Ferreira et al. report extended range of Cnesterodon hypselurus in headwater of rio Cinzas basin, Brasil (with low gene diversity) [17-April-2023] : N.I.
- 704- Fromm discusses extinction status of Gambusia beebei in Lac Miragoâne, Haiti (since 1951) and possible transplant of hispaniolae [22-March-2023] : J.B.L.A.
- 703- Veronesi et al. dig pools interconnection to enhance Aphanius fasciatus action against mosquito invasion in Sacca del Bellocchio [18-March-2023] : B.I.
- 702- Dominguez et al. fully review genera and components of Profundulus (9 sp.) and Tlaloc (4 sp.) with diagnostic key, all mesoamerican [20-February-2023] : N.I.
- 701- Frota et al. review (range, phylogeny, genes, paleontology) Cnesterodontini (livebearing Cnesterodon, Phalloceros, Phallotorynus) [18-February-2023] : A.S.
- 700- Nielsen et al. show in lab Xenophallus umbratilis no evidence of lateralized positioning, with either dextral or sinistral gonos [7-February-2023] : PlosOne
- 699- Fast et al. disclose full mitogenome of livebearing Poecilia parae, as 16,559 bp long, with close phylogenetic affinity to the Guppy [6-February-2023] : MitDNA
- 698- Krysanov et al. newly disclose Nothobranchius ugandensis group karyotypes, same on chromosome number (18) but not on arms (23 to 32) [1-February-2023] : C.C.
- 697- Polacik+Vrtilek disclose in Nothobranchius furzeri a new additional stage of pause in embryo development betw. diapause II and III [28-January-2023] : E.B.F.
- 696- Silva et al. show as distinct sp. a new but threatened Cnesterodon population from rio Ivai, S.E. Brasil, near Paraguay border [28-January-2023] : Zebrafish
- 695- The Ornelas team reports on dramatically low population sizes (93 - 208 fish) per site of Mexican endangered Tlaloc hildebrandi [28-January-2023] : E.S.R.
- 694- Axlid et al. show air exposure improves max jump distance and endurance but reduce swimming performance in Kryptolebias marmoratus [25-January-2023] : I.C.B.
- 693- MacPherson et al. study in lab very rare natural hybridization between Fundulus heteroclitus and diaphanus with incomplete mating [20-January-2023] : J.E.B.
- 692- Lopez et al. publish full mitogenome of Aphanius iberus (16,708 bp) with a GenBank Cyprinodontiformes phylogeny morphs-congruent [19-January-2023] : M.B.R.
- 691- Deacon et al. in lab study invasive potential of Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) vs. resident and predator (in the wild) Rivulus hartii [31-December-2022] : F.B.
- 690- Motamedi et al. study in lab scale development and regeneration potency of Aphaniops hormuzensis (156 days at room temperature) [31-December-2022] : J.E.Z.
- 689- Zarei et al. molecularly confirm 2 Aphaniops sp. in Oman, into 3 E.S.U. for kruppi and 2 E.S.U. for stoliczkanus, with new ranges [24-December-2022] : Biol.
- 688- Velazquez et al. show in all 13 species of Profundulus and Tlaloc presence of spicules on male scales and-or fins (not female) [20-December-2022] : A.I.P.
- 687- Vermeulen describes non ocellated Rivulus adrianae from Sipaliwini river, S.W. Suriname, hypothetically related to micropus group [6-December-2022] : KDS
- 686- Gomez and Camacho show distinct preference in water temp and refuge use for sympatric Skiffia bilineata and the invasive Guppy [4-December-2022] : N.S.R.
- 685- Drawert describes Moema juanderibaensis {K-D maintained in Aphyolebias} from southwestern Amazon basin, Bolivia, linked to claudiae [22-November-2022] : N.I.
- 684- Tian et al. show alarming reduced diversity in genes of cave rare remaining Cyprinodon diabolis vs. other Death Valley congeners [8-November-2022] : PRSB
- 683- Fromm reviews bibliographic and systematic data of Limia versicolor {K-D maintained in Poecilia} with new live collection and photos [7-November-2022] : ALAJ
- 682- Tigert et al. show Kryptolebias marmoratus with severe aquatic hypoxia spend 50% of time out of water with gill lamellae changed [23-October-2022] : J.E.B.
- 681- The Zuñiga team shows in Poecilidae that emergence of placentotrophy is boosted by preceding evolution of more simultaneous broods [10-October-2022] : B.L.
- 680- Chaudoin et al. video-monitor single location of remaining ca. 20 spms Cyprinodon diabolis to mimic critical algae, light, seiches [10-October-2022] : I.H.
- 679- Malumbres et al. describe 3 Aphyosemion, losantosi, mitemelense, montealenense, first 2 cryptic to maculatum, last to bochtleri [30-September-2022] : Graell.
- 678- Garcia+Lozano+Maza describe Fundulus herminiamatildae from Nuevo Leon, with simple side bars, spec. water temp, close to philpisteri [22-September-2022] : AIJB
- 677- Groves et al. show in Anablepsoides hartii {K-D maintained in Rivulus} distinct behaviors of small vs. large fish, facing cues [21-September-2022] : Behaviour
- 676- Berbel-Filho et al. extend genus Kryptolebias genomic tree with new lineage (mito-nuclear discordance) from Espirito Santo, Brasil [31-August-2022] : M.P.E.
- 675- Mainero et al. study dimorphism in Aphaniops stoliczkanus strong in many morpho-characters, absent in meristics and otolith morph [25-August-2022] : A.Z.
- 674- Stockwell et al. test anti-predator responses to conspecific chemical alarm cues and water column position of CrE Empetrichthys latos [23-August-2022] : PRSBS
- 673- Watters and Nagy by comparing holotype and neotype of Nothobranchius ocellatus show differences paving way to heteromorphy with age [23-August-2022] : Zootaxa
- 672- Vences et al. disclose most Pachypanchax sp. DNA barcodes in 2 clades, arnoulti, sparksorum, Antsahalalina new sp., then all others [16-August-2022] : PlosOne
- 671- Bragança et al. describe relatively slender Nothobranchius balamaensis from northern Mozambique, related to kirki and wattersi [12-August-2022] : Zootaxa
- 670- Güçlü reports LHT of Turkey endangered Anatolichthys meridionalis {K-D maintained in Aphanius} with only 43% males, Summer breeding [2-August-2022] : I.W.B.
- 669- The Piller team studies single nucleotide polymorphisms of nearly all Crenichthys pops, confirming an undescribed sp. out of nevadae [1-August-2022] : C.G.
- 668- Xie et al. genetically study 7 pops of Gambusia marshi in Coahuila, with 4 microsatellites clusters, an East-West division and 1 ESU [19-July-2022] : ACMFE
- 667- Kim shows Poropanchax normani egg with a bundle of adhesive 1-3 mm filaments and envelope with 1 layer and 10 lamellar sublayers [19-July-2022] : A.M.
- 666- Anzueto et al. present morphological indexes linked to length-weight relationship of very endangered Tlaloc hildebrandi in Chiapas [15-July-2022] : N.B.
- 665- Dominguez et al. show skipping diapause at 30°C, entering diapause at 18°C, diap. at 25°C varying with female age in Millerichthys [4-July-2022] : D.D.
- 664- The Reichenbacher team studies 6 new pops Aphaniops stoliczkanus from Oman gulf coast, 2 of them as new haplotypes vs. 9 congeners [30-June-2022] : A.Z.
- 663- Garcez et al. molecularly study 42 sp. (Austrolebias, Cynopoecilus) from Patos-Mirim Lagoon System (Brasil) with conservation issues [27-June-2022] : B+C
- 662- Esmaeili et al. report 4 Aphanius (farsicus, pluristriatus, isfahanensis, sophiae) in Iran Qanats (underground irrigation systems) [26-June-2022] : IJAB
- 661- Aceves et al. show invasive behavior (bold females) of livebearer Poeciliopsis gracilis in Mexico vs. native (endangered) species [26-June-2022] : PlosOne
- 660- Özpiçak et al. disclose Anatolichthys marassantensis {K-D maintained as a synonym of chantrei} in Simenlik-Akgöl lagoon, N. Turkey [26-June-2022] : A.R.
- 659- Reichard et al. analyse Nothobranchius biodiversity from 127 pools across 7 local regions in lowland Eastern Tanzania over 2 years [24-June-2022] : E.E.
- 658- Moncayo et al. show high density of CrE Hubbsina turneri {K-D maintained in Girardinichthys} along niche type+low fecal coliforms [9-June-2022] : F.inB.
- 657- Dominguez et al. first evidence protogynous functional hermaphroditism (female-to-male) in annual killifish, Millerichthys robustus [4-June-2022] : N.S.R.
- 656- Dekker et al. show in both Poeciliopsis retropinna and turrubarensis that superfetation may promote polyandry and reproductive skew [4-June-2022] : JEB
- 655- The Buckup team shows that in left-sided Phalloceros sp., morpho-distinct aspilos and tupinamba are molecular synonyms of leptokeras [29-May-2022] : ZJLS
- 654- Fuller et al. show, in Lucania goodei, that genetically-controlled blue phenotype can override red-yellow phases (latter dominant) [29-May-2022] : Evol.
- 653- Perkin et al. first rediscover Kryptolebias campelloi, together with marmoratus group component and extend Fluviphylax palikur range [23-May-2022] : N.I.
- 652- Torres-Dowdall et al. show that predominantly left sided Jenynsia sp., sanctaecatarinae and obscura, are scattered in molecular tree [17-May-2022] : PRSLB
- 651- Kalogianni et al. monitor dramatic decline (16 pops, 14 years) of Valencia letourneuxi and robertae in Greece due to human impact [30-April-2022] : J.N.C.
- 650- The Reichard lab shows wild and lab life spans for 367 pops of 4 Nothobranchius sp. vary along behavior (aggressive vs. placid sp.) [23-April-2022] : JAE
- 649- The Reichard lab compares bloodworms and 4 commercial diets vs. wild protein profile for animal research model Nothobranchius furzeri [23-April-2022] : JFB
- 648- Piller et al. molecularly show a 100 killifish solid tree in no less than 16 families, with distinct Cubanichthyidae and Orestiadidae [22-April-2022] : MPE
- 647- Mustikasari et al. disclose molecularly distinct pop of Bangka island, off Sumatra coast, Indonesia for Aplocheilus panchax [20-April-2022] : Biodiversitas
- 646- Nagy+Watters describe Lacustricola margaritatus, misidentified pumilus, from Victoria+Kyoga lakes basins, Tanzania and Uganda [19-April-2022] : Zootaxa
- 645- Amorim+Costa study molecular data of 26 species of genus Anablepsoides {K-D maintained as subgenus of Rivulus} along biogeography [13-April-2022] : Z.S.
- 644- Serra et al. report first record of Austrolebias univentripinnis in Cerro Largo, Uruguay (only known before from nearby Brasil) [26-March-2022] : H.N.
- 643- The Mirande team discovers fossil of Jenynsia, from upper Miocene lacustrine deposits in Catamarca, Argentina with new extinct sp. [13-March-2022] : J.V.P.
- 642- Nielsen et al. describe Ana. falconi and katukina {K-D maintained in Rivulus} from Acre state, N.E. Brasil, related to limoncochae [7-March-2022] : Aqua
- 641- Nielsen et al. describe Laimosemion anitae {K-D maintained in Rivulus} from Brasil, related to similarly patterned leticia, ubim [7-March-2022] : Aqua
- 640- The Braasch team discloses 23,038 genes in 1.2Gb 3-D genome structure of Brasilian Nematolebias whitei, as highly repetitive (57%) [26-February-2022] : G3
- 639- Walsh et al. describe Plataplochilus eliasi from Mayumbe mountains in Congo with a crescent-shaped dark blue band on lower sides [21-February-2022] : J.N.H.
- 638- Du et al. report on Girardinichthys multiradiatus genome, with 23770 genes and male Y sex marker as covering 80% of chromosome 20 [19-February-2022] : G.R.
- 637- Nikiforov et al. show Nothobranchius guentheri male red spot (gill cover), black (tail), white (dorsal) differ with size and age [7-February-2022] : Biol.
- 636- The Piller team genomically separates gracilis and pleurospilus, each with 2 distinct geo-structured lineages, in Poeciolopsis [6-February-2022] : PlosOne
- 635- Culumber studies variation in behavior (movement, risk-taking, sociability) across latitudinally distant pops of Gambusia holbrooki [11-January-2022] : E.E.
- 634- Amorim et al. hypothesize in Kryptolebias hermaphroditus {K-D maintained as ocellatus} a wide genetical connection among populations [11-January-2022] : Z.S.
- 633- Angulo reviews distribution of oviparous and viviparous Cyprinodontiformes in Costa Rica, with new records, endangerment status [31-December-2021] : Zootaxa
- 632- Spikes et al. molecularly review 18 out of 23 sp. in Limia and hypothesize a single-lake radiation (within lac Miragoâne, Haiti) [8-December-2021] : BMC RN
- 631- Ramirez et al. give full LHT details of 7 sympatric Goodeinae sp. of 7 genera in single lake Zacapu, with for all 2 breeding seasons [3-December-2021] : N.I.
- 630- Yogurtçuoglu et al. show loci genes of remaining pops of Anatolichthys transgrediens {K-D maintained in Aphanius} with poor variation [2-December-2021] : JAI
- 629- Reichard et al. show male lifespan is longer in pops of Nothobranchius furzeri+kadleci with heavier rainfalls, have shorter telomeres [30-November-2021] : M.E.
- 628- Nagy+Watters review Nothobranchius sp. conservation with 3 Critically Endangered, 21 Endangered, 44 Vulnerable, 8 Near Threatened [10-November-2021] : ACMFE
- 627- Lam et al. present early LHT (hatching 14-18 days, 3 larval stages, absorbed yolk sac in 5-7 days) of Andean Orestias ascotanensis [29-October-2021] : EBF
- 626- Gilg et al. detail (3 years, age classes, proportions) field hybrids between Fundulus heteroclitus and grandis at Flagler beach, USA [28-October-2021] : E.E.
