Killi-Data Wassup (K-D-W) is a synthetic alert system to inform (rapidly, shortly, and in easy words) of major publications and collections on Killifish, exclusively for members, then later publicly.
Should readers want to receive a not-yet-public available issue of Killi-Data Wassup (K-D-W) as a PDF file, including the latest issue, please ask by mail to editor (mail address at the end of this web page), mentioning full name, full postal address (it will not be used, just to avoid fakes) and for aquarists, their killifish association membership and numbers (same reason) and pledging it is only for private use (no transfer to third parties).
Hereafter links to delayed PDF archives is presented for free reading by those who do not want (freely) to become members and who do not want to send a request of complimentary copy.
To-date, the following issues have been distributed :
K-D-W n°18 - Dec. 2024, 11 pp., 265kbytes (not yet publicly online)
K-D-W n°17 - Jul. 2024, 14 pp., 295kbytes (not yet publicly online)
K-D-W n°16 - Dec. 2023, 11 pp., 201kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°15 - Jul. 2023, 12 pp., 218kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°14 - Feb. 2023, 15 pp., 235kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°13 - Jun. 2022, 10 pp., 226kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°12 - Mar. 2022, 9 pp., 179kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°11 - Sep. 2021, 10 pp., 274kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°10 - Jun. 2021, 9 pp., 180kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°9 - Mar. 2021, 13 pp., 217kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°8 - Nov. 2020, 14 pp., 330kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°7 - May 2020, 14 pp., 227kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°6 - Nov. 2019, 9 pp., 183kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°5 - Jul. 2019, 9 pp., 185kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°4 - Feb. 2019, 8 pp., 174kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°3 - Oct. 2018, 9 pp., 172kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°2 - May 2018, 10 pp., 182kbytes, link to PDF
K-D-W n°1 - Jan. 2018, 6 pp., 140kbytes, link to PDF
Killi-Data Wassup is not a published document (there is no ISSN number).
It does not aim to be comprehensive of whole Killifish research output (it presents only a subjective selection of articles, primarily those being coherent with Killi-Data focus on names, systematics and nomenclature)
It is not regular (it will be produced when time permits and when a significant number of articles is published, not too many articles so that the reading is short, not too few articles so that the service is real and not too frequent)
It separates clearly, the «selection of publications» with (1) a full neutral synthesis for each major publication, (2) a quick snapshot of contents for other publications, (3) the results of new collecting trips (optional), and, within a paragraph titled «Editorial» and within a paragraph titled «View from the chair» (both also optional and discontinued from K-D-W n°10), personal, but impartial and balanced comments raised from some of those selected publications in view of the translation of their results into Killi-Data, and not as opinions or judgements on the quality of those research papers.
It mentions for each «selected publication» (listed as last-in first-out) the source and importantly a link to abstract online, but not the full reference (which is anyway online)
It does not contain each time an Editorial but it may also contain a “Guest Editorial” from key experts from time to time.
That's all, folks… please, aquarist-collectors, note that a small report of your latest trip with 10-20 lines (participants, date, country) including your findings in terms of species collected, remarks on ecology and any other short comments for future trips are extremely appreciated by K-D-W readers !
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