Go directly to LIST of associations. Read first proposed code of ETHICS for dedicated hobbyists.
As a current member you will benefit against a minor fee of solid advices from friends, you will be able to acquire fish or eggs from serious breeders… and if you are motivated, you can even become automatically a member of Killi-Data (with your association number or sponsorship by one of its BOT member) and access to its unique database, after REGISTRATION.
Hereafter is the currently available list of Killifish Associations, worldwide, with, when known and as provided by each concerned association :
Please note that websites are nowadays less attractive or fashionable or trendy than Facebook or Twitter platforms, then if a link is herein broken or all pages look old, please try and search in Facebook or Twitter with the name of the concerned association (note to associations managers : the author-editor is not an aquarist, then contact him at the end of this page for any update).
Please note that some associations have a little larger scope than Cyprinodontiformes in its present scientific definition, e.g., Adrianichthyidae (a small family) in Beloniformes for oviparous fishes, and-or Hemirhamphidae (a small family) in Beloniformes for viviparous fishes may also be included in their contents.
Argentina (Argentina) [oviparous] |
K.C.A. Killi Club Argentino 2002 | Boletín del Killi Club Argentino, BIBKCA, 18 editions since 2001 and 3 special editions | 70 Arg$ (local), 25 US$ or 20 Euros (Int'l) | http://www.killiclub.org |
Australia (Australia) [oviparous] |
N.A.K.A. National Australian Killifish Association 1997 | N.A.K.A.-J., 4 p.a. | 20 Aus$-35 Aus$ | http://sydkilligroup.wordpress.com |
Belgie (Belgium) [oviparous] |
B.K.V. Belgische Killifish Vereniging 1972 | Killi Kontakt, 6 p.a. | 30 Euros | http://users.telenet.be/killivissen/bkv.html |
Belgique (Belgium) [oviparous] |
A.K.F.B. Association Killiphile Francophone de Belgique 1977 | Killi Contact, 6 p.a. | 27 Euros (25 Euros for foreigners) | http://www.akfb.be |
Brasil (Brazil) [oviparous] |
U.B.K. União Brasileira de Killifilia | http://www.killifishes.com.br and FB https://www.facebook.com/killifishes |
Bulgaria (Bulgaria) [oviparous] |
K.A.B. Killi Association Bulgaria 2003 | Killi Bulletines, 4 p.a. | 20 Euros | https://www.facebook.com/KilliAssociationBulgaria |
Canada (Canada) [oviparous] |
C.K.A. Canadian Killifish Association | C.K.A. newsletter, 6 p.a. | 15 $C | http://www.cka.org [today inactive] |
China (China) [oviparous] |
C.K.O. Chinese Killifish Organisation 2006 | Internet Forum | Free | http://www.chinesekillifish.org [today inactive] |
Czechia (Czech Republic) [oviparous] |
C.Z.K.A. Czech Killifish Association 2004 | none, yet | 20 € | https://killi3.webnode.cz/ |
Deutschland (Germany) [oviparous] |
D.K.G. Deutsche Killifisch Gemeinschaft 1969 | DKG Journal, 6 p.a. | 40 Euros (+ 5 Euros, on first subscription) | www.killi.org |
Deutschland (Germany) [viviparous] |
D.G.L.Z. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen 19XX | DGLZ Journal, X p.a. | 36 Euros | dglz.de |
España (Spain) [oviparous] |
S.E.K. Sociedad Española de Killis 1985 | B.I.S.E.K., 6 p.a., MIK (12 p.a.) | 35 Euros | http://www.sekweb.org |
France (France) [oviparous] |
K.C.F. Killi Club de France 1973 | Killi Revue, 2 p.a. | 30 Euros (+ 3 Euros, on first subscription) | www.killiclubdefrance.org |
France (France) [viviparous] |
A.F.V. Association France Vivipares 1987 | Le Vivipare, 4 p.a. | 30 Euros | www.francevivipares.fr |
Great Britain (U.K.) [oviparous] |
B.K.A. British Killifish Association 1965 | Killi News, 6 p.a. | £10 (online pdf), £20 (UK), £27 (Europe), £37 (Other) | www.bka.webeden.co.uk |
Great Britain (U.K.) [viviparous] |
B.L.A. British Livebearer Association 1965 | Livebearer News, ? p.a. | £6 | www.britishlivebearerassociation.co.uk |
Italia (Italy) [oviparous] |
A.I.K. Associazione Italiana Killifish 1992 | Notizie Killi, 6 p.a. | 30 Euros (33 Euros, Europe, 35 Euros Int'l) | www.aik.it |
Japan (Japan) [oviparous] |
K.C.J. Killifish Club of Japan 2003 | J.- K.C.J., 12 p.a. | 3000 Yen | kcj.cside.com |
Japan (Japan) [viviparous] |
J.L.A. Japanese Livebearer Association ? | ? | ? Yen | jla.sakura.ne.jp/public_html |
Nederland (The Netherlands) [oviparous] |
K.F.N. Killi Fish Nederland 1972 | Killi Nieuws, 6 p.a. | 25 Euros or 30 Euros (Int'l) | www.killifishnederland.nl |
Nederland (The Netherlands) [viviparous] |
P.N. Poecilia Nederland 19XX | ? | 30 Euros (+ 2.5 Euros entry fee) | www.poecilia.nl |
New Zealand (New Zealand) [oviparous] |
N.Z.K.A. New Zealand Killifish Association | N.Z.K.A. Journ., 6 p.a. | http://nzka.killi.net [today inactive] | |
Polski (Poland) [oviparous] |
P.K.K. Polski Klub Karpiencowatych 2002 | none, yet newsgroup: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/grupaPKK/ | ||
Portugal (Portugal) [oviparous] |
A.P.K. Associaçaõ Portuguesa de Killifilia 1998 | Boletim A.P.K., 6 p.a. | 25 Euros | www.apk.pt |
Portugal (Portugal) [viviparous] |
V.I.P. Vivíparos Portugal 19XX | Boletim V.I.P., ? p.a. | ? Euros | www.viviparos.com |
South Africa (South Africa) [oviparous] |
S.A.K.S. South African Killifish Society 2001 | Newsletter, 6 p.a. | http://tgenade.freeshell.org | |
Skandinavien (Scandinavia: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) [oviparous] |
S.K.S. Skandinavisk Killi Selskab (Sällskapet) 1974 | Killi Bladet, 4 p.a. | 35 Euros | www.killi.dk |
Skandinavien (Scandinavia: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) [viviparous] |
P.S. Poecilia Scandinavia 19XX | Poecilia Bladet, 10 p.a. | ? Euros | poecilia.org |
USA (U.S.A.) [oviparous] |
A.K.A. American Killifish Association 1961 | J.A.K.A. - K.N., 4 p.a. | 45 $US (29 $US for US citizens) | www.aka.org |
USA (U.S.A.) [viviparous] |
A.L.A. American Livebearer Association 1971 | unknown | 25 $US | livebearers.org |
Any updated information, please contact the author-editor, Jean H. Huber (mailbox at the end of this page).
Directors of Killi-associations, this page is for you ! Any important information may be added, according to your needs.