- 625- The Matamoros team describes Profundulus adani, from Atlantic Oaxaca, Mex., related to balsanus-parentiae, as genus northernmost limit [23-October-2021] : I-H
- 624- The Loureiro team collects new isolated population of threatened Austrolebias charrua in a fragile ecosystem, Maldonado, Uruguay [23-October-2021] : ACMFE
- 623- Rodriguez et al. show feeding habits of 8 Limia components in Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Santo Domingo as generalists (detritus and algae) [19-October-2021] : EFF
- 622- Cipriano et al. experiment on Poecilia velifera salinity increases as not impacting life (if gradual) but max size, growth and food [12-October-2021] : JAA
- 621- Huber describes Rivulus collieri (previously misidentified ornatus) from Amazon, twin-looking with speciosus, also from Iquitos area [5-October-2021] : KDS
- 620- Sowersby et al. show male larger fins (reducing swim perf.) are correlated with lower predation risk habitats in aplocheiloids [5-October-2021] : Evolution
- 619- Berbel-Filho et al. test hybridization between sympatric Kryptolebias, ocellatus-hermaphroditus {K-D as caudomarginatus-ocellatus} [26-September-2021] : Genes
- 618- The Reichenbacher team presents COI genes of Aphaniops hormuzensis as distinctive from senior vicariant congeners kruppi and ginaonis [26-September-2021] : ZME
- 617- Zandona et al. detail mode of maternal provisioning in Phalloceros according to development stage distinctive from other Poeciliidae [26-September-2021] : BJLS
- 616- Ren et al. from Zhoushan univ, China, first disclose full mitogenome of Poropanchax normani, closer to Goodeidae than Poeciliidae [2-September-2021] : MitDNA
- 615- Beltran et al. molecularly show in endangered Tlaloc hildebrandi a lower level of genetic diversity with 3 genetic regional clusters [28-August-2021] : P.J.
- 614- Carcamo et al. molecularly show collapse of Parinacota volcano impacts Orestias populations of Caquena and Lauca sub-basins, Chile [24-August-2021] : P.J.
- 613- Eastis et al. publish complete mitogenome of Xiphophorus variatus with 16,624 bp and identical gene order as other Poeciliidae [14-August-2021] : MitDNA
- 612- Uribe et al. evidence nutrient provision to embryos in viviparous Ataeniobius toweri with rudimentary trophotaeniae (unlike before) [14-August-2021] : JMor
- 611- Lackmann et al. show, from otoliths, sexual dimorphism and a 10 year max. lifespan for female (7 for male) in Empetrichthys latos [14-August-2021] ; NAJFM
- 610- Bragança et al. report new collection of Poecilia (Pamphorichthys) scalpridens about 300 km more northeasterly in Amapa, N.E. Brasil [1-August-2021] : C.L.
- 609- Rohde et al. collect 8-11 Rivulus sp. in 20 sites very near Manaus with 4 possibly new sp. vs. uatuman, discuss obscurus-compressus [29-July-2021] : JAKA
- 608- Rocamontes et al., in a molecular, morphological and range study, show Xiphophorus hellerii diverged along hydrological regions [26-July-2021] : Hydr.
- 607- Paranhos et al. measure effects of salt and pre-food type on transportation of annual neotropical killi (dissolved oxygen, pH, time) [23-July-2021] : JAA
- 606- Godoy et al. show in 2 Austrolebias (botocudo, lourenciano) that 3 predators types cues induce differentiated delays in hatching [22-July-2021] : JFB
- 605- Rodriguez+Schlupp show in lab that critical thermal maximum in Dominican Limia does not depend on altitudinal original collection [21-July-2021] : N.C.
- 604- Sowersby et al. show larger brain size in adult (not juvenile) fast-living killies (vs. slow-living) independent from length [21-July-2021] : Evolution
- 603- Beltran et al. separate with multiple sequences genus Characodon into 2 valid sp. but yet fail to assign the 2 to 3 known taxa [13-July-2021] : PeerJ
- 602- The Reichard lab team shows swimbladder infected by mycobacteria in belly slider Nothobranchius sp. (bloodworms, egg substrate) [6-July-2021] : D.A.O.
- 601- The Lema team discloses full mitogenome of Cyprinodon salinus salinus with low intrasp. variation (subsp. milleri, not studied) [6-July-2021] : MitDNA
- 600- Black et al. show low diversity and heterogenous differentiation in full mitogenome of Cyprinodon tularosa (with introgression?) [6-July-2021] : M.E.R.
- 599- Hagmayer et al. show in underwater exp. that placentation and superfetation sympatric livebearers prefer deeper and dynamic waters [30-June-2021] : F.B.
- 598- Prazdnikov shows major role of thyroid hormones (normal, hyper, hypo) in color diversity (timing, rate) of male Poecilia wingei [29-June-2021] : E.B.F.
- 597- Rossi+Wright, in lab, show for Kryptolebias marmoratus that more terrestrial fish have a cognitive advantage over water-only ones [19-June-2021] : P.R.S.
- 596- Loayza et al. compare ecomorphological features of Orestias sp. in Hichu Khota (W. slope) and Puina (E. slope, planted) in Bolivia [8-June-2021] : E.B.
- 595- Chalar et al. provide insights into molecular mechanisms (not 1) of diapause III in Austrolebias charrua with specific proteins [8-June-2021] : PlosOne
- 594- The Maltagliati team discloses 3 genetically distinct pops of Aphanius fasciatus in Cyprus (vs. range) with conservation issues [8-June-2021] : Hydrob.
- 593- Furness et al. show that, in matrotrophic Poeciliopsis retropinna and paucimaculata, allometric relationships are linked with morph [8-June-2021] : JEB
- 592- The Martin team finds twice higher gene flow from San Salvador island in multiple genes of Cyprinodon variegatus group across range [28-May-2021] : PNAS
- 591- Reznick et al. discuss relations of sex pattern+morphs and rate of speciation along reproductive mode and evolution, in livebearers [28-May-2021] : FEE
- 590- Dominguez shows female of Millerichthys robustus yields much more embryos and turns selective when competition risk is perceived [23-May-2021] : E.E.E.
- 589- The Dominguez team discloses food of Millerichthys robustus as planktophagous, vs. sympatric Rivulus tenuis and Poecilia mexicana [23-May-2021] : E.F.F.
- 588- Dominguez studies behavior of 2 adult age groups (sexual maturity vs near death) of Millerichthys robustus with body size asymmetries [23-May-2021] : JFB
- 587- Cui et al. show genetic trans-oceanic dispersal between Seychelle small islands for Pachypanchax playfairii (seawater adaptation) [23-May-2021] : M.E.
- 586- Monti et al. show Aphanius fasciatus pushed to stressing environments (higher salinity, temperature, depth) by invasive Gambusia [18-May-2021] : ACMFE
- 585- Ponce+Uribe separate embryos between either lecithotrophic (creolus, puncticulata, vittata, atrizona) or matrotrophic (formosa) sp. [9-May-2021] : J.M.
- 584- Briñoccoli et al., in 19 pops of Jenynsia lineata of Argentina, disclose 3 molecular types due to altitude and river isolations [9-May-2021] : E.E.
- 583- Sandkam et al. relate occurrence of 5 male phase patterns in livebearer Poecilia parae to extreme Y chromosome polymorphism [9-May-2021] : N.E.E.
- 582- Hoagstrom+Osborne study distribution of Cyprinodon sp. across Great Plains-Chihuahuan Desert with 8 hypotheses (incl. reticulation) [28-April-2021] : PDFC
- 581- Volcan et al. describe 2 molecular species in Austrolebias adloffi group, cheffei and lourenciano, from laguna dos Patos, Brasil [27-April-2021] : Zootaxa
- 580- Nielsen and Veiga describe cryptic Anablepsoides origuelai {K-D maintained in Rivulus} in ornatus {K-D as obscurus} group in Brasil [18-April-2021] : Aqua
- 579- Brasilian+US teams genetically study 13 new locs of mangrove Kryptolebias in Brasil (5434 km) with 2 clades overlapping in Amazon [17-April-2021] : J.F.B.
- 578- Garcia-Andrade et al. show in 256 Poeciliidae a bimodal latitudinal sp. richness favored by seniority and past climatic stability [17-April-2021] : G.E.B.
- 577- Nagy et al. describe blue and red phased Nothobranchius nikiforovi, from S.E. Tanzania, related to eggersi, in subgenus Adiniops [31-March-2021] : Zootaxa
- 576- Bragança et al. describe Lacustricola pygmaeus from Okavango, Cuando, Zambezi and revalidate chobensis from synonymy of hutereaui [30-March-2021] : Copeia
- 575- Polacik et al. show from field Nothobranchius eggs full synchrony in D1 diapause in rainy season and D2 from onset of dry season [30-March-2021] : E.E.
- 574- Lanés et al. describe, Austrolebias botocudo and nubium, subgen. Acrolebias, from Araucaria Forest in Brasil, at 1000 m altitudes [26-March-2021] : Zootaxa
- 573- Okyere et al. compare brackish (preferred) vs. freshwater and mop color (black) in lab prolificity of Aplocheilichthys spilauchen [23-March-2021] : J.F.B.
- 572- Styga+Welsh show, in Fundulidae, that preferred spawning habitat, and not max. T.L., significantly influences anal sheath size [23-March-2021] : B.J.L.S.
- 571- Calixto et al., within Profundulus molecular study, show incongruence between niche and speciation and confirm validity of oaxacae [21-March-2021] : J.F.B.
- 570- Passos et al. show Austrolebias reicherti male increases cortisol % along drying pools (lab cortisol pushing courtship+bold color) [9-March-2021] : A.B.
- 569- Furness et al. suggest, in Poeciliidae, 2 phenotypic adaptive peaks with placentation, fast-life small-bodied species or the reverse [6-March-2021] : C.B.
- 568- Golden et al. discard, in 20 different populations of Alfaro cultratus either with predators or not, any correlation with LHT data [6-March-2021] : F.E.E.
- 567- Dominguez et al. detail live pattern of Millerichthys robustus in distant locs, 5 phenotypes in male and 1-15 ocelli in female [2-March-2021] : E.B.F.
- 566- Dominguez et al. show Millerichthys robustus male prefers larger body size female with high number of ocelli (5-7) on peduncle [27-February-2021] : E.E.E.
- 565- Bragança+Ottoni confirm ICZN unavailability of Poecilia kempkesi named by Poeser (2013), based on articles 13 (diagnosis) and 16 [15-February-2021] : Zootaxa
- 564- Guedes et al. collect Leptopanchax opalescens (last coll, in 2012) with LHT data (rare, less than 1 fish per square m, 3fem:1male) [21-January-2021] : Zool.
- 563- Nagy describes Nothobranchius elucens in subgenus Zononothobranchius from Nile basin, related to taiti, both from northern Uganda [20-January-2021] : Zootaxa
- 562- Pezold et al. describe orange body red-spotted Epiplatys, as cashneri, 2009 collected by Oleg Mediannikov, from southern Liberia [19-January-2021] : Aqua
- 561- Teimori+Motamedi present Aphanius farsicus full Mt-genomefull Mt-genome, Aphaniidae unstable vs. 7 families, paraphyletic vs. Cyprinodontidae [16-January-2021] : JAPB
- 560- Bragança et al. molecularly show major heterogeneity along huge distribution of monotypic Aplocheilichthys spilauchen with 6-7 ESU [6-January-2021] : Hyd
- 559- Mustikasari et al. compare morphology of Aplocheilus panchax at ex-tin mining pits vs. standard river, in Bangka island, Indonesia [31-December-2020] : JBBE
- 558- Piller et al. molecularly evidence only 2 species in vivip. Chapalichthys, encaustus and pardalis (peraticus, synonym of latter) [30-December-2020] : Copeia
- 557- Teimori+Esmaeili benchmark epural plate of 18 sp. in Aphanius+Aphaniops+Paraphanius, with new diagnostic character for Aphaniops [29-December-2020] : A.Z.
- 556- The Ottoni team evidences Poecilia reticulata natural distribution limited to west of Guiana (absent in Brasil, Guyane, Suriname) [16-December-2020] : Cybium
- 555- Shumka et al. disclose a new spring-fed stream population of Valencia letourneuxi, highly endangered in Albania, due to alien sp. [1-December-2020] : KMAE
- 554- Byrne et al show lack of genetic structure between sub-basins of Buenos Aires region in Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (bioindicator) [1-December-2020] : MFR
- 553- The Robe team molecularly discloses 4 clusters in Austrolebias charrua sp. group (incl. minuano, pongondo), with putative synonymy [26-November-2020] : E.B.F.
- 552- Vermeulen describes new species, Rivulus mejiai, first congener in Colombia of hartii group, in Eastern Cordillera Andes foothills [15-November-2020] : K-D S
- 551- Vermeulen+Mejia describe 2 new sympatric species, Rivulus carolinae with unique fin and Rivulus flammaecauda, striped+flamed [15-November-2020] : K-D S
- 550- Vermeulen+Mejia describe a Colombian new species, Rivulus foliiscola, with unique pattern, morph and snake-like behavior [15-November-2020] : K-D S
- 549- Huber describes a since long known lampeye species from Angola, Lacustricola bragancai, based on misidentification (unknown live) [15-November-2020] : K-D S
- 548- Furness et al. show correlation between male morph, coloration and gono size with type of sexual behavior in Poecilia gillii [13-November-2020] : B.J.L.S.
- 547- Bragança et al. describe 2 new cryptic sp. from northeastern Gabon, Hylopanchax multisquamatus and thysi, with redefinition of genus [31-October-2020] : JFB
- 546- Nagy+Chocha Manda describe Lacustricola nitida, from upper Lualaba in Zaïre, with 3 supraorbital neuromasts close to matthesi (4) [25-October-2020] : I.E.F.
- 545- Romand+Agnèse+Costa, after re-review of holotype, remove maeseni from Epiplatys and consider leucopterygius as its junior synonym [19-October-2020] : Cybium
- 544- The Belstedt lab molecularly studies 79 % Nothobranchius species from Nilo-Sudan at 13 MYA with no support for Adiniops subgenus [14-October-2020] : M.P.E.
- 543- Moral et al. describe cryptic Profundulus chimalapensis from rio Coatzacoalcos, Caribbean slope of Mexico, with a broad band of spots [2-October-2020] : RBT
- 542- Dekker et al. confirm multiple paternity in very fecund Poecilia gillii, with number of fathers per brood correlated to brood size [29-September-2020] : FIEE
- 541- Ywamoto et al. describe Melanorivulus larissae {K-D maintained inRivulus}, pictus grp, from a Rio Grande tributary (SP, Brasil) [14-September-2020] : Zootaxa
- 540- Tinguely et al. detail embryogenesis+gestation in Xenotoca eiseni {K-D maintained in Xenoophorus} (sex ratio on birth as strict 1:1) [12-September-2020] : S.D.
- 539- Lacoste et al. first discover non Orestias cyprinodontiform in Andean plateau of Argentina, Jenynsia obscura, at 3400-3900 m altitude [11-September-2020] : JFB
- 538- Teimori+Esmaeili exemplify hotspot in Hormuz area (1.8 MYA), with Aphanius darabensis, Aphaniops furcatus, ginaonis, hormuzensis [29-August-2020] : I.J.I.
- 537- Teimori et al. report variability of Aphaniops hormuzensis within+between 3 pops, sulphuric spring, high-salinity river, urban canal [25-August-2020] : A.Z.
- 536- Berbel-Filho et al. separate hermaphroditus from not selfing but androdioecious ocellatus {K-D as ocellatus and caudomarginatus} [23-August-2020] : Her.
