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However, knowing Internet pitfalls, no guarantee can be given that data will not be stolen for commercial purposes, at any point in time.
If sponsors eventually want to support the website by advertising on the basis of its visits, data on visitors will be limited to anonymous statistics.


The entire content of this website is subject to copyright protection, by Killi-Data, except for photos, by individual photographers themselves.

Copyright : Jean H. Huber, Killi-Data Editions. All rights reserved.

You may not download the entire website or any photo included in the website.
You may retain on your disk or in hard copy form a single copy of part of material published on this site for your personal and private use, provided that you do not remove any proprietary notices.
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You may not mirror on another Web server all or part of any material contained wherever on this website, and you may not publish online or printed any of the graphics, maps or photos contained wherever on this website without due formal permission on a case by case basis by author-editor, Dr Jean H. Huber (mailbox at the end of this page).
You may extract minor part of any text material of this site and publish them, provided that you actually quote Killi-Data, either printed or online, with full reference in both cases.


Killi-Data will use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this site, but makes no representations or warranties as to its accuracy or completeness. Access to and use of the content is at your own risk, and neither Killi-Data nor any party involved in creating or delivering this site shall be liable to you for any damage of any kind arising out of your access, use or inability to access or use this site, or for any omissions or errors in its content.

Besides, Killi-Data cannot, by any means, be taken as responsible of the contents of the sites mentioned in the external links.

Killi-Data reserves the right to alter or delete material from this site at any time.

Killi-Data may revise these terms and conditions periodically.

The laws of France will apply to all legal matters relating to the Killi-Data website.


Referencing Killi-Data


When you quote Killi-Data in publications, printed or electronic, with or without extracted data from Killi-Data, please mention the following:

  • Website database (registered members only)
    * for a given taxon (species or generic name) : Huber, J.H., Killi-Data online (www.killi-data.org). TAXON and date of latest update (restricted access to members) [e.g., Huber, J.H., Killi-Data online (www.killi-data.org). Aphyosemion chauchei, date of latest update (restricted access to members)].
    * for a given list or statistic count : Huber, J.H., Killi-Data online (www.killi-data.org). TITLE IN MENU (selected page in menus) and date of latest update (restricted access to members) [e.g., Huber, J.H., Killi-Data online (www.killi-data.org). List of species by country, date of latest update (restricted access to members)]
  • Website public (guests) pages (including encyclopedia): Huber, J.H., Killi-Data online (www.killi-data.org). PAGE TITLE and date of latest update [e.g., Huber, J.H., Killi-Data online (www.killi-data.org). Key Success Factors in Collecting, date of latest update.
  • Book: Huber, J.H. 2007. Killi-Data 2007. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Cyprinodontiformes). [in 6 separate languages : French, English, German, Portuguese and Spanish. Killi-Data Editions, Paris : 410 pp.
  • Book: Huber, J.H. 2006. Killi-Data Catalogue 2006. Killi-Data Editions, Paris [December 10.] : 1028 pp.
  • Pocket Killi-Data 2025:  Huber, J.H. 2025, Killi-Data online (www.killi-data.org). Killifish Association sponsor (name), (number of pages) pp.


Mission and Principles


  • Killi-Data aims to present all available information on Killies or oviparous and viviparous fishes, i.e. all Cyprinodontiformes.
  • Killi-Data compiles state of the art knowledge, wherever it sources from, scientist or aquarist.
  • Killi-Data focuses on published evidence, or exceptionally, for an un-published fact, a statement with personal communication to editor is added and dated.
  • Killi-Data complies with principles, recommendations and rules of ICZN (International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature), notably in terms of stability and universality, in all cases.
  • Killi-Data selects latest published evidence and dates it, and also mentions prior historical evidences in order to present a full comprehensive picture of knowledge.
  • Killi-Data strongly encourages cooperation between ichthyologists, either professional or amateur, and aquarists to build a cooperative community of interest and knowledge.



Cooperative Platform


Killi-Data is a cooperative platform:

  • Cooperation is a necessity. The scope of Killi-Data is too big for the author, alone.
  • Various types of contribution for members are detailed in the Website.
  • Any contribution is rewarded by a formal acknowledgement of the name of the contributor.
  • All fees, donations are redistributed to young researchers and to aquarists for their first collecting trip.

Killi-Data aims to widespread knowledge on oviparous and viviparous Cyprinodontiformes or Killies and to stimulate research by cooperation between researchers and scientifically minded hobbyists and Institutions.


Technicalities and thanks:


Killi-Data online has been optimized for latest versions of Mozilla, Opera, MSEdge, Chrome, Brave and other less upfront browsers.
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This website contains Javascripts, extensively : make sure your computer is compatible (for all browsers, it is automatically the case by default).

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Web edition, Web guests pages and Data Base contents, coding and securities: Jean H. HUBER, initial author, editor and webmaster. (any contact by e-mail with mailbox at the end of this page).

Map programmes are courtesy of Quantum GIS, structure of Data Base is built on PHP-MySql with courtesy of WAMP SERVER framework.

Color photos are protected by their authors, under the laws of residence of each photographer.

Major contributors are acknowledged and warmly thanked and honored individually over time in HISTORY of Killi-Data Project.