KILLI - DATA SERIES, 2020, Vermeulen and Mejia, description Rivulus carolinae, Rivulus flammaecauda.
Killi-Data Series 2020 [48 pages, as a print, ISBN 979-10-93353-10-4, as a PDF document, ISBN 979-10-93353-11-1]
Killi-Data Series 2020, 22-35, 10 figs.
Vermeulen & Mejia.
Abstract : Two new sympatric species of the aplocheiloid killifish genus Rivulus (s.l.) (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) from the Alto Rio Negro, Guainía Dpt., Colombia.
Rivulus species are described from a single locality in a stream near the village La Guadalupe, Alto Rio Negro, Guainía Dpt., South-eastern Colombia. Rivulus carolinae n. spec. differs from all congeners by combining a relatively small size, unique male color pattern and a characteristic caudal fin shape, and with a unique color pattern in females. Rivulus flammaecauda n. spec., differs by its robust size, by the presence of a unique striped and reticulated pigmentation pattern on the lateral portion of the body and a flame pattern on the caudal fin. The two new species were initially collected from a shallow, slow running, forest creek with black water. The type locality is only 2 km from that of another new species, Rivulus foliiscola, described in this same volume of Killi Data Series (Vermeulen & Mejia, 2020).
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