- 535- Gabriel + Collier detail ecology of Rivulus isthmensis in headwater streams of order 0-1, La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica [23-August-2020] : JAKA
- 534- Abrantes et al report new locs Hypsolebias martinsi {K-D maintained in Simp.}, antenori {K-D as heloplites}, Cynolebias microphthalmus [4-August-2020] : NBC
- 533- Charmpila et al. show differences in skeleton and median fin osteology of dispar, hormuzensis, kruppi, stoliczkanus (genus Aphaniops) [3-August-2020] : JAI
- 532- Berkenkamp describes Rachovia fransvermeuleni, a cryptic sp. to maculipinnis from foothills of Cordillera in south Venezuela [1-August-2020] : VDA-Suppl
- 531- Garcia+Reichard show in field that high density impacts growth rate and survival of Austrolebias bellottii in male (not in female) [29-July-2020] : JFB
- 530- Chavez et al. report first natural collection of Poecilia mexicana in Mexican hyperhaline estuary with similar fecundity and feeding [29-July-2020] : BIMC
- 529- Freyhof+Yogurtçuoglu split further Aphanius into 8 genera, 2 as new, Esmaeilius, Apricaphanius, and synonymize most Iranian sp. [13-July-2020] : Zootaxa
- 528- Ruppel+Bonner report LHT of Fundulus zebrinus from Red River basin (breeding March-Sept., multiple batches, life span of 2-3 years) [13-July-2020] : WNAN
- 527- Torres-Dowdall et al. suggest that common left and right asymmetric genitalia in Anableps and Jenynsia sp. are results of hazard [11-July-2020] : P.R.S.B
- 526- Helmstetter et al. present nuclear and mitochondrial trees (divergent) of 26 Austrolebias sp. with new patterns of speciation [10-July-2020] : JBiogeog.
- 525- Innal collects Aphanius fasciatus in only 5 out 15 suitable biotopes of southern Turkey due to human alterations and alien fishes [5-July-2020] : IJGMS
- 524- Watters et al. revalidates Paranothobranchius as subgenus, redescribe Nothobranchius ocellatus and name new cryptic matanduensis [28-June-2020] : I.E.F.
- 523- The enlarged Vila team studies head morphology of Altiplano Orestias species along feeding specializations within extreme climate [24-June-2020] : EBL
- 522- The Vila team reviews morphomeristics of Altiplano Orestias species (7 valid) with possibly new sp. for Isluga, Huasco, Chuviri pops [23-June-2020] : EBL
- 521- Cohen+Silberbush show reduced mosquito oviposition due to kairomones by Paraphanius mento and (more) by introduced Gambusia affinis [22-June-2020] : MVE
- 520- Frota et al. study biogeography of Anableps-Jenynsia with 3 clades of which 2 in southern area related to Miocene and Quaternary [20-June-2020] : O.D.E.
- 519- Carbajal et al. show omnivorous feeding in 8 invasive pops of Pseudox. bimaculatus for reserve, dam, agricultural, mining landscapes [16-June-2020] : N.I.
- 518- The Robe team molecularly discloses 8-10 clusters in genus Cynopoecilus (6 known taxa, 1 to be synonymized, 5+ putative new species) [15-June-2020] : JZSER
- 517- The Martin team discloses a nasal protrusion in durophagous Cyprinodon brontotheroides without correlation between it and snail size [12-May-2020] : JFB
- 516- Yogurtçuoglu et al. compare stable (or not) conditions LHT of Aphanius transgrediens, with lower fecundity + larger eggs in unstable [4-May-2020] : JFB
- 515- Sowersby et al. experiment on sex ratio in 15 oviparous killifish, being species dependent, with no rational on genera or annualism [4-May-2020] : E.E.
- 514- Rodriguez et al. describe Limia mandibularis {K-D maintained in Poecilia}, a ninth morpho endemic from Etang Miarogoâne, Haïti [4-May-2020] : Zootaxa
- 513- Rodriguez+Weaver describe Limia islai {K-D maintained in Poecilia}, an eight congener from Etang Miarogoâne, Haïti {ex-Tiger Limia} [26-April-2020] : JFB
- 512- Nagy et al. describe 6 Nothobranchius, albertinensis, attenboroughi, hoermanni, itigiensis, moameensis, venustus (ugandensis gp) [25-April-2020] : I.E.F.
- 511- Esmaeili, Teimori and coll. propose DNA bar-coding review of 16 species of Aphanius and new genus Paraphanius (mento group) [17-April-2020] : PlosOne
- 510- Tatarenkov et al. disclose extensive hybridization and past introgression between populations of Kryptolebias marmoratus and allied. [10-April-2020] : JEB
- 509- Bragança et al. review Lacustricola johnstoni, mayposae and a possible new sp., with lectotype designations (genetics, distribution). [2-April-2020] : ZK
- 508- Ramirez et al. report 2 years LHT Goodea atripinnis, Ameca splendens, Zoogoneticus purhepechus, in rio Teuchitlan (S.R., fertility) [31-March-2020] : Z.P.
- 507- Masoudi et al. show otoliths of hybrids of Aphanius farsicus and sophiae, as intermediate between parents, whatever sex (not scales) [24-March-2020] : A.Z.
- 506- Hagmayer et al. show degree of placentation is positively influenced by predation risk {another adaptable character like annualism} [20-March-2020] : E.L.
- 505- Costa (GC)+Schlupp determine origin of Poecilia formosa as (rare) asexual hybrids formed 125 KYA in small area near Tampico, Mexico [5-March-2020] : BJLS
- 504- Collier reports on karyotype of Scriptaphyosemion wieseae as n=19 with 22 arms in comparison to congeners and compare distributions [19-February-2020] : JAKA
- 503- Monzon et al. show unexpected morpho-convergence in 3 of 4 Poeciliopsis, prolifica, viriosa, latidens (not presidionis) if sympatric [12-February-2020] : A.N.
- 502- Taphorn team reports effects of introduced Poecilia gillii on Pseudopoecilia fria (local displacement, morph changes) since only 2011 [2-February-2020] : RBT
- 501- Pollux team shows genome of matrotrophic Poeciliopsis retropinna includes placenta-related seq. (not in lecithotrophic turrubarensis) [26-January-2020] : MBE
- 500- Rodriguez et al. report 2 locations of Limia yaguajali {K-D maintained in Poecilia} from Santo Domingo, sympatric with 3 congeners [22-January-2020] : K.N.
- 499- Affonso team confirms high karyotypical+mol. variation in Hypsolebias {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys} flagellatus and janaubensis [17-January-2020] : Zeb
- 498- The Reichard team molecularly shows panmixy in 22 pops Nothobranchius melanospilus, with prognathus and kwalensis as prob. synonyms [7-January-2020] : BMC
- 497- Bennemann reports on food of Kryptolebias hermaphroditus {K-D as a junior synonym of ocellatus} as very diversified like marmoratus [25-December-2019] : B.Th.
- 496- E. Garcia et al. confirm molecular separation of Gambusia punctata and rhizophorae, and disclose 3 putative new congeners in Cuba [18-December-2019] : MPE
- 495- Lyons et al. detail distribution and past, present and trend conservation status {alarming} of livebearing Goodeidae in Mexico [24-November-2019] : Zookeys
- 494- Meng et al. show full mitogenome of Orestias ascotanensis, 16 617 bp, surprisingly near to Poeciliopsis monacha than to Xiphophorus [18-November-2019] : MtDNA
- 493- Barbosa et al. find a drift (165 KYA) on 4 of 8 pops of Austrolebias nigrofasciatus based on 3 sequences and nearly 100 spms per set [16-November-2019] : JFB
- 492- Motamedi et al. evaluate sexual and side dimorphism in growth-dependent otolith structure in scaleless Aphanius furcatus from Iran [14-November-2019] : A.Z.
- 491- Ruiz et al. detail LHT of Fundulus lima from oases of Baja California Sur with 3 age classes based on annual growth rings in scales [13-November-2019] : RBT
- 490- Teimori+Motamedi disclose full mitochondrial genome of Aphanius farsicus with some doubts on distinct validity of family Aphaniidae [2-November-2019] : JoI
- 489- Iida et al. show matrotrophy in Xenotoca eiseni {K-D placed in Xenoophorus} is thru vitellogenin transport from mother to embryo [31-October-2019] : PNAS
- 488- Mar et al. report first transplant of Chapalichthys encaustus (already native to Mexico) in Teuchitlan River, Jalisco (but no clue) [31-October-2019] : Hidr.
- 487- Valdesalici+Gil describe Anablepsoides bibosi {K-D maintained in Rivulus} from Bolivia, vicariant from chapare, but with higher LL [30-October-2019] : Aqua
- 486- The Vrijenhoek team describes Poeciliopsis jackschultzi sympatric with occidentalis and hybrigenic clones, restricted in Sonora [28-October-2019] : Zookeys
- 485- Garcia et al. disclose molecular introgression in a hybrid swarm, largely distributed, between Austrolebias charrua and reicherti [16-October-2019] : Genes
- 484- Rodriguez et al. show limited overlap and no sex variation in food study of Gambusia punctata and puncticulata when sympatric in Cuba [16-October-2019] : RIM
- 483- Zee et al. describe Poropanchax pepo with rounded D and A, in lower Congo, most southern congener, 700 km away from Gabon known loc. [11-October-2019] : AMN
- 482- Domínguez+Uribe disclose spermatozoa continuously from 3rd week post-hatching until pool desiccation in male Millerichthys robustus [21-September-2019] : E.B.F.
- 481- Frota et al. analyse distributions of (sub)genera Anableps, Jenynsia, Plesiojenynsia along hydrological evolution of Neotropicals [21-September-2019] : Zootaxa
- 480- Wildekamp synonymizes Costa-newly-described Nothobranchius kwalensis (color var.) and prognathus (type loc. preoc.) into melanospilus [4-September-2019] : JAKA
- 479- Huber fully reviews taxonomy of livebearing Cyprinodontiformes (Anablepsinae, Goodeinae, Poeciliidae) with new genus Hiatirhaphis [2-September-2019] : K-D-S
- 478- Dutch Ruud Wildekamp passed away on August 18 (born 1945), he described 40 killifish names (within Nothobranchius: 32) [29-August-2019] : Killi-Data.org
- 477- Valdesalici and Amato describe Nothobranchius derhami from western Kenya with beauty male, dedicated to ecologist Patrick de Rham [16-August-2019] : Aqua
- 476- Valdesalici describes very large lineated Moema funkneri predator from East Bolivia in homage to Scottish collector Jurij Phunkner [16-August-2019] : Aqua
- 475- Garcia et al. show 2nd cohort fish with earlier maturity in Austrol. bellottii + nigripinnis, if unnatural mid-winter desiccation [7-August-2019] : F.B.
- 474- Watters et al. review Nothobranchius taeniopygus group with 5 new sp., angelae, ottoschmidti, rungwaensis, skeltoni, sonjae (Tanz.) [6-August-2019] : IEF
- 473- Yogurtçuoglu shows 2 sympatric Aphanius sp. in highly alkaline lake Salda, Turkey, fontinalis and saldae, reproduce simultaneously [4-August-2019] : MFR
- 472- Costa describes Leptopanchax sanguineus, possibly extinct and previously misidentified as splendens from same type area in RJ state [30-July-2019] : ZK
- 471- The Reichard team reports on field diel activity of 3 sympatric Notho. sp., with gut fullness and diet richness peaked in morning [27-July-2019] : BJLS
- 470- Godoy et al. show that 70% spms of annual Austrolebias minuano have liver alterations of different severities throughout life cycle [18-July-2019] : BG
- 469- The Reichenbacher team report on early otolith development in Aphanius vladykovi (birth to 120 days), compared to farsicus [10-July-2019] : J.Ichthyol.
- 468- Yin-Liao et al. experiment on Kryptolebias marmoratus aestivating activity, as unable to explore objects in terrestrial environment [10-July-2019] : JFB
- 467- Innal et al. report on LHT of 4 threatened Aphanius sp., iconii, saldae, sureyanus, transgrediens, native to a relict lake area [6-July-2019] : A.Z.B.
- 466- Cui et al. show genome-wide relaxation of selective constraints points evolution of short lifespan in strict annuals (breakthrough) [28-June-2019] : Cell
- 465- Burg et al. report on 9 years of lab maintenance of Cyprinodon diabolis and nev. mionectes with preferred 28°C and plant coverage [23-June-2019] : E.B.F.
- 464- Brazilian-Czech team demonstrates first that Austrol. minuano eggs digested in swan feces are still viable and can hatch dispersed [15-June-2019] : Ecol.
- 463- Lucon-Xicato et al. show in mixed-sex pairs and familiar pairs of Aphanius fasciatus that larger fish follow as much as smaller [14-June-2019] : SciNat
- 462- Bertoli et al. report on life history traits of 8 northern populations of Aphanius fasciatus, near Venezia, with 5 age classes [11-June-2019] : T.J.F.A.
- 461- The Reichard team confirms population density negatively impacts maximum body size in sympatric Notho. furzeri, pienaari, orthonotus [23-May-2019] : JFB
- 460- Passos et al. show in Austrolebias reicherti male selection for larger female as attributable to her higher reproductive success [23-May-2019] : J.Eth.
- 459- Ywamoto segments Atlantirivulus santensis {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, in 3 groups of pops with mit-DNA, from S. Paraty to Juquia [8-May-2019] : Ph.D.
- 458- Laan submits to ICZN correction ruling FGN linked to Cynolebias, Plesiolebias, Pterolebias, Leptolebias, Spectrolebias, Aphyolebias [6-May-2019] : BZN
- 457- Laan+Nieukerken submit to ICZN ruling junior preoccupied FGN Rivulidae be maintained and senior name in moths be changed to Rivulainae [2-May-2019] : BZN
- 456- Macaya et al. detail 21 stages in egg development of Orestias ascotanensis, as a partial spawning sp. (at least with hormone therapy) [11-April-2019] : EBF
- 455- Ouanko et al. separate Nimbapanchax petersi {K-D maintained in Archiaphyosemion} and Epiplatys sheljuzhkoi on ecology of Banco River [9-April-2019] : JAB
- 454- Labbaci et al. report on LHT of Aphanius fasciatus from Mellah lagoon, E. Algeria, with again females larger and more numerous [20-March-2019] : EBF
- 453- Bragança+Costa reshuffles lampeyes molecular data, confirming distinct family, yet without many (coming) changes in genera taxonomy [16-March-2019] : ODE
- 452- Ellen et al. confirm separation of Cyprinodon variegatus and hubbsi on temperature tolerance in the wild, not in lab [as subsp.] [13-March-2019] : CBPA
- 451- Volcan+Neto describe Austrolebias ephemerus from upper rio Paraguai basin, Chaco, as northernmost record of genus in S.W. Brasil [26-February-2019] : Zootaxa
- 450- The Loureiro team presents LHT of 4 sympatric Austrolebias in 18 Uruguayan pools (bellottii, nigripinnis, elongatus and alexandri) [22-February-2019] : EBF
- 449- Costa describes Nothobranchius kwalensis and prognathus, related to melanospilus, based on museum spms from resp. Kenya and Tanzania [15-February-2019] : VZ
- 448- Nagy describes cryptic Nothobranchius taiti, from lake Kyoga basin (upper Nile) in Uganda, in taeniopygus group (prev. misidentified) [11-February-2019] : IEF
- 447- Valdesalici et al. identify molecularly and morphologically Aphanius almiriensis from S.E. Italy, originally described from W. Greece [7-February-2019] : JAI
- 446- Nielsen + Britzke describe cryptic Melanorivulus aithogrammus {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, zygonectes grp, from rio Tapajos basin [6-February-2019] : Aqua
- 445- Garcia et al. synonymize Austrolebias vazferreirai into cinereus in a detailed morpho-mol study incl. robustus and nonoiuliensis [30-January-2019] : JZSER
- 444- The Martin team finds aggression for speciation in Cyprinodon desquamator and -surprise- in brontotheroides (not generalist baconi) [23-January-2019] : B.E.
