Killi-Data Encyclopedia


Major revision edition update: June 27. 2016

Latest data included or corrected on 2023-02-27


Aphyosemion herzogi

Radda, 1975


Current Name: Aphyosemion herzogi

Describer(s), Year: Radda, 1975



IDENTITY: herzogi A.

Family-group Names: Nothobranchiidae Garman, 1895 |  Nothobranchiinae Garman, 1895 |  Nothobranchiini Garman, 1895 |  Aphyosemina Huber, 2000 (#Aphyosemiina #Aphyosemionina)

Genus: Aphyosemion Myers, 1924

Subgenus: Scheelsemion Huber, 2013

Abbreviated genus: A.

Abbreviated subgenus: (Sch.)

Abbreviated superspecies: [Sch.hez]

Species: herzogi

Index name: herzogi: Aphyosemion herzogi

Full name: Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) herzogi


TYPOLOGY: herzogi A.

Original name: Aphyosemion herzogi

Describer(s): Radda

Year of description: 1975

Original description: Radda, A.C. 1975. Contribution to the Knowledge of Cyprinodonts of Gabon with the Description of four new Species and one new Subspecies of the Genus Aphyosemion Myers. British Killifish Ass. Publ., Separatum: 5, pls. 10-11.

Gender/Accordance: [Name]



Current status: valid sp.

Status evaluation (current): established by several authors.

Systematic remarks (with taxonomic history): well defined (taxonomic history : consistently regarded as a distinct species since description in 1975 ; also mentioned as the nominotypical subspecies when bochtleri is viewed as a valid subspecies).





ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (only in database for members… to freely register, please fill the FORM):

PHOTOS OF MALE, FEMALE (various populations, copyrighted by their authors) | 

IDENTITY: Abbreviated genus, Abbreviated subgenus, Abbreviated superspecies, Abbreviated extended name, Abbreviated short name | 

TYPOLOGY: Original name, Original description, Type locality, Types series, Discoverer(s), Etymology, Gender/Accordance | 

SYSTEMATICS: Alternative status, Alternative name(s), Misspelling(s) | 


RESEARCH: Status evaluation (current), Systematic remarks (with taxonomic history and changes in edition since 2001), Miscellaneous comments, Superspecies current morpho-components, Diagnosis, Phylogenetic positioning, Historical milestones of knowledge, Life History Traits, Future research | 

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY: Countries of distribution, Range, Biogeographically replaced, Sympatric taxa, Availability in nature (conservation status), Typical landscape, Biotope coverage, Niche, Subniche preference, Depth of water, Flow speed, Water chemistry, Temperature of water, Position in water, Social behavior, Intraspecific behavior, Breeding behavior, Food | 

AQUARIUM RECORDS: First breeding aquarium record, Aquarium set-up, Difficulty of breeding and guidelines, Life cycle, Egg diameter, Incubation lag, First food, First swimming, Sexation in aquarium, Maturity in aquarium, Lifespan in aquarium, Availability in aquariums, Aquarium populations | 

KEY MORPHO-MERISTICS: Max. size of male, Female body size (vs. male), Dorsal rays, Anal rays, D/A deviation, LL scale count, Transversal scale count, Predorsal length, Depth, Vertebrae count | 

COLOR PATTERN (permanent or temporary, in life): Overall melanism on body, Markings, on mouth, Markings, surrounding eyes, Coloration on iris, Markings on back, Markings on belly, Preopercular colored markings, Preopercular temporary dark markings, Postopercular temporary dark markings, Sides longitudinal temporary dark markings, Sides vertical temporary dark markings, Metallic shining on sides, Structure of pattern on male sides, Male dominant background color, Male color on mating, Female color on mating, Overall body dichromatism, Supracaudal ocellus, Type of markings on male mid-anterior sides, Type of markings on male posterior sides, Posterior pattern compared to anterior, in male, Upper sides and back color pattern, Pectoral fins, in male, Ventral fins, in male, Paired fins in female, Dorsal fin pattern in male, Anal fin pattern in male, Dorsal fin pattern compared to Anal fin, Caudal fin pattern in male, Male color extensions, Female unpaired fins, Other pattern characters | 

BODY MORPHOLOGY: Body dimorphism, Allometry in body growth, Vertical profile of body, Transversal profile of body, Greatest body depth in male, Vertical anterior profile of head, Upper and lower jaws profile, Orientation of mouth opening, Level of mouth opening, Eye vertical position, Eye diameter, Opercular depth, Opercular profile, Transversal upper outline of head, Upper and lower outlines of body, Back vs. belly outline, Prepeduncular outline of body, Peduncular depth, Peduncular Caudal fin outline | 

FIN MORPHOLOGY: Pectoral fins insertion, Pectoral fins shape, Pectoral fins posterior profile, Ventral fins insertion, Ventral fins shape, Ventral fins posterior profile, Pectoral fins dimorphism, Ventral fins dimorphism, Dorsal fin shape, Anal fin shape, Caudal fin length, Caudal fin corners, Caudal fin dimorphism | 

MICRO-MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS: Frontal scalation type, Scales on body, Scales on lower preopercular region, Scales on base of fins, Sensory organs (supra-orbital, pre-opercular, pre-orbital, post-orbital), Teeth | 

OSTEOLOGY: Key characters | 

GENOTYPE: Haploid chromosomes, Chromosome arms, Genetic specificities | 

COLLECTING LOCALITIES: with geographical coordinates | 

MAP OF COLLECTING SPOTS (selected taxon plus possibly related taxa) | 

BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX (full details, with indexed contents)



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