- 443- Goodloe+Nishimura show, in F. heteroclitus, purely social coordination results in fewer total spawns than purely lunar coordination [20-January-2019] : CNSNS
- 442- Dominguez and Uribe detail anatomy of ovary (2 parts) and steps of folliculogenesis and oogenesis in annual Millerichthys robustus [13-January-2019] : JoM
- 441- Lambert et al. propose Nothobranchius non adaptatively diversified, more on opports (new areas) than cons (ephemeral, vertisol soils) [11-January-2019] : BMC
- 440- Reichard+Polacik synthesize solid cumulative knowledge on Nothobranchius furzeri as a promising vertebrate model for multiple applis [11-January-2019] : EEB
- 439- Esmaeili et al. confirm scale micro-macro-morphology (spines, ...) as useless for identification and phylogeny in 16 Aphanius sp. [11-January-2019] : Micron
- 438- Costa+Mattos+Amorim report live rediscovery of presumed extinct Leptopanchax splendens (ex- Leptolebias), 5 km from type locality [3-January-2019] : J.F.B.
- 437- Yogurtçuoglu reassesses Aph. sureyanus conservation, endemic to 1 Turkish lake, as critically endangered, despite legal protection [31-December-2018] : HJBC
- 436- Ilhan et al. confirm previous LWR results of Aphanius fasciatus based on 2 pops near Izmir, Turkey, with female larger than male [31-December-2018] : FEB
- 435- Zee + Sonnenberg describe Aphyosemion fellmanni, from Brazzaville region, Congo, for Emmanuel Fellmann, and redefine A. congicum [19-December-2018] : K-D-S
- 434- Masoudi et al. study LHT sympatric Aphanius hormuzensis and furcatus as very similar implying pre-post etho-barriers to hybridizing [19-December-2018] : IJAB
- 433- Ghafouri et al. deepens LHT of Aphanius isfahanensis, with female larger size, equal sex ratio, average fecundity 90 per gram of fish [29-November-2018] : EBF
- 432- Espirito-Santo et al. show in Ana. micropus {K-D maintained in Rivulus} male moves overland (mates, predators) more often than female [27-November-2018] : EFF
- 431- The Parenti team shows testis of Crenichthys baileyi and Empetrichthys latos, similar to viviparous Ataeniobius, but not in bundles [27-November-2018] : J.Mor
- 430- Marson et al. disclose up to 13% hidden males (without orange color, with male testis) in Florida K. marmoratus, duller than selfing [24-November-2018] : B.B.
- 429- Serra+Loureiro describe cryptic Austrolebias queguay from lower rio Uruguay basin related to bellottii, melanoorus, univentripinnis [23-November-2018] : Z-E
- 428- Costa, supported by Amorim+Mattos, describes molecular Hypsol. splendissimus, next to fulminantis {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys} [16-November-2018] : Z-E
- 427- Fonseca et al. link belly sliders in Austrol. nigrofasciatus with swimbladder cell alteration and blood loss, but no cause-prev. [10-November-2018] : N.I.
- 426- Chirio, Legros + Agnèse describe Aphyosemion aurantiacum, barakoniense, flammulatum, flavocyaneum, pusillum, rubrogaster from Gabon [30-October-2018] : EJT
- 425- The Reichard team shows that 3 sympatric Nothos (furzeri, orthonotus, pienaari) coexist without differentiation in thermal niches [28-October-2018] : JTB
- 424- Lencer+McCune detail 34 morphological stages in egg dvpmt of Cyp. variegatus from San Salvador island (baconi) incl. skull and tail [27-October-2018] : JoM
- 423- Bragança describes Fluviphylax gouldingi and wallacei, misidentified as pygmaeus, from rio Negro basin, on top of zonatus+obscurus [19-October-2018] : Spx
- 422- Loureiro et al. review genus Austrolebias and reshuffles systematic position and eventual validity of several species and subgenera [19-October-2018] : N.I.
- 421- Nagy+Watters report on syst-eco-pat on all 3 Ugandan Nothos, robustus (with uncertainty on topotypes), ugandensis and un-named sp. [19-October-2018] : JAKA
- 420- Volcan et al. show hatching synchrony in sympatric Cynopoecilus melanotaenia, Austrolebias nigrofasciatus and (rare) wolterstorffi [10-October-2018] : Hydr
- 419- Bressman et al. show male (orange patterned) terrestrial preferred move towards an orange substrate or a down slope in K. marmoratus [26-September-2018] : JFB
- 418- The Fuller team experimentally discards depth or spawning site for differentiation to separate Lucania goodei 2 natural color phases [25-September-2018] : JFB
- 417- Krysanov and Demidova review karyotypes of 65 Nothobranchius species of which 35 are newly disclosed and 5 with sex chromosomes [15-September-2018] : CCyt
- 416- Earley's team shows learning behavior and morph adaptation (for jumping) of Krypt. marmoratus in experiment with predator snake [11-September-2018] : EvEco
- 415- German Lothar Seegers passed away on August 6 (born 1947), he described 21 killifish names {before cichlid+ catfish focus} [3-September-2018] : Killi-Data.org
- 414- Silvia+Griggio show females Aphanius fasciatus prefer shoal with variable pattern of bars in males rather than more homogeneous shoal [26-August-2018] : BL
- 413- Wright's team discloses, in 6 killifish sp. from 3 continents, similar nitrogen excretion strategies while out of water (plesio.) [26-August-2018] : PRSBS
- 412- Bragança+Costa, in time-calibrated molecular study of Fluviphylax, disclose 3 undescribed sp., from a Miocene first diversification [17-August-2018] : ODE
- 411- Reichenbacher et al. find fossils Aphanius stoliczkanus and 2 Aphanolebias (close to Valencia), one as new sp., in Romanian deposits [17-August-2018] : PP
- 410- Trape reports discovery of Epiplatys bifasciatus in relict lake Djara (prev. connected to Holocene megalake) of Tchad, Sahara desert [14-August-2018] : BZB
- 409- Barbas+Gilg experiment on choice - no choice crossings betw. Fundulus heteroclitus and grandis with stronger barriers in former [4-August-2018] : Ev.Bi.
- 408- Costa, supported by Amorim+Mattos, describes molecular sp. Hypsolebias gardneri and hamadryades {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys} [1-August-2018] : Zookeys
- 407- Englezou et al. disclose new isolated population of Aphanius fasciatus in northern Cyprus island (Medit.), with conservation issues [1-August-2018] : CBM
- 406- Naumann+Englert review distinct dispersed-reaggregation egg phase in annuals (4 sp.), to boost them as models of cell development [26-July-2018] : DD
- 405- Foster+Piller explain much lower morpho diversification and speciation of Empetrichthyinae vs. Goodeinae as new lands opportunities [26-July-2018] : BMC
- 404- Garcez et al. evaluate levels of (up to 2.6%) genetic and (low) morphometric diversity of Austrolebias wolterstorffi across range [20-July-2018] : EBF
- 403- Costa+Amorim describe miniature cryptic Spectrolebias gracilis {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys}, similar to costai (as costae) [19-July-2018] : ZSE
- 402- Yogurtçuoglu et al. study feeding of Aphanius marassantensis {KD as a junior synonym}, omnivorous with seasonal+ontogenic variation [18-July-2018] : EBF
- 401- Origuela+Nielsen+Medeiros first report Laimosemion xiphidius {K-D maintained in Rivulus} from Brasil (Amapa state) close to Guyane [1-July-2018] : Aqua
- 400- Nielsen et al. describe Cynolebias akroa, related to parnaibensis and already in danger of extinction, from rio Preto basin, Bahia [1-July-2018] : Aqua
- 399- Sutton et al., based on salinity local abrupt variations for K. marmoratus, show acute alterations in behavior, maybe metabolism [22-June-2018] : Copeia
- 398- Amorim+Costa show molecular diversification of Oxyzygonectes, Anableps, Jenynsia, 29.6 MYA (Panamanian Isthm. + mar. transgr.) [19-June-2018] : PlosOne
- 397- Tatarenkov et al. disclose unpredicted hybridization in the wild (Bahamas) between 2 molecular sympatric clades of Kryptolebias sp. [15-June-2018] : B.L.
- 396- The Reichenbacher team reports otolith morphology variation during growth in Aphanius farsicus, with adult-only taxonomic stability [14-June-2018] : EBF
- 395- Alonso et al. describe new cryptic Austrolebias wichi, from N.W. Argentina, related to patriciae, already critically endangered [19-May-2018] : PlosOne
- 394- The Reichenbacher team reviews Aph. dispar complex in 4 clades including fossils with description of hormuzensis from southern Iran [15-May-2018] : JZSER
- 393- Reshma et al. disclose detailed karyotype of a pop. Aplocheilus lineatus from interior India with n=25, A=35 and variability of arms [11-May-2018] : IJZS
- 392- Furness et al. show some Laimosemion (subgen. Rivulus) embryos present diapause-type characters, independent from mol-morphos-types [8-May-2018] : ZJLS
- 391- Chung et al. show increased respiratory capacity of liver mitochondria in F. macrolepidotus (northern) compared to heteroclitus [7-May-2018] : I.C.B.
- 390- Velazquez reports on new localities of endangered Tlaloc {K-D maintained in Profundulus} hildebrandi, in Chiapas state, Mexico [7-May-2018] : Lacandonia
- 389- Matamoros et al. describe cryptic Profundulus parentiae from Oaxaca state, diagnosed by morpho-osteology, dedicated to Lynne Parenti [6-May-2018] : Copeia
- 388- Volcan et al. describe amambaiensis, interruptus, ivinhemensis in Melanorivulus {K-D maintained in Rivulus} with key to species group [18-April-2018] : ZSE
- 387- Yogurtçuoglu + Freyhof describe Aphanius irregularis from Anatolia, Turkey, with irregular, often fused, dark bars on male sides [17-April-2018] : Zootaxa
- 386- Lanés, Reichard et al. disclose negative correlation of annuals presence and altitude, or water depth or predators in 82 sampled locs [9-April-2018] : EBF
- 385- The Reichard team, from 13 locs with up to 3 sympatric Notho, evaluates over time, pond dynamics, fish density, hatching time, ratios [20-March-2018] : NSR
- 384- Reichard et al. field experiment bird predation on Austrolebias minuano to show linked high sex-dependent size-specific mortality [19-March-2018] : BJLS
- 383- Polacik et al. by comparing Notho pops show fish from more arid regions (erratic rains) produce much more short-developing embryos [15-March-2018] : JFB
- 382- Turko et al. show Krypt. marmoratus rely on land escape behavior rather than metabolic depression or increased O2 extraction ability [10-March-2018] : JEB
- 381- The Fuller team tests color variation in Luc. goodei (1 red male vs 5 yellow, and rev.) with reds preference linked to deeper water [10-March-2018] : CZ
- 380- The Esmaeili team documents lab embryology of Aphanius vladykovi at 24°C in less than 7 days with attached yolk sac and ca. 5.2 mm [24-February-2018] : J.Mor
- 379- The Esmaeili team documents lab embryology of Aphanius sophiae at 24°C in less than 14 days with blood circulation start at 70 hours [24-February-2018] : JAI
- 378- Scarsella et al show state of ocellus and orange coloration as key predictors of internal gonadal state in Krypt. marmoratus [24-February-2018] : J.Zool
- 377- Costa et al. show congruent distribution and molecular differentiation between Cynolebias and Hypsolebias groups in Caatinga [23-February-2018] : PlosOne
- 376- Podrabsky team, in full genome Austrof. limnaeus, points out candidate genes in embryonic stress tolerance and post-diapause dvpt [22-February-2018] : BMCG
- 375- Katwate et al. resurrect Aplocheilus andamanicus (Andaman) and armatus (Indonesia) based on morphological and molecular evidence [20-February-2018] : Zootaxa
- 374- Saglam et al. refute competitive results on putative age of Cyprinodon diabolis in cave, 60 thousand years (not 12.6, younger) [19-February-2018] : M.Ecol
- 373- Trujillo et al. details Floridichthys polyommus LHT in estuary (positive allometric growth, 1.21 for females sex ratio, lower salt) [17-February-2018] : JAI
- 372- Costa revises Nothobranchius with subgen. Cynobranchius, Plesiobranchius (both new), Adiniops, Paranothobranchius, Zononothobranchius [15-February-2018] : JLS
- 371- Bragança, Amorim and Costa spin-off all lampeyes from Poeciliids, as 3 families, Pantanodontidae, Procatopodidae, Fluviphylacidae [9-February-2018] : ZSE
- 370- Nascimento et al. disclose only esophagus and long intestine (no stomach) in Anablepsoides urophthalmus {K-D maintained in Rivulus} [7-February-2018] : JAMB
- 369- Dominguez et al. disclose in Millerichthys robustus protective cortical structures and sexual synchronization through pheromones [15-January-2018] : J.A.I.
- 368- Nagy + Vreven describe a new lampeye from Lufira basin in Zaïre, Micropanchax petnehazyi, with straight bars, related to hutereaui [6-January-2018] : IEF
- 367- Nagy describes Nothobranchius ditte (N. brieni superspecies) from lake Mweru basin, in Zaïre, with banded Caudal and Anal fins [6-January-2018] : IEF
- 366- Costa describes 3 new Melanorivulus sp. {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, proximus (prev. scalaris), nigromarginatus, linearis (Brasil) [5-January-2018] : Z-E
- 365- Lee at al. from Korea disclose 74 cytochrome P450 genes in Kryptolebias marmoratus, with CYP genes in clan 2 as most expanded [4-January-2018] : BMCG
- 364- Zee et al. describe 3 new Aphyosemion in uncertain genus (cyanoflavum, mandoroense, cryptum) from du-Chaillu Massif in Congo [3-January-2018] : Zootaxa
- 363- Nagy reports on successful collection of a new rare (banded) Nothobranchius in Uganda found by Tait in 1969 (+ new Lacustricola) [31-December-2017] : JAKA
- 362- Duvernell's team, in first RNA molecular of Fundulidae, shows Lucania inserted within Fundulus with F. parvipinnis more older lineage [28-December-2017] : MPE
- 361- Huber designates lectotypes of Epiplatys marnoi and bifasciatus with fixed type-locality, suggests revalidation of Rivulus rachovii [27-December-2017] : K-D-S
- 360- Huber after study of single type of Rivulus ocellatus proposes to revalidate K. caudomarginatus and to synonymize hermaphroditus [27-December-2017] : K-D-S
- 359- The Reichard team field-surveys 3 sympatric Austrolebias sp. and surprises with rather synchronous hatching incl. predatory sp. [26-December-2017] : Hydr.
- 358- The Tatarenkov team discloses more heterozygocity in 15 pops of full genome of Kryptolebias marmoratus than microsatellites [26-December-2017] : Gen.
- 357- Infante study color pattern variation of Anablepsoides hartii {K-D maintained in Rivulus} in 4 types, male, fem., intermed., montane [14-December-2017] : RBT
- 356- Zeinali + Motamedi experiment on regeneration of Caudal fin of Aphanius dispar from Iran vs 3 water temperatures (quicker if higher) [30-November-2017] : IJAB
- 355- Fonseca et al. compares 6 incubation media for Austrol. nigrofasciatus (survival, pathway, time), diapause II only in breeding water [29-November-2017] : JFB
- 354- A team led by Romand compares embryology of 4 Nothobranchiidae sp. and 4 Rivulidae sp. with major differences (seem not phylogenetic) [29-November-2017] : EBF
- 353- Hernandez et al. dig into morpho-osteology of San Salvador Island Cyprinodon sp. flock with food as a major engine of speciation [25-November-2017] : J. Anat.
- 352- Chiozzi, Stiassny, et al. study Aphanius from Danakil Depression (incl. stiassnyae) to show them distinctive from Sinai dispar [23-November-2017] : MitDNA
- 351- Burger et al. show aquaculture capacities of Fundulus grandis grandis in freshwater ponds with market sizes at 4 and 8 weeks [20-November-2017] : NAJA
- 350- Neto + Volcan study LHT Melanorivulus rossoi {K-D maintained in Rivulus} as a threatened species with limited distribution [13-November-2017] : E.B.F.
- 349- Nagy et al. describe cryptic Nothobranchius cooperi from upper Mansa river system (Luapula), northern Zambia, in brieni group [7-November-2017] : A.J.A.S.
- 348- Vahed et al. study embryological early development of critically endangered Aphanius farsicus from Iran for a conservation plan [3-November-2017] : E.B.F.
- 347- Campbell + Piller show, on nuclear and mitochondrial genes, subspecies status in Crenichthys as unfounded (+ 1 un-named sp.) [29-October-2017] : PlosOne
- 346- Freyhof et al. describe Aphanius kruppi from Oman (dedicated to reknown German specialist), in dispar grp (still 2 more new sp.) [26-October-2017] : Zootaxa
- 345- Volcan et al. describe new cryptic Austrolebias camaquensis, in alexandri group, from middle Camaqua basin, area of endemism [24-October-2017] : Zootaxa
- 344- Costa + Cheffe describe 2 Austrolebias sp. in adloffi group, pelotapes and pongondo (combined diagnosis), with salviai revalidated [13-October-2017] : V.Z.
- 343- Costa describes 2 new cryptic Cynolebias sp., elegans (gilbertoi grp), long finned and smallest congener, and gorutuba, large-sized [13-October-2017] : ZSE
- 342- Doadrio-led team molecularly shows diversification of Aph. iberus less Pleistocene coined than other Spanish fish (some pops, recent) [3-October-2017] : JH
- 341- Heffell, Turko, Wright show K. marmoratus alter skin permeability to maximize water uptake while emersed in hypersaline conditions [26-September-2017] : JCP
- 340- Thompson et al., based on genes, suggest delayed hatching in non-annual Apl. lineatus is a different process than annual diapauses [26-September-2017] : EGG
- 339- Arezo et al. induce diapause I in Austrolebias sp. with co-existence of 2 types of diapause I and lower total extractable RNA content [24-September-2017] : DD
- 338- Yaripour et al. show high genetic diversity (vs. low morpho diversity) in 4 pops of Aphanius farsicus in Iran, using microsatellites [24-September-2017] MBRC
- 337- Tatarenkov et al. molecularly divide mangrove killifish into 3 clades (new = Panama, Antilles) with 3 systematic (sub)species options [12-September-2017] : BJLS
- 336- ICZN acknowledge request of ruling by Laan to replace pre-occupied family-group name Rivulidae by Rivulusidae (and other options) [5-September-2017] : BZN
- 335- Lucon-Xiccato and Griggio show Aph. fasciatus exploratory behavior in groups as reduced when shoals are male only (vs female-mix) [4-September-2017] : Eth
- 334- Teimori et aL study scale morphology in Iranian Aphanius with differences between sophiae group and ginaonis (related to dispar) [2-September-2017] : JIch
- 333- Dias et al. study food vs. size-age of Cynop. fulgens with 2 groups, adults as insectivorous, juveniles as partly zooplanktivorous [29-August-2017] : Ihe
- 332- Blengini et al. show that female Austrolebias reicherti discriminates for male conspecifics based on olfactory cues (not visual ones) [23-August-2017] : BP
- 331- Anzueto et al. measure morpho-differences between fresh, formalin and ethanol spms of Prof. labialis (decrease in weight and CF) [23-August-2017] : JAI
- 330- Teimori et al. evidence micro-differences in scale morph between brackish Aphanius dispar and in-between 4 sophiae-group components [18-August-2017] : APF
- 329- Polacik + Janac show no influence on hatching and growth for Notho. furzeri if predator clues (fish just proceed forward no matter) [18-August-2017] : EE
- 328- Richards + Martin dig into San Salvador 3 Cyprinodon with 37 full-genome spms to show mutual introgression and 1 new un-named sp. [13-August-2017] : Plos1G
- 327- Chilean team with Arratia + Vila publishes major discovery, Pseudorestias lirimensis, n. gen. sp. (female double-sized vs. male) [9-August-2017] : PlosOne
- 326- Grégoir et al. show with experimental draught Notho. wattersi adults react by doubling short term egg deposition (at lifespan cost) [5-August-2017] : JFB
- 325- Beck et al. molecularly show that basal divergence of Aplocheilus panchax dates 3.5 MYA, eastward, with Sulawesi pop. only 30 KYA [2-August-2017] : PlosOne
- 324- Depra et al. describe Melanorivulus nelsoni {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, invariably lacking ventral fins, like several others [2-August-2017] : Zootaxa
- 323- Reyes discards possibility of social learning for Fundulus julisia, facing competitive Gambusia affinis (even conditioned) [2-August-2017] : Ms. Thesis
- 322- Valdesalici + Nielsen describe new miniature Laimosemion gili {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, from rio Negro (Br.), related to romeri [29-July-2017] : Aqua
- 321- Costa et al. time to ca 25 Mya split of Cynolebias et al. from Cynopoecilus et al., based on multigene sequences and European fossil [26-July-2017] : MPE
- 320- Freyhof + Turkish team designate Aphanius iconii neotype, revise fontinalis-meridionalis, upgrade Aphaniini to full family status [21-July-2017] : Zootaxa
- 319- Reichard's team emphasizes, in Nothos (for furzeri), strong buffering role of diapause in energetic balance of egg development [14-June-2017] : DD
- 318- Concha's team studies the tissue spreading in early cell structure, movements, patterning for Austrolebias nigripinnis embryos [12-June-2017] : Nature
- 317- Eckerström-Liedholm et al. show a significant steeper allometric relationship betw. egg and body size in annual vs. non-annual sp. [10-June-2017] : Evo
- 316- Dominguez et al. dig into LHT of annual Mil. robustus with slower growth for female and sexual maturity at 21 days after hatching [8-June-2017] : EBF
- 315- Aminaghaie and Esmaeili morphologically and histologically study gonads of Aphanius sophiae with 5 stages of sexual maturation [7-June-2017] : IJAB
- 314- Costa redescribes Nothobranchius guentheri and melanospilus, based on Zanzibar spms with historical review + new morpho characters [5-June-2017] : JNH
- 313- Thompson et al., in 52 annual killifish sp. (focus on Hypsolebias), show various egg membranes, structure and filaments with SEM [31-May-2017] : JFB
- 312- Nielsen describes 2 cryptic sp. of Melanorivulus, britzkei and canesi {K-D maintained in Rivulus} both from Para state, Brasil [27-May-2017] : Aqua
- 311- Jimenez et al. disclose full mitochondrial genomes for Empetrichthys lat. latos and (low variation) Crenichthys baileyi moapae [20-May-2017] : Gene
- 310- Dominguez et al. detail ecology of Mil. robustus, as flooding (only diapause I), drought (only II), humid period (I, II and III) [14-May-2017] : DD
- 309- Liu et al. show, in Notho. guentheri, oogenesis process in 4 histological stages and degeneration of old ovaries as down-regulated [13-May-2017] : FSI
- 308- Nielsen et al. describe a new southern Simpsonichthys sp., Minas Gerais, Brasil, with A-type frontal squamation (espinhacensis) [8-May-2017] : Zootaxa
- 307- Romney + Podrabsky show in annual Austrofundulus limnaeus maternal mechanisms e.g. to lay non diaposing eggs by young female [26-April-2017] : EvoDevo
- 306- Volcan et al. surprisingly report new record of Austrolebias nigripinnis from Brasil (previously Argentina, Uruguay, only) [22-April-2017] : Zootaxa
- 305- Guimaraes-Costa et al. record and molecularly identify mangrove killifish in Para state, Brasil, 1250 km more N.W. than Ceara-Mirim [22-April-2017] : CL
- 304- Ghedotti + Davis show from 3 fossil Fundulus subgeneric divergence as 53-23 MYA (Plancterus+Wileyichthys and eastern Fundulus s.s.) [14-April-2017] : Zootaxa
- 303- Major milestone in Millerichthys robustus research by Dominguez team, with key (3) diapause stages linked to flood, draught, wet [4-April-2017] : I.R.
- 302- Reichard et al. show, in 4 sympatric Nothos, hatching occurs within 1 week after peak rain, possibly with 2 cohorts or specificities [27-March-2017] : DD
- 301- Watters reports comparative morphological, ecological, behavioral data of the 4 Notho sp. (+ 2 lampeyes) in Kibasira Swamp, Tan. [24-March-2017] : JAKA
- 300- Cellerino's team show, by comparing 4 Nothos vs. non-annual genes, positive aging selection in all steps of mito-biogenesis [22-March-2017] : AgingC
- 299- Reichard et al. review community assembly in Nothobranchius (lowland-highlands furzeri, orthonotus and nearby cryptic species) [14-March-2017] : EE
- 298- Pereiro et al. suggest gastrulation in annual Austrolebias occurs in a compressed blastopore-like structure with organiser region [7-March-2017] : DD
- 297- Vila and al. show the Lauca Orestias sp. is a single genetic species (chungarensis, piacotensis, parinacotensis = laucaensis) [6-March-2017] : PlosOne
- 296- Volcan, Klotzel and Lanès describe Melanorivulus nigropunctatus and ofaie {K-D maintained in Rivulus} from upper Parana, Brasil [22-February-2017] : Zootaxa
- 295- Black et al. show rapid divergence between purified wild Cyprinodon bovinus and refugium bovinus based on full genome vs. morph [19-February-2017] : M.Ec.
- 294- Valdesalici and Gil describe Anablepsoides chapare {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, from central Bolivia, in limoncochae group [26-January-2017] : Aqua
- 293- Costa describes cryptic Nothobranchius insularis, from Mafia island, based on actual paratypes of lucius separated by teeth pattern [21-January-2017] : ZE
- 292- Guezi et al. report LHT of Aphanius fasciatus in brackish waters of Algerian low Sahara, with 6 age classes and breeding peak in May [21-January-2017] : EBL
- 291- Schalk et al. analyse (radioisotopes) Bolivian ponds communities (Neofundulus, tadpoles, macroinvertebrates) with high opportunism [18-January-2017] : FB
- 290- Rhee et al. reshuffle all cards with molecular Panamean Kryptolebias pop closer to Rio de Janeiro pop than marmoratus [15-January-2017] : NSR
- 289- Costa creates 3 more new names in Melanorivulus group, flavipinnis, ignescens, regularis, for cryptic species of dapazi, SW Brasil [13-January-2017] : ZK
- 288- Collier reviews Rivulus tenuis, revalidates godmani and describes as new degreefi, molecularly isolated, all from Guatemala [29-December-2016] : JAKA
- 287- A team led by Whitehead shows, in whole genome sequences of F. heteroclitus, mutations 8,000 times more resistant to toxic waste [20-December-2016] : Sci
- 286- Costa et al. compare molecular biology data of Melanorivulus and distributional patterns in Brasil, in 4 zones (rather exploded) [8-December-2016] : ZR
- 285- Costa presents the known distribution of the Kryptolebias marmoratus group in Brasil with comparative primary male patterns [20-November-2016] : IEF
- 284- Nagy et al. describe Zambian Nothobranchius sainthousei, mol.-related to chochamandai, dedicated to UK researcher Ian Sainthouse [19-November-2016] : IEF
- 283- Valdesalici describes Nothobranchius streltsovi, with 2 sympatric color phases in male from Tanzania, related to ugandensis group [19-November-2016] : IEF
- 282- Costa describes 3 new sp. in Melanorivulus {K-D in Rivulus}, petrisecundi, spixi, wallacei, in a large revision of zygonectes group [19-November-2016] : IEF
- 281- Reichard's team analyses parasites in wild Nothos, with trematods (life cycle with non-aquatic host as must) being most abundant [18-November-2016] : IEF
- 280- Lozano + Maza alarm on conservation of the 52 Mexican killifish sp. with 7 now extinct, 20 endangered, and only 7 as widespread [3-November-2016] : JFB
- 279- Valdesalici-Dominguez-Mosqueda detail diving breeding behavior of Millerichthys robustus, female uniquely on command, in 7 steps [29-October-2016] : Aqua
- 278- Nielsen describes Anablepsoides luitalimae and vieirai {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, from Brasilian Amazon, related to limoncochae [29-October-2016] : Aqua
- 277- Valdesalici, Nielsen, Brousseau + Phunkner describe Papiliolebias habluetzeli, a cryptic sp. from Bolivia, related to francescae [29-October-2016] : Aqua
- 276- Patterson et al show larvae growth + survival of Fund. grandis w. live artemias as better than 5 dried food (even if partial repl) [9-October-2016] : NAJA
- 275- Jean Gaudant posthumously describes Francolebias arvernensis related to Valencia (Costa's internal fertilization, not confirmed) [7-October-2016] : GD
- 274- Ortiz+Arim study food of sympatric Austrolebias viarius, cheradophilus, luteoflammulatus, Cynopoecilus melanotaenia in 50 Uru ponds [6-October-2016] : AA
- 273- Jamangapé et al. revalidate and redescribe Profundulus balsanus Ahl as a molecular species, related to punctatus and oaxacae [3-October-2016] : Zootaxa
- 272- A team led by Lima reports first record of male of Kryp. hermaphroditus from Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, with distinct colors [2-October-2016] : N.Ich.
- 271- Collier et al. report karyotypes of Cualac tessellatus and Floridichthys carpio, with no sexual chromosomes (standard n=24) [1-October-2016] : SWN
- 270- Costa goes further into name splitting strategy with new Leptopanchax genus (citrinipinnis) and Poecilopanchax subgenus (notabilis) [28-September-2016] : VZ
- 269- Mansoori et al. disclose the detailed karyotype of Aphanius darabensis from Iran, with standard diploid number (2n=48) [27-September-2016] : IJAB
- 268- Yogurtçuoglu and Ekmekçi report new records of Aphanius marassantensis {KD as a junior synonym} from Yesilirmak Basin (Turkey) [24-September-2016] : trjfas
- 267- Lema et al. disclose the complete mitochondrial genome of Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis), conservation-minded [21-September-2016] : MtDNA
- 266- Krysanov et al. disclose multiple-sex chromosomes in Nothobranchius brieni and N. sp. Kasenga with atypical diploid number [20-September-2016] : CC
- 265- Teimori et al. point out un-natural (man-transplanted) populations of Aphanius dispar in Iran with genetic diversity concerns [19-September-2016] : IJI
- 264- Teams led by Lanès (Br.) and Reichard (Cz.) report comparative LHT in sympatric Austrolebias minuano and Cynopoecilus fulgens [19-September-2016] : JFB
- 263- Hundt et al. demonstrate, with multpile genes, presence of a new cryptic species in Fundulus catenatus group but do not name it [18-September-2016] : ZJLS
- 262- Chen et Hsu show in a lab experiment on hermaphroditic K. marmoratus that 2-3 mm more in size is 92% winning in naive competitors [28-August-2016] : AC
- 261- Gholami et al. report 100% parasitic infection by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis for a population of Aphanius sophiae in the wild [21-August-2016] : JPD
- 260- Podrabsky and Wilson report on hypoxia (low O2) and anoxia (no O2) tolerance in Austrof. limnaeus, anoxia and diapause as unlinked [17-August-2016] : ICB
- 259- Collier extends his 2009 molecular study of Epiplatys with more species, in 2 clades of geo-expansion (still with low bootstraps) [10-August-2016] : JAKA
- 258- Alonso et al. report on new collections of Austrolebias elongatus in Argentina and precise its eco-distribution, plus monstrosus [9-August-2016] : ChkL
- 257- Perlman, in 204 pages Ph.D., studies aestivating and land (lateral) movements of K. marmoratus showing inadequation with fish form [3-August-2016] : WFU
- 256- Vrtilek and Reichard show eggs size in arid region are less limited by female fecundity than in humid region for Notho. [30-July-2016] : EE
- 255- Kim et al. disclose the complete mitochondrial genome of Kryptolebias hermaphroditus, as identical to counterpart marmoratus [29-July-2016] : MtDNA
- 254- Costa infers ancestral ecology and distribution of Cynopoecilins based on combined (not separated) molecular-morpho analyses [24-July-2016] : PlosOne
- 253- Parenti's team disclose detailed oogenesis in 6 stages for Jordanella floridae female with unique disposition of oil droplets [19-July-2016] : J.Mor
- 252- Polacik et al. present best lab breeding protocol for N. furzeri as different from other lab animals (6 months' median life span) [14-July-2016] : NP
- 251- Cheffe et al. report on negative impact of built dam-road on niche of very endangered Austrolebias nigrofasciatus and wolterstorffi [6-July-2016] : GM
- 250- Chan digs into early annual mechanisms via expression of BMP-2, BMP-4 and BMP Receptor-2 in egg of Austrofundulus limnaeus [3-July-2016] : PSUMS
- 249- Kelley et al. present genome for selfing K. marmoratus (approx. 900 Mb) including 27 328 annotated, predicted, protein-coding genes [26-June-2016] : GBE
- 248- Barbas studies various barriers of hybridization betw. F. heteroclitus and grandis and conclude on female het. higher choice power [20-June-2016] : UNF
- 247- Dominguez-Castanedo et al. study female ovaries of Millerichthys robustus to establish annualism with unique structures [19-June-2016] : JMor
- 246- Thompson and Orti show some similar transcriptional patterns in embryos-offspring Nematolebias whitei and other diapausing animals [18-June-2016] : MBE
- 245- Vaughan et al. disclose that planted inland populations of Fundulus grandis eat other fish, contrary to native coastal populations [9-June-2016] : SwN
- 244- Muhtadi et al. first disclose Aplocheilus panchax in brackish waters in lake Siombak, Sumatra, even more dominant at high tides [4-June-2016] : OLI
- 243- Ramee + Allen show low fertility (20%) but high hatching rate and survival (>75%) in euryhaline F. gr. grandis in freshwater spawn [3-June-2016] : JFB
- 242- Britzke et al. describe Hypsolebias faouri and martinsi {KD maintained in Simpsonichthys} from arid northeastern Brasil [25-May-2016] : Zootaxa
- 241- Palacios et al. report F. persimilis (23 cm), grandissimus, Flor. polyommus in Yucatan marine shores with underwater FW springs [23-May-2016] : RBN
- 240- The Reichenbacher team reports first time sympatry of Aph. dispar and mesopotamicus at suture zone of former with hybrids [11-May-2016] : Limn.
- 239- Frey et al. show higher osteo-variation between families ancestors (Valencia vs. Poeciliids) in Prolebias-Paralebias fossils [10-May-2016] : P.E.
- 238- Nielsen et al. describe Melanorivulus polychromus {K-D maintained in Rivulus} from mid Parana basin, redescribing apiamici Costa [29-April-2016] : Aqua
- 237- Nielsen et al. describe Anablepsoides hoetmeri {K-D maintained in Rivulus} from rio Purus drainage, W. Amazon (limoncochae gp) [29-April-2016] : Aqua
- 236- Valdesalici and Eberl describe Aphyosemion bitteri (co-discovered by Hellner), another small sp. from N. Massif du Chaillu, Gabon [29-April-2016] : Aqua
- 235- Lencer et al. show CT-scans of jaw morphological variation in 3 related sympatric, recently derived, Cyprinodon of San Salvador [26-April-2016] : J.Mor
- 234- Cavalheiro and Fialho study size-related food of (Atlanti)Rivulus riograndensis, as a follow-up of their 2015 study [23-April-2016] : N.Ich.
- 233- Helmstetter et al., with molecular Cyprinodontiformes data, show viviparity is a stronger diversification engine than annualism [18-April-2016] : N.C.
- 232- Jafari compares LHT of 2 disjunct pops of Aphanius vladykovi with few differences except growth patterns implying future speciation [16-April-2016] : JAR
- 231- Vrtilek and Reichard show 2 distinct morphs (putative distinct sp.) are not congruent with Mt-genes in 23 orthonotus populations [14-April-2016] : JZSER
- 230- Schaefer et al. genetically show that parapatric Fundulus olivaceus and notatus introgress similarly whatever is the suture zone [12-April-2016] : Evo
- 229- Perlman and Ashley-Ross detail muscle mechanism and nearly close C-shape posture of K. marmoratus to prepare a jump outside water [11-April-2016] : JEB
- 228- Costa et al. describe a new cryptic sp. of Cynopoecilus (feltrini) from S.E. Brasil with red-orange branchiostegal region in male [5-April-2016] : BDJ
- 227- Garcia et al. experiment on sex change for K. marmoratus with hermaphrodites, more aggressive and risk averse, and males, fatter [4-April-2016] : JEB
- 226- Esmaeili et al. report near-to-extinction status of Aphanius farsicus (previously persicus) and possible measures of conservation [1-April-2016] : IJI
- 225- Valdesalici describes Laimosemion leticia {K-D maintained in Rivulus} a small sp. from Amazonian Colombia (Owiyeye group) [2-March-2016] : Zootaxa
- 224- McBryan et al. show warmth acclimation improves hypoxia tolerance in Fund. heteroclitus, but less so for northern macrolepidotus [23-February-2016] : JEB
- 223- Clark a. Schaefer show movements of tagged Fundulus olivaceus, (+) by male sex, spawning season, low-density or (-) by predator [2-February-2016] : BES
- 222- Valdesalici describes a new cryptic species in Moema, kenwoodi {K-D maintained in Aphyolebias} from Madre de Dios basin in Peru [30-January-2016] : Jaka
- 221- Breakthrough US study by Martin et al. molecularly reveals Cyprinodon diabolis invaded its unique cave 105 to 830 years ago only [17-January-2016] : PRS
- 220- A Brasilian team, with Britske and Nielsen, molecularly shows Simpsonichthys splitting as paraphyletic, with a possible new genus [12-January-2016] : ZS
- 219- Alyahya analyses with RAPD genetic technique Aphanius dispar and fasciatus and their natural hybrids in the Red Sea as distinctive [6-January-2016] : LSJ
- 218- Tatarenkov et al. publish full mitochondrial genome of Floridan Kryptolebias marmoratus (first with precise origin) at 17 329 bp [31-December-2015] : MtDNA
- 217- A Chinese team, surprisingly not US, Zhu et al., publishes full mitochondrial genome of Fundulus heteroclitus, with 16 528 bp [29-December-2015] : MtDNA
- 216- Heuton et al. demonstrate lab capacity of Cyprinodon diabolis to anaerobism (no oxygen consumption) during periods up to 149 mn [21-December-2015] : JEB
- 215- Cavalheiro and Fialho extend data on life history patterns of (Atlanti)Rivulus riograndensis, after first by Lanès et al. in 2012 [18-December-2015] : IHE
- 214- Valenzano, Brunet and a large team show differences in lifespan between pops of Notho. furzeri are linked to male sexual genome [10-December-2015] : Cell
- 213- Reichwald and a large team uncover an intra-species Y chromosome polymorphism in Notho. furzeri as stages of sex chromosome [10-December-2015] : Cell
- 212- Vrtilek and Reichard show females of Notho. furzeri as able to produce larger eggs and to compensate growth delays if low ration [5-December-2015] : EFF
- 211- Black et al. review conservation strategies for Cyp. bovinus with unexpected results when available breeding habitat is increased [3-December-2015] : AC
- 210- Costa, Amorim, Mattos compare Campellolebias and Cynopoecilus with male independant acquisition of internal fertilization tube [29-November-2015] : MPE
- 209- Valdesalici describes Anablepsoides fransvermeuleni {KD maintained in Rivulus}, from Suriname, in hartii-igneus-waimacui group [25-November-2015] : IEF
- 208- Huber proposes a morphological re-diagnosis of Yssolebias within cyprinodontoids based on new characters with new f-g name [20-November-2015] : K-D-S
- 207- Valdesalici describes a new Nothobranchius species from inland Tanzania with 2 color phases at male Anal, white and yellow [20-November-2015] : K-D-S
- 206- Huber analyses nomenclatural and systematic situation of Aphanius danfordii, chantrei, marassantensis with synonymization [20-November-2015] : K-D-S
- 205- Cruz-Jofré et al. evaluate morpho-genetic reasons why isolated Ores. ascotanensis forms 4 groups, some influenced by monsoon [15-November-2015] : BJLS
- 204- Ornelas, Martinez, Doadrio describe Mexican Profundulus mixtlanensis, revalidate oaxacae, both previously identified as punctatus [14-November-2015] : RMB
- 203- Safronova and Krysanov detail karyotypes of Notho. rachovii and krysanovi (lowest haploid nb), disclose no sexual chromosome [11-November-2015] : RJG
- 202- Bressman et al. video-evidence, in Fundulus heteroclitus, a new upward posture linked to eye recognition in-between jumps on land [8-November-2015] : JEZ
- 201- Eberl reports pattern differences in northern-southern groups of pops of Aphyo. etsamense and extended range of foothill species [7-November-2015] : DKG-J
- 200- Kwon et al. show differences via electron microscopy in external enveloppes of embryos of Nothobranchius guentheri and patrizii [7-November-2015] : AMK
- 199- Graciela Garcia's team publishes full mitogenome of Austrolebias charrua with 17 271 bp, first in Neotropical annual killifish [5-November-2015] : BMCG
- 198- A team with Agnèse shows little parasitic infection in 1019 spms of 14 species (13 Aphyosemion, 1 Epiplatys) of south Cameroun [2-November-2015] : IJRSB
- 197- Nielsen and Pillet describe Spectrolebias bellidoi {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys}, a new cryptic annual species from Bolivia [31-October-2015] : Aqua
- 196- Nielsen and Pillet describe a new cryptic species from southern Bolivia as Austrolebias accorsii, the third congener of the country [31-October-2015] : Aqua
- 195- Valdesalici and Gil describe mabura, a new cryptic species of Laimosemion {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, from Guyana [31-October-2015] : Aqua
- 194- A Croatian team led by Caleta premieres a molecular study of local Aph. fasciatus, in 2 sets of populations, back to Pleistocene [20-October-2015] : S.M.
- 193- Chaibi et al. recollect Aphanius fasciatus inland Algeria and study its life history traits {no discussion of regional taxa} [7-October-2015] : J.A.I.
- 192- Wagner (220 pp thesis) shows ability of Austrof. limnaeus embryos to reverse DNA damage (UV-C radiation) and recover dvpt [6-October-2015] : U.P.D.T.
- 191- Leiser et al. show field behavior of Cyprinodon bovinus female as strong selectivity of males first then low after many experiences [5-October-2015] : JFB
- 190- Turko and Wright review amphibious lifestyles (aestivation) in most families, with highlights on F. heteroclitus and K. marmoratus [23-September-2015] : JFB
- 189- Fernando et al. detail Aplocheilus parvus feeding habits in Sri Lanka with diurnal variations (insects-day and copepods-morning) [22-September-2015] : SLJAS
- 188- Morcillo et al. produce a full molecular survey of Profundulus+Tlaloc, proposing status of distinct genera, diverged ca. 20 MYA [17-September-2015] : MPE
- 187- Takahashi and Moreno innovate with a new molecular technique showing better resolution for Titicaca Orestias in 4 species groups [10-September-2015] : MPE
- 186- Watters et al. describe Nothobranchius capriviensis from Namibia (previously known as N. sp. Caprivi) with conservation concerns [9-September-2015] : Jaka
- 185- Avise and Tatarenkov review cross mating and selfing genetics in Kryptolebias marmoratus-ocellatus-caudomarginatus (latter, not) [6-August-2015] : JFB
- 184- Nielsen and Pinto describe Melanorivulus imperatrizensis {K.D. maintained in Rivulus}, rio Tocantins, with all fins orange in male [23-July-2015] : Aqua
- 183- Valdesalici, Nielsen, Pillet describe as beucheyi, another Moema species with non-transversal pattern, from Bolivian Amazon [23-July-2015] : Aqua
- 182- Valdesalici and Eberl name Aphyosemion jeanhuberi, a cryptic species of louessense (Malinga), with ID key of ogoense superspecies [23-July-2015] : Aqua
- 181- Bartakova et al. show congruent molecular species delimitation with present lowland large river boundaries [upstream, not studied] [18-July-2015] : J.B.
- 180- Quezada et al. publish for the first time full genome of endangered Orestias ascotanensis from Chilean Andes with 16 617 bp [17-July-2015] : MtDNA
- 179- Vrtilek+Reichard compare equilibrated or female overweighted sex ratio for 334 Notho. populations and conclude rather on hazard [15-July-2015] : Evol Ecol
- 178- Gaudant et al. describe a new fossil Valencia sp. from Miocene (and a new Paralebias linked to extant lampeyes) in central Espana [14-July-2015] : NJGP
- 177- Huang and Hsu study competitive behavior of Kryptolebias marmoratus with or w-o prior shelter showing first in last out [7-July-2015] : Ethology
- 176- Quezada et al. publish for the first time full genome of Orestias sp. (possibly new) from extreme western Cordillera in Chile [4-July-2015] : MtDNA
- 175- Zee, Sonnenberg and Mbimbi describe Hypsopanchax stiassnyae from southeastern Zaire (DRC) closely related to neighbor jobaerti [3-July-2015] : IEF
- 174- Podrabsky and Hand review similar life histories and diapauses in brine shrimp Artemia franciscana and Austrofundulus limnaeus [23-June-2015] : J.E.B.
- 173- Keepers, Martin and Kane publish complete mitochondrial genome of Cyprinodon nevadensis pectoralis with 16 499 bp [16-June-2015] : Mit-DNA
- 172- Californian researchers, Barcelon and Lema, publish complete mitochondrial genome of Cyprinodon variegatus with 16 498 bp [1-June-2015] : Mit-DNA
- 171- Pappalardo et al. compare detailed gene structure of Aph. iberus and fasciatus with evolution keys (split age, connectivity, etc.) [30-May-2015] : JFB
- 170- Yogurtçuoglu and Ekmekci report length-weight and length-length relationships of 8 (all?) endemic Aphanius species from Turkey [26-May-2015] : J.A.I.
- 169- Furness reviews evidence on evolution of embryonic diapause in killifish and provides a scenario for how annual life cycle evolved [19-May-2015] : B.R.
- 168- Souza et al. report K. hermaphroditus further north in Brasil from Extremoz, Rio Grande do Norte (previously, Olinda, Pernambuco) [18-May-2015] : C.L.
- 167- Pohl et al. using multigene molecular biology reshuffle Aplocheiloid-Cyprinodontoid interrelationships with Pantanodon ambiguous [4-May-2015] : V.Z.
- 166- Costa et al. describe Melanorivulus atlanticus {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, cryptic of decoratus, from Sergipe state, N.E. Brasil [4-May-2015] : V.Z.
- 165- Costa after reviewing RX and photo of type Cyprinodon martae (Yssolebias description not seen) believes it closer to Cubanichthys [4-May-2015] : V.Z.
- 164- Costa reviews Neofundulus with 2 new sp., rubrofasciatus, aureomaculatus, and tentatively identifies paraguayensis from Brasil [4-May-2015] : V.Z.
- 163- Cellerino et al. review present knowledge on Notho. with life span, food, inbred lines, as a model for research (transgenics) [3-May-2015] : B.R.
- 162- Furness et al. show that embryo development of Notho. furzeri depends on both hazard (bet-hedging) and necessity (plasticity) [28-April-2015] : Evo
- 161- Rodriguez names Rivulus berovidesi, as a new sp., populations from western Cuba previously shown molecularly distinct [24-April-2015] : Zootaxa
- 160- Gaines presents (Master's thesis) a full modern survey of LHP of Fundulus pulvereus in 3 Mississippi intertidal marshes (17 months) [23-April-2015] : ADC
- 159- Brix et al. dig into regulating Na+ uptake of 2 Cyprinodon (euryhaline variegatus, freshw. hubbsi) with carbonic anhydrase as a key [14-April-2015] : MIP
- 158- Esmaeili et al. detail length-weight relationships of Aph. darabensis, kavirensis, shirini, furcatus, with overlaps except furcatus [13-April-2015] : JAI
- 157- Costa proposes another combined phylogenetic analysis for the genera allied to Callopanchax with new diagnostic characters [10-April-2015] : ZJLS
- 156- Tatarenkov et al. show a strong genetic heterogeneity in pops of K. marmoratus of central America resulting of clonal+outcrossing [28-March-2015] : JHer
- 155- Garcia et al. use new sequencing machine on charrua-melanotaenia to explore over-large genome size by replications in Austrolebias [23-March-2015] : Gen
- 154- Kozak et al.: Lucania top mating preferences go to conspecifics for sympatric spms and to sympatric vs. allopatric conspecifics [1-March-2015] : A.N.
- 153- Thompson details (masters thesis) life history patterns of Fundulus sciadicus in Missouri, like Haas (2005) for Nebraska [23-February-2015] : Miss.Pub.
- 152- Gholami et al. molecularly study 2 new Iranian Aphanius pops, as sophiae (extended range) and as shirini (probable transplant) [6-February-2015] : Limn.
- 151- Valdesalici et al. count 80 Italian populations of Aph. fasciatus in 3 periods with (many) bad and (rare) good conservation news [3-February-2015] : IJZ
- 150- Gholami et al. show relative molecular stability among several populations of Aphanius farsicus linked with phenotypic plasticity [3-February-2015] : JFB
- 149- Alcaraz et al. report on food (herbivorous, mainly algae) according to season for endangered Aphanius farsicus in Iran [2-February-2015] : EBF
- 148- Esquer et al. molecularly show first evidence of natural hybridization (up to 10%) between 2 Andean Orestias, agassii and lutea [30-January-2015] : C.G.
- 147- Furness et al. disclose from a supermatrix tree of Cyprinodontiformes that diapause eggs evolved independently at least 6 times [28-January-2015] : P.R.B
- 146- Wagner and Podrabsky show unique very early developmental pattern (stress buffering) in embryos of Austrofundulus limnaeus [24-January-2015] : EvoDevo
- 145- Yogurtçuoglu and Ekmekci report on wild Aphanius transgrediens (only 6 springs left), to build a shelter free from Gambusia [17-January-2015] : JBES
- 144- Jamie Thomerson died of cancer on January 4. 2015 (born 1935), he described 17 neotropical killifish names [15-January-2015] : Killi-Data.org
- 143- Wildekamp, Watters and Shidlovskiy describe 3 new Nothobranchius (sagittae, serengetiensis, usanguensis), related to neumanni [5-January-2015] : Jaka
- 142- Nagy describes Nothobranchius flagrans, new cryptic species related to brieni from Mufufya river, lower Lufira drainage in Zaire [31-December-2014] : IEF
- 141- Gaffaroglu et al. publish karyotype of 4 Aphanius sp., anatoliae, danfordii, splendens (saldae), villwocki, as n=24, A=27 [29-December-2014] : Pak.J.Zool.
- 140- Gutierrez et al. report 8 specific gene microsatellites in endangered Austrolebias charrua for conservation strategies [16-December-2014] : C.G.R.
- 139- Camarena et al. publish full mitochondrial genome sequence of Cyprinodon macularius, with similar arrangement to cyprinodontins [14-December-2014] : MDNA
- 138- Zare, Naderi and Asghari details LHP of highly endangered Aphanius ginaonis as an asynchronous, iteroparous spawner [13-December-2014] : EBF
- 137- Lucas et al. disclose age-related impairments and chrono-disruption of circadian system in last living days of Notho. rachovii [5-December-2014] : CI
- 136- Gonzalez et al. detail 8 diagnostic bones between subgenera Profundulus and Tlaloc, supporting (sub)generic molecular separation [3-December-2014] : IJM
- 135- Ferrer et al. describe Cynopoecilus notabilis using continuous characters to separate that Brasilian sp. from congeners [1-December-2014] : ZJLS
- 134- Pfleiderer, Geiger and Herder describe Aphanius marassantensis, cryptic to danfordii, from N. Anatolia, based on bar codes [27-November-2014] : Zootaxa
- 133- Passos et al. disclose Austrol. reicherti female distinctive behavior in mate choice at beginning and end of breeding season [20-November-2014] : Pone
- 132- Sarmento et al. report on 3 new collecting localities of K. ocellatus {Seegers's sense} in Brasil, more than 200 km north of Rio [17-November-2014] : BSBI
- 131- Reichenbacher and Reichard disclose otoliths of 5 Notho. sp. with 2 ancient clades of Early-Mid Miocene age in Tanz. + Moz. [14-November-2014] : Pone
- 130- Ponce et al. synomymize Rivulus insulaepinorum into cylindraceus, but disclose a new un-named reticulated species from Cuba [22-October-2014] : MPE
- 129- Volcan et al. describe Austrolebias bagual, new species in adloffi group with a unique black-flamed male Dorsal fin from S.E. Brasil [18-October-2014] : Aqua
- 128- Dorn et al. publish the first ever complete molecular tree of Nothobranchius sp. with origin dated about 8 Million years in 4 clades [16-October-2014] : BMC
- 127- Dolfi, Ripa, Cellerino disclose striking similarities in convergent annuals of old and new worlds, for early cleavage (breakthrough) [13-October-2014] : ED
- 126- Huber analyses old rare publications now online by DeKay, McClelland, Stdr. (etc.) and change nomenclatural status of names [30-September-2014] : K-D-S
- 125- Vermeulen extends considerably distribution of related Colombian Rivulus pivijay and xi, with new un-named species in-between [30-September-2014] : K-D-S
- 124- Valdesalici describes Nothobranchius bellemansi, related to rubroreticulatus, N. occultus, related to virgatus, both from Sudan [30-September-2014] : K-D-S
- 123- Nagy describes a new Nothobranchius sp. related to brieni, N. chochamandai, from Zaïre, with only a blue border at male Anal fin [22-September-2014] : IEF
- 122- Costa describes Austrolebias araucarianus, a new cryptic species from Iguaçu river basin in Brasil, related to carvalhoi et varzeae [22-September-2014] : IEF
- 121- Costa describes 6 new Cynolebias from Sao Francisco basin, Brasil, ochraceus, obscurus, roseus, rectiventer, parietalis, oticus [22-September-2014] : IEF
- 120- Beissinger analyses risks of harvesting eggs vs. removing adults of Cyprinodon diabolis in cave, for last chance conservation [20-September-2014] : PeerJ
- 119- Phamduy et al. pioneer in Killifish by testing behavior of female Lucania goodei with mimic male robot (yellow phase morph preferred) [30-August-2014] : BB
- 118- Nielsen, Martins, Medeiros, Origuela and Faour describe Hypsolebias trifasciatus {KD maintained in Simpsonichthys}, close to lopesi [19-August-2014] : Aqua
- 117- Valdesalici and Brousseau describe beautiful Papiliolebias francescae (dedicated to Stefano's wife) from Bolivian Amazon [19-August-2014] : Aqua
- 116- Feldheim et al. disclose 17 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Fundulus notatus, most also polymorphic in euryzonus and olivaceus [16-August-2014] : J.F.B.
- 115- Sonnenberg et al. describe Hylopanchax paucisquamatus, a new deep-bodied lampeye with fewer scales from northwest Congo [5-August-2014] : Zootaxa
- 114- Costa describes 2 cryptic Xenurolebias sp. {KD maintained in Simpsonichthys}, pataxo and cricarensis and revalidates izecksohni [19-July-2014] : Sys. Bio.
- 113- Costa et al. describe Melanorivulus rubroreticulatus {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, a component related to zygonectes from Para [14-July-2014] : Ver.Zool.
- 112- Costa, in a rachoviine molecular and morphological review, finds that Moema and Rachovia as presently delimited are paraphyletic [14-July-2014] : Ver.Zool.
- 111- Gholami et al. report infection by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (white spots) in over 50% spms Aphanius dispar in the wild (Iran) [12-July-2014] : J.C.L.M.
- 110- Gonzalez et al. relate low genetic diversity of highly endangered Aphanius baeticus to periodical cycles of flooding allowing mix [1-July-2014] : J. Her.
- 109- Berois et al. review Austrolebias as an emerging model for evolution, gene, behaviour, embryonic development, conservation [28-June-2014] : Cell Dev. Biol.
- 108- Meller and Podrabsky disclose unequalled ability in vertebrates to survive long-term anoxia in Austrofundulus limnaeus embryos (2013) [26-June-2014] : Pone
- 107- McKenzie et al. compare low and high altitude gradients in Aphyosemion species with temperature a key item for metabolic rate (2013) [26-June-2014] : Pone
- 106- Arezo et al. suggest early genetic sexation on annual killifish after testing Austrol. charrua with sex-specific Drosophila gene [31-May-2014] : G.M.B.
- 105- Hsu et al. show for Kryp. marmoratus that winning or losing multiple experiences may reinforce each other even after 1 month gap [22-May-2014] : An.Cog.
- 104- Brown and Green show capacities of prolonged incubation when terrestrial for Fundulus grandis embryos across a temperature gradient [20-May-2014] : JFB
- 103- Teimori et al. describe the fantastic scaleless Aphanius furcatus with soft bones and forked Caudal fin from southern Iran [15-May-2014] : Zool.Anz.
- 102- Varela and Van Dooren demonstrate embryonic plasticity to developmental timing and even arrest in 5 non-annual Rivulus species [14-May-2014] : EvoDevo
- 101- Costa gives a new generic name, Mucurilebias, to Leptolebias leitaoi endangered from Mucuri, Bahia state, Brasil [9-May-2014] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 100- Costa describes 4 new Atlantirivulus {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, maricensis, guanabarensis, paranaguensis, ribeirensis [9-May-2014] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 99- Kodric-Brown and West demonstrate asymmetric premating isolation in 2 sympatric Cyprinodon, desquamator-brontotheroides [30-April-2014] : Beh. Ecol.
- 98- Duvernell and Schaefer show Fundulus notatus and olivaceus, in hybrid zones, position in upstream-dowstream distinct places [29-April-2014] : Evol. Ecol.
- 97- Valdesalici and Eberl describe Aphyosemion mengilai, from hilly western central Gabon, a cryptic species to grelli [23-April-2014] : Aqua
- 96- Nielsen et al. add another cryptic redder species to Maratecoara (gesmonei), with unusual Amazon distribution [23-April-2014] : Aqua
- 95- Esmaeili et al. describe Aphanius darabensis and kavirensis, 2 new cryptic species from Iran and diagnose all Iranese species [10-April-2014] : Zootaxa
- 94- Gholami et al. describe Aphanius shirini, another cryptic species to sophiae, from Kor River Basin in Iran [5-April-2014] : J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res.
- 93- Costa et al. osteologically describe dwarf Laimosemion ubim {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, from central Amazon [3-April-2014] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 92- Nagy describes Nothobranchius milvertzi, from Zambia, in the taeniopygus group (with double belt Caudal) [3-April-2014] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 91- Freyhof et al. describe a new species, Valencia robertae, separated from letourneuxi, in northern Greece [3-April-2014] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 90- Costa et al. describe a third new cryptic Nematolebias as catimbau, separated by 11 nucleotide substitutions [3-April-2014] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 89- Lanés et al. discover Austrolebias cheradophilus in S.E. Brasil detailing life history traits, critically endangered and rare [2-April-2014] : Neo. Ichth.
- 88- Volcan et al. detail on conservation status, ecology, life history, sex ratio and growth of Austrolebias quirogai [1-April-2014] : Acta Ichthyol. Piscat.
- 87- Keppeler et al. test 3 explanations of sympatry along differences in morph and dietary overlap for 2 annual species [20-March-2014] : Ecol. Freshw. Fish
- 86- Lanés et al. analyse life history and dynamics of sympatric Austrol. minuano and Cynop. fulgens with a single age cohort [18-March-2014] : J. Nat. Hist.
- 85- Cassel et al. describe the structure and genesis of single flagellum and spherical headed spermatozoids of Rivulus punctatus [14-March-2014] : Micron
- 84- Belgian Jacques Lambert passed away on September 4. 2013 (born 1923), he described 13 killifish names {unnoticed alert} [7-March-2014] : Killi-Data.org
- 83- Nagy and Zairian team collect live Nothobranchius brieni for the first time since description in 1938, common in type area [27-February-2014] : AKFB-Journal
- 82- Schalk et al. detail ecology, fecundity of Neofundulus ornatipinnis and Austrolebias vandenbergi in Bolivian Gran Chaco [24-February-2014] : Rev. Biol. Trop.
- 81- Bacha et al. consider Aphanius saourensis (described in 2006) as extinct after a dedicated collecting trip in Mazzer region [20-February-2014] : D.K.G.-J.
- 80- Cavraro et al. evidence a semi-lunar tidal-related reproductive cycle for brackish Aphanius fasciatus (like for estuarine Fundulus) [17-February-2014] : ECSS
- 79- Reitzel et al. disclose good adaptative molecular variation from normal to polluted habitats in Fundulus het. macrolepidotus [15-February-2014] : Evol. Biol.
- 78- Carson et al. review conservation genetic status of critically endangered Cyprinodon julimes with hybridized haplotype [12-February-2014] : Conserv. Genet.
- 77- Polacik et al. show 3 sympatric Notho. (furzeri, orthonotus, pienaari) are in 3 niches via gut contents or isotopes [8-February-2014] : Hydrobiologia
- 76- Bartakova et al. show furzeri composed of 2 lineages due to ancient refugia recently re-connected loosing barriers [7-February-2014] : Evol. Biol.
- 75- Garcia et al. show unusually large genomes in 16 sp. of Austrolebias, unknown in other (diploid) fishes [1-February-2014] : Genetica
- 74- Mourabit et al. disclose that Bmp suppression in K. marmoratus embryos causes a split in body axis, unknown in other fishes [31-January-2014] : PlosOne
- 73- Sedlacek et al. show Killifish vivid body colors evolved via disappearance in female and androgen-linked extension in male [30-January-2014] : Zool. Anz.
- 72- Nielsen and Brousseau describe Papiliolebias ashleyae, a beautiful red dwarf annual from Santa Cruz, Bolivia [22-January-2014] : Aqua
- 71- Nielsen et al. describe Hypsolebias shibattai {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys} from rio San Francisco basin, Brasil [22-January-2014] : Aqua
- 70- Costa et al. describe Hypsolebias coamazonicus {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys} from Parnaiba River basin [7-January-2014] : J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res.
- 69- Pronko et al., with videos, show that Kryptolebias marmoratus wanders in land to prey on insects and eat them under water [6-January-2014] : J. Exp.Biol.
- 68- Vermeulen redescribes Rivulus elegans with 4 new species, Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) azurescens, pivijay, ribesrubrum, xi [27-December-2013] : K-D-S 2013
- 67- Valdesalici redescribes Pronothobranchius with chirioi as new and kiyawensis, gambiensis, seymouri, as valid [27-December-2013] : K-D-S 2013
- 66- Huber redefines the genus Aphyosemion and its 9 subgenera with new names, Scheelsemion and Iconisemion [27-December-2013] : K-D-S 2013
- 65- Fonseca et al. report on growth of critically endangered annual Austrolebias wolterstorffi at various temp [24-December-2013] : Neotropical Ichthyology
- 64- Cruz-Jofré et al. point out nomenclatural errors in the assignation of species names in Orestias [14-December-2013] : Zootaxa
- 63- Valdesalici and Schindler describe Anablepsoides lineasoppilatae {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, from Peru [13-December-2013] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 62- Costa et al. describe 5 Anablepsoides {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, as gamae, henschelae, jari, ottonii, roraima [13-December-2013] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 61- Costa describes Melanorivulus leali {K-D maintained in Rivulus} from the Grande river drainage in Brasil [13-December-2013] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 60- Costa describes Hypsolebias caeruleus {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys}, related to adornatus and lopesi [28-November-2013] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 59- McGhee and Travis experiment mating behavioural types for Lucania goodei in relation to gene heritage [14-November-2013] : Anim. Beh.
- 58- Vermeulen, Valdesalici and Gil describe Rivulus tomasi from Amazonian Venezuela, with flamed Caudal fin [30-October-2013] : Aqua
- 57- Martin and Wainwright describe a species flock of Cyprinodon, with 2 n. sp., desquamator, brontotheroides, along variegatus [17-October-2013] : B.P.M.
- 56- Valdesalici and Eberl describe Aphyosemion grelli from inland Gabon with obscure phylogenetic positioning [24-September-2013] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 55- Costa reviews putative biogeography of Aplocheiloids along historical times, since 120 Million years [24-September-2013] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 54- Blazek, Polacik, Reichard : head to head run for quickest time (17 days) to breeding from hatch in Notho. kadleci and furzeri [22-September-2013] : EvoDevo
- 53- Yogurtçuoglu and Ekmekci report life-history traits of Aphanius danfordii {subseq. marassantensis} in details from Hirfanli Reservoir [19-September-2013] : J. Appl. Ich.
- 52- Passos et al. show that female Austrolebias reicherti responds to chemical cues of potential mates (male-conditioned water) [9-September-2013] : Ethology
- 51- Zee et al. redefine genus Hylopanchax, revalidate silvestris, with 3 new species, leki, ndeko and moke, from Congo basin [16-August-2013] : Zootaxa
- 50- Zee et al. describe Epiplatys atratus (related to multifasciatus) as the southeastern most representative of the genus [14-August-2013] : Zootaxa
- 49- Volcan et al. experiment breeding output vs. temperature of Austrolebias nigrofasciatus in lab with interesting results [8-August-2013] : J. Appl. Ichthyol.
- 48- Costa and Bragança describe Laimosemion (Owiyeye) jauaperi {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, from Brasil [25-July-2013] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 47- Costa and Amorim review species of Notholebias, all at risk, with a new species, Noth. vermiculatus [25-July-2013] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 46- Dominguez, Mosqueda and Valdesalici rediscover live Millerichthys robustus, with confirmed annualism [25-July-2013] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 45- Nielsen and Brousseau describe Spectrolebias pilleti {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys} from Bolivia with blue bars in male [22-July-2013] : Aqua
- 44- Nielsen and Brousseau describe splendidus, a cryptic species of Neofundulus from Bolivia with very large post-opercular blotch [22-July-2013] : Aqua
- 43- Earley et al. show that hormonal states modulate more loser than winner effects in hermaphroditic marmoratus [20-July-2013] : Front. Zool.
- 42- Agnèse, Cauvet, Romand show genetic differentiation with 5 distinct species in Scriptaphyosemion geryi [13-July-2013] : Cybium
- 41- Cavraro et al. disclose preference by Aphanius fasciatus for artificial ditches in Venice, Italy [10-July-2013] : Trans. W. Bull.
- 40- Agnèse et al. describe Aphyosemion (Chromaphyosemion) pamaense from Cameroun with a sex chromosome [14-June-2013] : Zootaxa
- 39- Esquer et al. pioneer in the molecular non-invasive analysis of preserved specimens with full revision of Orestias [13-June-2013] : Zootaxa
- 38- Annabi et al. show for the first time congruence between otoliths and molecular data in isolated Tunisian fasciatus [30-May-2013] : Scientia Marina
- 37- Lanés et al. extend the endangered Austrolebias arachan to Brasil (a premiere) and disclose its biology [16-May-2013] : J. Appl. Ichthyol.
- 36- Petzold et al. publish the full gene transcript catalog of Nothobranchius furzeri for ageing studies [22-April-2013] : BMC Genomics
- 35- Cassel et al. study reproduction in discontinuous cycles for female of Rivulus aff. punctatus [13-April-2013] : Neotropical Ichthyology
- 34- Nielsen describes Spectrolebias brousseaui {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys}, a new annual fish from Bolivia [29-March-2013] : Neotropical Ichthyology
- 33- Brix and Grosell experiment (physiology, hybrids, mating) with Cyprinodon variegatus hubbsi, for full species status [28-March-2013] : J. Evol. Biol.
- 32- Keppeler, Lanés et al. investigate on food of Cynopoecilus fulgens according to season [20-March-2013] : Ital. J. Zool.
- 31- Costa describes Anablepsoides urubuiensis {K-D maintained in Rivulus}, from central Brazilian Amazon [15-March-2013] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 30- Ghedotti and Davis separate Fundulus lima and parvipinnis in a new subgenus, Wileyichthys, and synonymize Adinia within Fundulus [23-February-2013] : Field. L.E. Sci.
- 29- Gaudant discloses fossils related to Lampeye genus Pantanodon within Paralebias n.gen. [19-February-2013] : N.J. Geol. Pal.
- 28- Garcia et al. review 24 populations of Austrolebias bellottii and apaii with vicariance and synonymize the latter [28-January-2013] : J. Biogeog.
- 27- Ng'oma, Valdesalici, Reichwald and Cellerino describe Nothobranchius wattersi [18-January-2013] : J. Fish Biology
- 26- Huber describes a new genus for a phantom fish, Yssolebias [27-December-2012] : K-D-S 2012
- 25- Huber reviews genus Rivulus as an homogeneous assemblage with new relationships [26-December-2012] : K-D-S 2012
- 24- Costa describes 2 non-extant genera, Francolebias, Eurolebias, resp. related to Valencia, Orestias [12-December-2012] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 23- Edenbrow and Croft experiment on sexual behavior of Kryptolebias marmoratus with astonishing results [30-November-2012] : Behavioural Processes
- 22- Costa describes Melanorivulus ubirajarai and kunzei from central Brasil {K-D maintained in Rivulus} [27-November-2012] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 21- Berdan and Fuller show divergence in osmoregulatory gene expression between Lucania goodei and L. parva [20-November-2012] : J. Zoology
- 20- Lang et al. detail the life history of endangered Fundulus jenkinsi with tidal breeding [11-November-2012] : Copeia
- 19- Lanés et al. report natural history traits of Rivulus riograndensis with major concerns on conservation [1-November-2012] : Acta Ichthyol. Piscat.
- 18- Nielsen et al. describe Hypsolebias tocantinensis {KD maintained in Simpsonichthys} from Maranhão state, Brasil [26-October-2012] : Zootaxa
- 17- Valdesalici describes Nothobranchius kardashevi and ivanovae, 2 annual species from western Tanzania [19-October-2012] : aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology
- 16- Vermeulen et al. (at last) describe Laimosemion paryagi, from western Guyana {KD maintained in Rivulus} [18-October-2012] : aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology
- 15- Okyere reports ecology, food, fecundity and dependance on salinity of Aplocheilichthys spilauchen in Ghana [17-October-2012] : Envir. Biol. Fishes
- 14- Matamoros et al. describe Profundulus kreiseri, new species from northwestern Honduras, extending genus distribution [10-October-2012] : Zookeys
- 13- Teimori et al. describe Aphanius arakensis, new cryptic (isolated) species from endorheic Namak Lake basin in Iran [30-August-2012] : Zookeys
- 12- Sonnenberg+Busch describe Scriptaphyosemion wieseae, new cryptic (molecular) species from northern Sierra Leone [23-July-2012 ] : Bonn zool. Bull.
- 11- Sonnenberg+Zee name Aphyosemion pseudoelegans, a new well-known species from Congo Basin (the elegans of aquarists) [22-July-2012] : Bonn zool. Bull.
- 10- Costa describes Melanorivulus pindorama, a new cryptic species from Brasil-Tocantins {K-D maintained in Rivulus} [21-July-2012] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 9- Valdesalici et al. describe Nothobranchius niassa, a new cryptic species of annual killifish from northern Mozambique [20-July-2012] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 8- Costa reviews Cyprinodontiformes according to caudal skeleton for 394 extant and 8 fossil species with new diag. characters [19-July-2012] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 7- Costa et al. review Hypsolebias flavicaudatus complex with 5 new cryptic species {K-D maintained in Simpsonichthys} [14-April-2012] : Systematics and Biodiversity
- 6- Vollrad Etzel, 67, to-day died peacefully : the biologist, ichthyologist, collector will be remembered thru Ep. etzeli and Scr. etzeli [2-April-2012] : Killi-Data.org
- 5- Maurice Chauche, 84, to-day died peacefully : the friend, man, photographer, aquarist will be remembered thru A. chauchei [27-January-2012] : Killi-Data.org
- 4- Vila et al. describe Orestias gloriae, a new species of cyprinodontid fish from saltpan Spring of southern high Andes, Chili [14-January-2012] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 3- Costa describes Simpsonichthys margaritatus, a new cryptic seasonal miniature killifish from the upper Parana, Brasil [13-January-2012] : Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters
- 2- Valdesalici+Schindler describe Rivulus parlettei new cryptic species from southeastern Peru [31-December-2011] : Vertebrate Zoology
- 1- Huber describes Aapticheilichthys, new monotypic genus in lampeyes, from Gabon, with color convergence [21-December-2011] : Killi-Data Series